Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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superfluities of Babylon that the multitudes of so-called Christendom have actually lost sight of the amiable, simple, pure, humble Bride of Christ, the loving companion of her ascended Lord, still surviving upon the earth to prepare all nations for the coming kingdom. IDOLATRY IN THE WILDERNESS. 40-43. While Moses tarries forty days on the summit of Sinai, complimented as no other man with the very audience of Jehovah, revealing to him the wonderful truth which he wrote in the Bible, the apostatizing myriads of Israel, their faith faltering, turned back to the gods of Egypt, whom they had served in the days of their bondage, constraining Aaron to go back to his former lucrative mechanism and manufacture for them a small golden image of the Egyptian Apis, i.e., the sacred ox, copiously worshipped in Egypt as the representative of the divine attribute of power. This fact of Egyptian idolatry, I saw in the museum in Cairo in the many magnificent statues of the colossal ox. 42. “And God turned away and gave them up to worshipping the host of heaven,” i.e., the sun, moon, and stars. I do not wonder that they worshipped the unparalleled splendor of an Egyptian sky, where clouds are never seen, rain never falls, and the sun in his glory accumulates a splendor and grandeur inconceivable in these occidental lands of cloudy skies. Four thousand years ago Heliopolis, a compound word which means City of the Sun, stood on the banks of the Nile, literally constituted of palaces so gorgeous and monuments so splendid as to reflect the sunbeams in all directions from every conceivable point of the compass, so as to exhibit a splendor and glory as if a thousand meridian suns had evacuated Apollo’s chariot and come down to show the world their unearthly glory. The most of those gorgeous monuments and splendid statuary have been carried away. I saw a number of them in Rome. However, one majestic red granite monolith [I.e., all one piece], too ponderous for manipulation and unsusceptible of disintegration, still stands in its majesty, a vivid reminder of their wonderful Heliopolis, and “monarch of all he surveys.” In Coptic language the sun is Osiris, and the moon is Isis, under which names they were extravagantly worshipped by the Egyptians in the days of Israel. 43. “You took up the statue of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, images which you made, to worship them; and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” Moloch is the Tyrian word and Remphan the Coptic for the Hebrew word Baal, all meaning the sun-god, which was so extensively and extravagantly worshipped by the polytheistic idolaters of that day. They would heat the hollow brazen image of Moloch and lay an infant in his arms, thus offering human sacrifices, which continued till the days of Josiah, during the periods of apostasy and idolatry in Israel. Here Stephen certifies that Israel practiced these idolatries, carrying with them the little images throughout all of their peregrinations in the wilderness. When they crossed the Jordan, Joshua required an abandonment of all this idolatry, administering to them the rite of circumcision, symbolical of their right to sanctification, during their great holiness campmeeting held at Gilgal, immediately after crossing and before they set upon the conquest of the land. Unfortunately, after arriving in Canaan they never did utterly expurgate the land of idolatry, hence the surviving Canaanites proved a snare to them, leading them into idolatry and superinducing the sad and mournful downward trend of four hundred and fifty years of backsliding, recorded in the book of Judges, developing long-established alienation from Jehovah and culminating in their awful Babylonian captivity. Nothing but entire sanctification saves people from idolatry. That is the distressing trouble in the churches of the present

day; they are full of idolatry. They worship water-gods, day-gods, creed-gods, sect-gods, moneygods, gods of wood and stone in the form of a fine edifice, and gods of flesh and blood in the form of big preachers and other phases of human leadership. The Holiness Movement is God’s call to the people to forsake idolatry. Oh, how perniciously the popular clergy fight for their sectarian gods! As we see here in Israel the awful ultimatum of persistent idolatry was Babylonian captivity, even so this day the masses of Christendom are captured and enslaved in spiritual Babylon. 45. Jesus, E.V., in this verse, should read Joshua, as in R.V. The solution consists in the fact that Joshua is a Hebrew word, which means Jesus in Greek. The great general reason why Moses could not lead Israel into the promised land was because of his symbolic character as the law-giver of Israel. [To be sure, he blurred his experience of sanctification by impatience at the waters of Meribah, but soon regained lost ground.] If Moses had led Israel into Canaan, it would typically involve the conclusion that we can be sanctified by good works, i.e., through the law, which is utterly impossible; hence it would not do for Moses to lead them in. As Aaron, the high priest stood at the head of the officiating clergy, he could not enter the land lest the dogma of sanctification by church rites, loyalty and obedience to the ruling ministers could not sanctify you. Miriam, the prophetess, represents the fire-baptized holiness evangelists. If she had entered the land, it would have involved the conclusion that red-hot holiness preachers can sanctify you, which is utterly untrue. As none but Joshua, which means Jesus, could lead them in, it settles the matter in the symbolic theology of the Old Testament, that none but Jesus can sanctify a soul. CHURCH EDIFICES. 44-50. Here Stephen alludes to the grand spiritual meaning of the portable tabernacle which God dictated to Moses on Sinai and the beautiful symbolic significance of Solomon’s temple. As the great majority of the Christian church at the present day, preachers and people, are living in the old dispensation, three thousand years behind the age, they awfully grieve the Holy Spirit by wasting the Lord’s money in costly spires, Gothic domes, memorial windows and other needless expenditures connected with their church edifices; e.g., St. Peter’s church at Rome cost two hundred millions of dollars, money enough to put the Bible in every home on the earth. It is the greatest monument of idolatry beneath the skies. How strange that Protestants are all doing their best to imitate the Roman Catholics in their needless expenditure and ornamentation of fine edifices. John Wesley said, “Whenever the Methodists get to building fine houses they are a ruined people.” One hundred thousand dollars of the Lord’s money are spent on a church edifice, while ten thousand are all we could possibly need, if pride were dead [and it must die before we go to heaven], leaving ninety thousand which would build a hundred churches for the poor heathens. Oh! what a victory for Jesus! No wonder the Holy Spirit has left the fine edifices. How strange that leading preachers will allude to Solomon’s temple as an argument for expenditure and ornamentation in a church edifice. In so doing they betray their ignorance and attitude, demonstrating to all luminous people that they are not only living away back in the dispensation of Moses, but shamefully ignorant of the beautiful symbolic truth revealed in the Bible. The reason Solomon’s temple contains so much gold and artistic ornamentation was because, belonging to the symbolic dispensation, it typified the sanctified heart of the Pentecostal age. So all of that gold and splendor do not mean that we are to have it unless we are stupid enough, like the crab, to go backward instead of forward; but it does mean

day; they are full of idolatry. They worship water-gods, day-gods, creed-gods, sect-gods, moneygods,<br />

gods of wood and stone in the form of a fine edifice, and gods of flesh and blood in the form<br />

of big preachers and other phases of human leadership. The Holiness Movement is God’s call to the<br />

people to forsake idolatry. Oh, how perniciously the popular clergy fight for their sectarian gods! As<br />

we see here in Israel the awful ultimatum of persistent idolatry was Babylonian captivity, even so<br />

this day the masses of Christendom are captured and enslaved in spiritual Babylon.<br />

45. Jesus, E.V., in this verse, should read Joshua, as in R.V. The solution consists in the fact that<br />

Joshua is a Hebrew word, which means Jesus in Greek. The great general reason why Moses could<br />

not lead Israel into the promised land was because of his symbolic character as the law-giver of<br />

Israel. [To be sure, he blurred his experience of sanctification by impatience at the waters of<br />

Meribah, but soon regained lost ground.] If Moses had led Israel into Canaan, it would typically<br />

involve the conclusion that we can be sanctified by good works, i.e., through the law, which is utterly<br />

impossible; hence it would not do for Moses to lead them in. As Aaron, the high priest stood at the<br />

head of the officiating clergy, he could not enter the land lest the dogma of sanctification by church<br />

rites, loyalty and obedience to the ruling ministers could not sanctify you. Miriam, the prophetess,<br />

represents the fire-baptized holiness evangelists. If she had entered the land, it would have involved<br />

the conclusion that red-hot holiness preachers can sanctify you, which is utterly untrue. As none but<br />

Joshua, which means Jesus, could lead them in, it settles the matter in the symbolic theology of the<br />

Old Testament, that none but Jesus can sanctify a soul.<br />


44-50. Here Stephen alludes to the grand spiritual meaning of the portable tabernacle which God<br />

dictated to Moses on Sinai and the beautiful symbolic significance of Solomon’s temple. As the great<br />

majority of the Christian church at the present day, preachers and people, are living in the old<br />

dispensation, three thousand years behind the age, they awfully grieve the Holy Spirit by wasting the<br />

Lord’s money in costly spires, Gothic domes, memorial windows and other needless expenditures<br />

connected with their church edifices; e.g., St. Peter’s church at Rome cost two hundred millions of<br />

dollars, money enough to put the Bible in every home on the earth. It is the greatest monument of<br />

idolatry beneath the skies. How strange that Protestants are all doing their best to imitate the Roman<br />

Catholics in their needless expenditure and ornamentation of fine edifices. John Wesley said,<br />

“Whenever the Methodists get to building fine houses they are a ruined people.” One hundred<br />

thousand dollars of the Lord’s money are spent on a church edifice, while ten thousand are all we<br />

could possibly need, if pride were dead [and it must die before we go to heaven], leaving ninety<br />

thousand which would build a hundred churches for the poor heathens. Oh! what a victory for Jesus!<br />

No wonder the Holy Spirit has left the fine edifices. How strange that leading preachers will allude<br />

to Solomon’s temple as an argument for expenditure and ornamentation in a church edifice. In so<br />

doing they betray their ignorance and attitude, demonstrating to all luminous people that they are not<br />

only living away back in the dispensation of Moses, but shamefully ignorant of the beautiful<br />

symbolic truth revealed in the Bible. The reason Solomon’s temple contains so much gold and<br />

artistic ornamentation was because, belonging to the symbolic dispensation, it typified the sanctified<br />

heart of the Pentecostal age. So all of that gold and splendor do not mean that we are to have it<br />

unless we are stupid enough, like the crab, to go backward instead of forward; but it does mean

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