Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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God has commanded us to “preach the gospel to every creature.” Of course, we are not going into their houses uninvited; but how dare they mark off a certain territory, and let drunkards; harlots, thieves, murderers and the devil into it, and then order God’s gospel herald out of it! We come to wage war with the devil and sin, and nothing else. Why forbid us thus, protecting the devil and sin in said territory, while they drag the people into hell by the wholesale? No doubt but these very preachers and church officers who antagonized the apostles at Jerusalem are down in hell. Look out! The Judgment Day is coming, when God will call the holiness evangelist to stand on the witness block and testify that he went, responsive to Jehovah’s bidding, to that wicked town to preach the gospel and warn those wicked people to flee from the wrath to come, and a certain clergyman ran him away. Will not that man be guilty of the blood of those souls? Better for him that he had never been born. Remember, there will be no dignitaries at the Judgment bar, but every tub will stand on its own bottom. THE PEOPLE TRUER THAN THE PREACHERS. The preachers in charge of the orthodox Jewish Church at Jerusalem, availing themselves of the acquiescent civil arm, imprison the apostles. God sends His angel to open the prison and let them out. Having convened the Sanhedrin in the judgment hall on Mt. Zion and failed to find them in the jail, upon notification that they are standing in the temple and teaching the people, 25, 26. “The captain of the temple guards along with officers, goes and brings them out by force, because they feared the people, lest they may be stoned.” When the church is in the kingdom of God, the leaders as a rule are better than the people, living nearer God, and thus leading the people on to grander achievements in the divine life. Et, vice versa, when the church is fallen and preachers and people out of the heavenly road and on a downward trend, as is true in case of apostasy, then the preachers are worse than the people. During all the martyr ages the preachers led the bloody persecutions. From Stephen, the first, when Saul of Tarsus, the top of the clergy, led the mob that stoned him, to the anti-holiness rally of the present day, the preachers have opposed and persecuted the holy people. Here doubtless they would have killed the apostles if they had not feared the people. CONFLICT OF DIVINE AND HUMAN ROLE. 29. “Peter and John, responding, said, It behooveth us to obey God rather than man.” This is the salient point. When there is a conflict between the authorities, human and divine, we must “obey God rather than man.” If we do not, hell is our doom. God help us. That has been the battlefield in all ages. Two hundred millions of martyrs have sealed their faith with their blood. They all died rather than be untrue to God. The truest saints on the globe today are brought face to face with this very issue: “Will you obey God or man?” When men want you to disobey God, you may know they are not in harmony with God. If they were, there could be no conflict. I charge you, reader, as I shall meet you at the judgment bar, dare to be like the apostles, “Obey God rather than men.” God’s will is revealed by His Word, Spirit and providence to your intellect, spirit and conscience. Jesus says: “He that willeth to do his will shall know the doctrine.” If you are really fully consecrated to God, He will see that you have all needed light. When they were burnt, the priest, i.e., their own pastor, went out to the burning with Bible in hand, exhorting the martyr to give up heresy and live. The ignorant, illiterate saint, with radiant face and eloquent lips, nobly resisted and shouted in the flame.

You must remember that the man who opposes the discharge of your conscientious duty to God is not with God. We must, like the apostles and martyrs, be true to God at any cost. REPENTANCE AND REMISSION. 31. “Him hath God exalted a Prince and a Savior at his right hand to give repentance and remission of sins to Israel.” Prince refers to the regal office of our Lord, and Savior to His atonement. He expiated our guilt on the cross, thus triumphing over sin, death and hell in His first advent. So the Father crowned Him mediatorial King at His right hand. During His absence the church is to preach the gospel of the kingdom to every creature, thus preparing the world for His second advent in glorious power, when He will be crowned King of all nations. If you want salvation, you must humble yourself before God till He gives you repentance. The true repentance is given of God, wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost. The old style of seeking the Lord till you find Him is correct. The old colored people in the South used to sing over the mourners: “When I was a mourner just like you, I prayed on till I prayed right through.” The great trouble in these days of superficialism is that the people are manipulated through, instead of praying through. We should seek till God gives us repentance. Remission of sins and repentance are like Siamese twins — inseparable. They always live and die together. “What God hath joined together let no man separate.” Truly neither men nor devils can separate them. Here is the radical deficiency in the religions of the world. Pagans, Moslems, Romanists, Greeks, Arminians, Syrians and Copts seem to have lost every trace of evangelical repentance, while the Protestant churches are close on their track. There has been a general collapse at this point in the last twentyfive years. Surely the last days are upon us. Evangelical repentance and the witness of the Spirit always come and go together. The popular so-called tearless repentance never brings the witness of the Spirit, from the simple fact that the Spirit never witnesses to a falsehood. Get the people to seek on till they find it out for themselves. They will then make everybody else know it. Good Lord, save us from counterfeit repentance. THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. 32. Here we find that the Holy Ghost is given to them that obey God. The Greek for obedience and faith is the same word, which is also true of unbelief and disobedience, illustrating the fact that they are one and inseparable. A true faith always obeys, while disobedience is demonstrative evidence of unbelief. The Holy Ghost will not abide where He is not scrupulously obeyed. He is keenly susceptible of the slightest disobedience, evanescing unconsciously. So you wake to find the heavenly dove flown away out of your heart, leaving an aching void the world can never fill. It is a wonderfully delicate matter to obey God. It is easy, if you pursue the right method, but impossible on any other line. What is the right method? The Bible is the guide-book. If you are truly interested in the Guide, you will be thrillingly interested in the guide-book. With thorough abandonment to God, perfect commitment of your creeds, opinions, theories, notions and enterprises to Him, bereft of every care, sit meekly and lowly at the feet of Jesus, while the Holy Ghost teaches His blessed Word. If you say yes to God, and no to Satan, all the time, you will have no trouble to obey God, and

God has commanded us to “preach the gospel to every creature.” Of course, we are not going into<br />

their houses uninvited; but how dare they mark off a certain territory, and let drunkards; harlots,<br />

thieves, murderers and the devil into it, and then order God’s gospel herald out of it! We come to<br />

wage war with the devil and sin, and nothing else. Why forbid us thus, protecting the devil and sin<br />

in said territory, while they drag the people into hell by the wholesale? No doubt but these very<br />

preachers and church officers who antagonized the apostles at Jerusalem are down in hell. Look out!<br />

The Judgment Day is coming, when God will call the holiness evangelist to stand on the witness<br />

block and testify that he went, responsive to Jehovah’s bidding, to that wicked town to preach the<br />

gospel and warn those wicked people to flee from the wrath to come, and a certain clergyman ran<br />

him away. Will not that man be guilty of the blood of those souls? Better for him that he had never<br />

been born. Remember, there will be no dignitaries at the Judgment bar, but every tub will stand on<br />

its own bottom.<br />


The preachers in charge of the orthodox Jewish Church at Jerusalem, availing themselves of the<br />

acquiescent civil arm, imprison the apostles. God sends <strong>His</strong> angel to open the prison and let them<br />

out. Having convened the Sanhedrin in the judgment hall on Mt. Zion and failed to find them in the<br />

jail, upon notification that they are standing in the temple and teaching the people,<br />

25, 26. “The captain of the temple guards along with officers, goes and brings them out by force,<br />

because they feared the people, lest they may be stoned.” When the church is in the kingdom of God,<br />

the leaders as a rule are better than the people, living nearer God, and thus leading the people on to<br />

grander achievements in the divine life. Et, vice versa, when the church is fallen and preachers and<br />

people out of the heavenly road and on a downward trend, as is true in case of apostasy, then the<br />

preachers are worse than the people. During all the martyr ages the preachers led the bloody<br />

persecutions. From Stephen, the first, when Saul of Tarsus, the top of the clergy, led the mob that<br />

stoned him, to the anti-holiness rally of the present day, the preachers have opposed and persecuted<br />

the holy people. Here doubtless they would have killed the apostles if they had not feared the people.<br />


29. “Peter and John, responding, said, It behooveth us to obey God rather than man.” This is the<br />

salient point. When there is a conflict between the authorities, human and divine, we must “obey<br />

God rather than man.” If we do not, hell is our doom. God help us. That has been the battlefield in<br />

all ages. Two hundred millions of martyrs have sealed their faith with their blood. They all died<br />

rather than be untrue to God. The truest saints on the globe today are brought face to face with this<br />

very issue: “Will you obey God or man?” When men want you to disobey God, you may know they<br />

are not in harmony with God. If they were, there could be no conflict. I charge you, reader, as I shall<br />

meet you at the judgment bar, dare to be like the apostles, “Obey God rather than men.” God’s will<br />

is revealed by <strong>His</strong> Word, Spirit and providence to your intellect, spirit and conscience. Jesus says:<br />

“He that willeth to do his will shall know the doctrine.” If you are really fully consecrated to God,<br />

He will see that you have all needed light. When they were burnt, the priest, i.e., their own pastor,<br />

went out to the burning with Bible in hand, exhorting the martyr to give up heresy and live. The<br />

ignorant, illiterate saint, with radiant face and eloquent lips, nobly resisted and shouted in the flame.

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