Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION SPIRITUAL AND NOT OFFICIAL. 13. “And no one of the rest dared to identify himself with them, but the people magnified them.” The popular mind has found a contradiction between this and the following verse, which states that “believers continued to be the more added unto the Lord.” There is no contradiction, but perfect harmony. While the conviction on the multitude was wonderfully augmented and intensified by the sudden death of Ananias and Sapphira, and consequently the revival took new impetus, spreading more rapidly than ever yet, as certified in verse 13, they all recognized superhuman power in the apostles, peculiar to themselves alone, which did not appertain to the disciples. Hence the longagitated controversy and the boasted ecclesiastical dogmata of apostolical succession are utterly without foundation, as the apostles never had any official succession in the sense claimed by the churches. In Ephesians 4:10, Paul mentions apostles in the catalogue of God’s ministers, along with evangelists, pastors and prophets throughout the gospel dispensation. But we must bear in mind that all these ministerial offices belong to the Holy Ghost alone, as it says He gives them. Hence official succession in an ecclesiastical sense is precluded. God made Bishop Taylor an apostle to Africa, and Hudson Taylor to interior China. And many others are leading forth the embattled host at the present day, as apostle simply means “one sent” as a pioneer. While all of these officers are still efficient on the earth, perpetuating the ministry of the church in her primitive beauty, spirituality and glory, yet they are given by the sovereign, discriminating power of the Holy Ghost alone, never having been transmitted to any ecclesiasticism. The Holy Ghost became incarnate on the day of Pentecost, and has so remained ever since, taking some to heaven, and filling and using others, thus perpetuating His church upon the earth. In contradisctinction to the human ecclesiasticisms, really Satan’s counterfeits and constituting spiritual Babylon, Rome, the old harlot mother, and the fallen Protestant churches, her daughters, constituting the counterfeit Bride, contrastive with the true, simple, humble, meek and lowly Bride of Christ, the sympathetic companion of the suffering Savior, left on the earth to represent Him and prepare the world for His coming kingdom. The Apostolic Church remained pure through bloody centuries of Pagan persecution, till by Constantine promoted from the lion’s mouth and the burning stake to Cæsar’s palace, precipitating the great apostasy into Roman Catholicism. From the fatal epoch of the great Constantinian apostasy, God had a true people perpetuated in the novations, A.D. 250. During the middle ages they were denominated the Waldenses, and afterwards the Moravians, who became instrumental in the conversion and sanctification of John Wesley after he had preached ten years in the Episcopal Church, perfectly honest, exceedingly zealous, and awfully persecuted for having too much religion, while he did not have any; thus illustrating the blindness with which Satan beclouds human ecclesiasticisms. When carnal men appropriate the church, the Holy Ghost leaves it and lets the devil have it. Meanwhile, the Holy Ghost moves right on perpetuating His work, independently of human officers and institutions. While all these ministerial officers are still in the church, and always have been, they are the creations of the Holy Ghost, dispensed in different ages and nations, pursuant to His infallible wisdom, superabounding grace, and discriminating providence. DIVINE HEALING. 15, 16. While the revival tide is inundating Jerusalem and rolling into the surrounding country like an ever-widening sea, we see as in all ages a corresponding prominence given to divine healing — “and a multitude of the cities around Jerusalem came together, bringing their sick and those

tormented by unclean spirits, who all continued to get healed.” Bodily healing is the legitimate overflow and outgrowth of the spiritual life. “He that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit dwelling in you” (Romans 8:11). Divine healing is normally for those who are filled with the Holy Ghost, who is always ready to repair any dilapidation of His own house, that it may be competent to answer the purposes of His occupancy, becoming His efficient instrument in His labors of love through our mortal instrumentality. Though we are very diligent to repair the houses in which we live, perpetuating their adaptations to the enterprises of our occupancy, yet the time comes when it is no longer expedient to repair the breaches in the old house. In that case we desist from any further repairs, take it down and build a new one. Divine healing only reaches the body in this life in an earnest of the glory that awaits us when this mortal shall put on immortality in the transfiguration, received either by translation, as Enoch and Elijah, and all of the saints at the rapture, or in the resurrection, as final and complete bodily healing must eliminate mortality, which is the very element of physical ailment and death. The doctrine of divine healing, so prominent in the New Testament and practical in the Apostolic ministry, is especially valuable as a tributary to the spiritual life, furnishing a powerful incentive to all to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and to keep filled, receiving perpetually an increasing enduement of the blessed indwelling Comforter, who, pursuant to our perfect submission, obedience and humble faith, will keep His own tenement in good repair, adapted to the work He has given us to do, pouring on us a thousand blessings through our surviving physical infirmities, preparing us for translation when our Lord descends. HIGH PRIEST AND OFFICIAL BOARD. 17, 18. “And the high priest and all those with him, being of the sect of the Sadducees, were filled with envy, jealousy and prejudice, and laid hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison.” Tell me not that the high priest did not, in all good conscience, sign the death-warrant of Jesus Christ, believing that he was doing God service. We have no right to impeach the honesty of these leading preachers and official members at Jerusalem. You have nothing to do but look at their successors at the present day. Their name is legion. They doubtless feel it to be their duty to crush out the Holiness Movement, whose votaries are preaching the Incarnation of the Holy Ghost, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire, Entire sanctification, Divine Healing, and the Coming of the Lord. We are preaching precisely the doctrines which the apostles preached in Jerusalem. This can not be denied. We prove it constantly with an open Bible. Why do they oppose and interdict us, forbidding us to preach in their jurisdiction? While we have no right to impeach the candor of the high priest and his coadjutors, we know they did the work of Satan, believing they were obeying God. We have the same phenomena throughout Christendom this day. The logical sequence is irresistible. Just as the leaders of Judaism blindly resisted the Holy Ghost, so the leaders of fallen Christianity at the present day ostracize and interdict the holiness people, who are preaching just what the apostles preached. I am willing to preach in any of their churches, with the understanding that I am to be put out the moment I deflect from the New Testament. We challenge all of the antiholiness preachers and officers to convict us of departure from the Word of God. But they do not charge us with antagonism to God’s Word, but simply forbid us to preach in their territory, when


13. “And no one of the rest dared to identify himself with them, but the people magnified them.”<br />

The popular mind has found a contradiction between this and the following verse, which states that<br />

“believers continued to be the more added unto the Lord.” There is no contradiction, but perfect<br />

harmony. While the conviction on the multitude was wonderfully augmented and intensified by the<br />

sudden death of Ananias and Sapphira, and consequently the revival took new impetus, spreading<br />

more rapidly than ever yet, as certified in verse 13, they all recognized superhuman power in the<br />

apostles, peculiar to themselves alone, which did not appertain to the disciples. Hence the longagitated<br />

controversy and the boasted ecclesiastical dogmata of apostolical succession are utterly<br />

without foundation, as the apostles never had any official succession in the sense claimed by the<br />

churches. In Ephesians 4:10, Paul mentions apostles in the catalogue of God’s ministers, along with<br />

evangelists, pastors and prophets throughout the gospel dispensation. But we must bear in mind that<br />

all these ministerial offices belong to the Holy Ghost alone, as it says He gives them. Hence official<br />

succession in an ecclesiastical sense is precluded. God made Bishop Taylor an apostle to Africa, and<br />

Hudson Taylor to interior China. And many others are leading forth the embattled host at the present<br />

day, as apostle simply means “one sent” as a pioneer. While all of these officers are still efficient on<br />

the earth, perpetuating the ministry of the church in her primitive beauty, spirituality and glory, yet<br />

they are given by the sovereign, discriminating power of the Holy Ghost alone, never having been<br />

transmitted to any ecclesiasticism. The Holy Ghost became incarnate on the day of Pentecost, and<br />

has so remained ever since, taking some to heaven, and filling and using others, thus perpetuating<br />

<strong>His</strong> church upon the earth. In contradisctinction to the human ecclesiasticisms, really Satan’s<br />

counterfeits and constituting spiritual Babylon, Rome, the old harlot mother, and the fallen Protestant<br />

churches, her daughters, constituting the counterfeit Bride, contrastive with the true, simple, humble,<br />

meek and lowly Bride of Christ, the sympathetic companion of the suffering Savior, left on the earth<br />

to represent Him and prepare the world for <strong>His</strong> coming kingdom. The Apostolic Church remained<br />

pure through bloody centuries of Pagan persecution, till by Constantine promoted from the lion’s<br />

mouth and the burning stake to Cæsar’s palace, precipitating the great apostasy into Roman<br />

Catholicism. From the fatal epoch of the great Constantinian apostasy, God had a true people<br />

perpetuated in the novations, A.D. 250. During the middle ages they were denominated the<br />

Waldenses, and afterwards the Moravians, who became instrumental in the conversion and<br />

sanctification of John Wesley after he had preached ten years in the Episcopal Church, perfectly<br />

honest, exceedingly zealous, and awfully persecuted for having too much religion, while he did not<br />

have any; thus illustrating the blindness with which Satan beclouds human ecclesiasticisms. When<br />

carnal men appropriate the church, the Holy Ghost leaves it and lets the devil have it. Meanwhile,<br />

the Holy Ghost moves right on perpetuating <strong>His</strong> work, independently of human officers and<br />

institutions. While all these ministerial officers are still in the church, and always have been, they<br />

are the creations of the Holy Ghost, dispensed in different ages and nations, pursuant to <strong>His</strong> infallible<br />

wisdom, superabounding grace, and discriminating providence.<br />


15, 16. While the revival tide is inundating Jerusalem and rolling into the surrounding country like<br />

an ever-widening sea, we see as in all ages a corresponding prominence given to divine healing —<br />

“and a multitude of the cities around Jerusalem came together, bringing their sick and those

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