Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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of the other Apostles a whole generation, doing his writing doubtless by an amanuensis when nearly an hundred years old. Why did our Lord select unlearned and ignorant men to preach the gospel to a dying world? He could just as easily have put His hand on the learned rabbis and have commanded the highest culture of the world. (a) It was safer to use blank paper on which to write the messages destined to save the world, and thus obviate the innate tendency of humanity to incorporate some of their own wisdom along with the precious truth revealed. (b) The gospel heralds, exposed to all the rigors of polar snows and equatorial heat, ocean waves and sand storms, lodging beneath the stars for a cover, with a stone for a pillow, needed the physical constitution of a hippopotamus and the activity of a kangaroo, which can only be developed by the toils, privations, exposures and hardships of a rough-and-tumble life. (c) Their example to all their successors is indispensable. God needs an army of evangelists this day like that of Xerxes to save the world. Do you not know if the Apostles had all been collegiate graduates, no others would have the courage to respond to the call, shoulder the responsibilities, brave the dangers, brook the contempt and go to the ends of the earth to save the lost? So fast as church-members grieve away the Holy Ghost and backslide, they confine the preaching of the gospel to the learned. So long as Methodist preachers “were unlearned and ignorant men,” depending on Brush College for their education, they had power to shake heaven, earth and hell and roll a tide of salvation like a sweeping cyclone wherever they went. We do not depreciate learning when sanctified by the Holy Ghost (for unsanctified, it is dangerous and has sent many to hell); but we need all to save a lost world. So we will take the unlearned and not excuse the learned. ECCLESIASTICAL USURPATION. 15-22. Here we see the preachers in authority at Jerusalem determine to crush out the holiness movement started by Jesus of Nazareth and perpetuated by His Apostles. So they issue to Peter and John a positive prohibition to preach any more, augmenting that interdiction by terrible threats in case of persistence. 19. “Peter and John responding, said unto them, If it is righteous before God to hear you rather than God, judge ye.” Lord, help us all to follow the example of the Apostles, and in every case “obey God rather than men.” When ecclesiastical law is in harmony with God as revealed to us by His Word, Spirit and providence, then we are in harmony with the rulers of our church. When their decision is out of harmony with God’s truth and will thus revealed to us, if we do not follow the Apostolical example and “obey God rather than men,” we will have trouble at the judgment bar. I propose to take mine here, God helping me. This very ordeal is spurring on the holiness people this day from the Atlantic to the Pacific. God help us to be true. My disciplinary obligation administered to me in my ordination vows reads: “Following most gladly their godly judgments.” Suppose their judgments are not godly, i.e., contrary to the will of God as revealed to me by His Word, Spirit and providence, do you not see the legitimate force of my ordination vows? They simply require me to obey my rulers when in harmony with God, but with equal force am I obligated to disobey them

when out of harmony with God. We are living in the last days, which try men’s souls. Every young preacher is brought face to face with the ordeal of Peter and John, “Will you obey God or man?” When you obey God, of course you obey all human authority which is in harmony with God. Here at Jerusalem we have the pastors and leading preachers in the popular church arrayed against the followers of our Savior and doing their best to prohibit them from preaching. We have parallel cases this day on all sides claiming to be the true ministers of God and doing their utmost to prohibit the spread of the gospel. What were the apostles preaching? The doctrines and experience which Jesus taught and they received at Pentecost; for they were, in fact, in the midst of Pentecost. You can not gainsay the identity of the cases; we have the inspired record of Pentecost. Preach it as we read it. The people enter into the experiences. The clergymen in authority oppose us and forbid us to preach in what they call their territory, just like they forbade the apostles at Jerusalem. What shall we do? We here have the answer given by Peter and John, “Obey God rather than men.” I tell you, brethren, if you will be true to God, you can always know the divine guidance. It is three-fold, — His Word, Spirit and providence. His Word is for your intellect, His Spirit for your spirit, and His providence for your body. If we give way to the ecclesiastical usurpation, now everywhere interdicting the full, free gospel, we will offend God and lose our souls. Good Lord, help us to be true and “obey God rather than men.” If we do not, God will cast us away and give the glory to others. God helping me, I will be true and “obey God rather than men.” There is no such a thing as ecclesiastical law per se. God is the only Law-giver and the Bible the only code of laws in all the world. As all the truth symbolized in the Old Testament is literalized in the New, and we are living under the New Testament dispensation, therefore we may consider the New Testament as our code of laws for church and state. It is bad enough for the wild beast governments [for such are all human governments, according to Daniel and John] to employ drunken legislators to enact laws instead of enjoying the benignant government of our Heavenly Father, who desires to rule all of His creatures in righteousness and love. This state of things we must endure till the Ancient of Days descends to execute righteous judgments against the wicked nations and fallen churches (Daniel 7:9). But it is simply preposterous for the Church of God to assume legislative power. All such assumption is usurpation and rebellion. No ecclesiastical court has a right to enact a law de novo. All they can do is to recognize and enforce the laws of God, plainly written in the New Testament. Modern ecclesiastical councils are bold to enact laws not only unknown in the New Testament, but positively antagonistical to the letter and spirit of the same. All such so-called ecclesiastical laws deserve only the contempt of God’s people. SECOND PENTECOST. 23-31. During the imprisonment and trial of Peter and John the one hundred and eighteen, with quite a host of the Pentecostal converts, are pushing the battle for God and souls on the great temple campus on Mt. Moriah in the east end of the city, the judgment hall, where Peter and John and Jesus were tried, being on Mt. Zion, in the west end. When constrained by popular sentiment to release Peter and John they reluctantly discharged them through fear of an insurrection. Then the apostles go immediately to the great meetings on the temple campus and report the persecutions of the preachers and official board and the intervention of the Almighty through the people for their acquittal. Now they quote the prophecy in Psalms 2, which had actually been fulfilled in the crucifixion of Jesus, and is still being verified in the rage of the clergy and official board against the apostles. They allude to the union of Pilate and Herod in the crucifixion of Christ, despite their

when out of harmony with God. We are living in the last days, which try men’s souls. Every young<br />

preacher is brought face to face with the ordeal of Peter and John, “Will you obey God or man?”<br />

When you obey God, of course you obey all human authority which is in harmony with God. Here<br />

at Jerusalem we have the pastors and leading preachers in the popular church arrayed against the<br />

followers of our Savior and doing their best to prohibit them from preaching. We have parallel cases<br />

this day on all sides claiming to be the true ministers of God and doing their utmost to prohibit the<br />

spread of the gospel. What were the apostles preaching? The doctrines and experience which Jesus<br />

taught and they received at Pentecost; for they were, in fact, in the midst of Pentecost. You can not<br />

gainsay the identity of the cases; we have the inspired record of Pentecost. Preach it as we read it.<br />

The people enter into the experiences. The clergymen in authority oppose us and forbid us to preach<br />

in what they call their territory, just like they forbade the apostles at Jerusalem. What shall we do?<br />

We here have the answer given by Peter and John, “Obey God rather than men.” I tell you, brethren,<br />

if you will be true to God, you can always know the divine guidance. It is three-fold, — <strong>His</strong> Word,<br />

Spirit and providence. <strong>His</strong> Word is for your intellect, <strong>His</strong> Spirit for your spirit, and <strong>His</strong> providence<br />

for your body. If we give way to the ecclesiastical usurpation, now everywhere interdicting the full,<br />

free gospel, we will offend God and lose our souls. Good Lord, help us to be true and “obey God<br />

rather than men.” If we do not, God will cast us away and give the glory to others. God helping me,<br />

I will be true and “obey God rather than men.” There is no such a thing as ecclesiastical law per se.<br />

God is the only Law-giver and the Bible the only code of laws in all the world. As all the truth<br />

symbolized in the Old Testament is literalized in the New, and we are living under the New<br />

Testament dispensation, therefore we may consider the New Testament as our code of laws for<br />

church and state. It is bad enough for the wild beast governments [for such are all human<br />

governments, according to Daniel and John] to employ drunken legislators to enact laws instead of<br />

enjoying the benignant government of our Heavenly Father, who desires to rule all of <strong>His</strong> creatures<br />

in righteousness and love. This state of things we must endure till the Ancient of Days descends to<br />

execute righteous judgments against the wicked nations and fallen churches (Daniel 7:9). But it is<br />

simply preposterous for the Church of God to assume legislative power. All such assumption is<br />

usurpation and rebellion. No ecclesiastical court has a right to enact a law de novo. All they can do<br />

is to recognize and enforce the laws of God, plainly written in the New Testament. Modern<br />

ecclesiastical councils are bold to enact laws not only unknown in the New Testament, but positively<br />

antagonistical to the letter and spirit of the same. All such so-called ecclesiastical laws deserve only<br />

the contempt of God’s people.<br />


23-31. During the imprisonment and trial of Peter and John the one hundred and eighteen, with<br />

quite a host of the Pentecostal converts, are pushing the battle for God and souls on the great temple<br />

campus on Mt. Moriah in the east end of the city, the judgment hall, where Peter and John and Jesus<br />

were tried, being on Mt. Zion, in the west end. When constrained by popular sentiment to release<br />

Peter and John they reluctantly discharged them through fear of an insurrection. Then the apostles<br />

go immediately to the great meetings on the temple campus and report the persecutions of the<br />

preachers and official board and the intervention of the Almighty through the people for their<br />

acquittal. Now they quote the prophecy in Psalms 2, which had actually been fulfilled in the<br />

crucifixion of Jesus, and is still being verified in the rage of the clergy and official board against the<br />

apostles. They allude to the union of Pilate and Herod in the crucifixion of Christ, despite their

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