Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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churches, all counseling together, even different denominations, like Pilate and Herod in the crucifixion of Christ, waiving their old animosities and uniting their wisdom and power to crush out the Holiness Movement [which is simply the Holy Ghost religion in contradistinction to the devil’s counterfeit, i.e., dead churchism]. They all unite their forces, take up every sanctified preacher, carry him away and set him down in a region of icebergs, sending in his place a theological refrigerator to freeze out all the holy fire. What is this but the literal fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy, “When they shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, then shall the end come.” The holiness people are doing their best to spread Scriptural holiness throughout the world. But it is hard to tell which party is actually doing the more to scatter the holy fire — our friends or our enemies. When the latter, with the malignant rage which rankled in the carnal hearts of the great preachers who nailed Jesus to the cross, martyred Stephen and did their utmost to crush out the Nazarenes in blood, now violently interpose, reach forth the strong hand of ecclesiastical tyranny, pick up the holiness preachers, send them to the north pole and supply their places with the worst anti-holiness preachers they can command, what is the result? I am an eye-witness to what I write — have seen it verified repeatedly. They simply give the sanctified preacher a new, fresh field upon untrodden virgin soil — the very opportunity he needs to do a mighty work for God, preaching entire sanctification and instrumental in saving and sanctifying multitudes. Meanwhile the fire in his former field is too hot for the devil’s ice carried in by the plughatted D. D. The accumulated fire of God’s red-hot cranks melts all of his ice. It is a well-known fact in chemistry that a sufficient intensity of heat will not only melt ice, but decompose the water into its constituent elements, oxygen and hydrogen, the latter the most combustible in the world, and the former the great supporter of combustion. Hence all the ice imported by the new preacher is simply a supply of fuel to augment the flame. The result is he gets gloriously sanctified; the revival which they sought to freeze out takes new fire, and sweeps over the land like a cyclone. If you will read the prophecies and open your eyes to the ecclesiastical phenomena of the present day, you will be astounded at the wonderful fulfillment of prophecies. As the preachers standing at the head of a church in Jerusalem, blinded by Satan, rejected and killed the Son of God and did their utmost to exterminate His followers, we see the same tragedy at the present day going on throughout Christendom. Jesus was simply the incarnation of holiness. His disciples were nothing but simple-hearted, humble holiness people. Grace, as well as sin, is uniform and identical in all ages. Hence, at the present day, the proud, autocratic, carnal clergy in the leadership of popular religion are doing their utmost to antagonize the Holy Ghost and Spirit-filled people, thus literally fulfilling the prophecies as in the days of Christ. PLAN OF SALVATION. 19. “Repent, therefore, and turn unto the blotting out of your sins, in order that times of soulrenewing may come from the face of the Lord.” In repentance the sinner gives up all of his sins to the devil, where he got them, and leaves Satan’s kingdom forever. We must become honest before we can be saved. This honesty extends even to the devil. We must make an honest and final settlement with him, thus giving him back all we ever got from him, i.e., all of our sins. How very few people ever do that! They endeavor to carry some of their sins with them along the heavenly

oad, which is utterly impossible. The devil holds you tight so long as you have anything that belongs to him. Whenever you give back to him all your sins, all your meanness, and everything you ever got from him, then he has no more use for you and will not let you stay with him another minute. So then you get off with a big shout, moving heavenward at a race-horse speed. The E.V. erroneously says in this passage, “be converted,” as the verb is in the active voice, and literally means “turn.” While “repent” and “turn” and “the blotting out of sin” are all specific, they constitute conversion, which is generic. Here we see that the sinner has just two things to do — first, leave the devil and all of his sins in the devil’s kingdom, where they belong. Then turn to the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength, casting his lot with Him for time and eternity. In that case, the Lord freely and eternally blots out all of his sins from heaven’s chancery, so they never can be found again to bring back the blush of shame. Thus the vilest reprobate and the blackest debauchee, rescued and washed, can shout as loud as Gabriel on the golden streets, and defy all the archangels to find anything against him. In vain they ransack the heavenly archives. The records are all destroyed; so the blood-washed slumites shine as bright and shout as loud as the cherubim and seraphim. When the sinner by repentance has left the devil and all of his sins with him forever and turned to the Lord, soul and body, heart, spirit, life and influence forever, and all his sins are blotted out, this consummates the grand negative work in the plan of salvation. Now the glorious positive side supervenes. The Holy Ghost raises him from the dead, giving him the very life of God in regeneration; then the Holy Ghost Himself makes him His happy incarnation, moving in to abide forever, thus verifying this beautiful promise, “In order that times of soul-renewing may come from the face of the Lord.” RETURN OF CHRIST. 20. The E.V. erroneously has a semicolon between the 19th and 20th verses. The inspired original, spoken by Peter and written by Luke, has no stop whatever between these verses. Then what will our brethren do who are unwilling to preach the second coming of Christ, as there is not even a comma here, much less a period, on which they may slide out? Inspired Peter preaches the glorious spiritual economy of full salvation and the second coming of Christ in the very same breath. Hence, if you preach the former and leave out the latter, you will certainly grieve the Holy Spirit by breaking one of His sentences in two in the middle without His authority. Good Lord, help us to be true to His Word and not get wise above what is written: “And he may send forth unto you him who has been preached unto you as the Messiah, namely Jesus,” 21. “Whom it behooveth heaven indeed to receive until the times of the restitution of all things which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from the beginning.” This Scripture reveals the fact most unequivocally that Peter was enthused with the glowing anticipation of seeing his Lord return to the earth, before he exchanged his silver trumpet for a golden harp. This expectation would have been verified if the Pentecostal generation had preached the gospel of the kingdom to every nation, calling out the Bride of Christ and preparing her to meet her coming Lord. In this they failed, thus postponing our Lord’s return. You see here that Jesus is to remain in heaven “until the time of restitution of all things spoken by the prophets from the beginning.” You know the prophets have most unequivocally predicted the restoration of the world back to the Edenic state. The Son of Man “came to destroy the works of the devil.” This world once existed without a devil in it. The prophet John tells us positively that the devil is to be taken out, so we will again have this world without a devil in it as in Eden times. The prophets certify over and over, “The desert shall rejoice and the

churches, all counseling together, even different denominations, like Pilate and Herod in the<br />

crucifixion of Christ, waiving their old animosities and uniting their wisdom and power to crush out<br />

the Holiness Movement [which is simply the Holy Ghost religion in contradistinction to the devil’s<br />

counterfeit, i.e., dead churchism]. They all unite their forces, take up every sanctified preacher, carry<br />

him away and set him down in a region of icebergs, sending in his place a theological refrigerator<br />

to freeze out all the holy fire. What is this but the literal fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy,<br />

“When they shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, then shall<br />

the end come.”<br />

The holiness people are doing their best to spread Scriptural holiness throughout the world. But<br />

it is hard to tell which party is actually doing the more to scatter the holy fire — our friends or our<br />

enemies. When the latter, with the malignant rage which rankled in the carnal hearts of the great<br />

preachers who nailed Jesus to the cross, martyred Stephen and did their utmost to crush out the<br />

Nazarenes in blood, now violently interpose, reach forth the strong hand of ecclesiastical tyranny,<br />

pick up the holiness preachers, send them to the north pole and supply their places with the worst<br />

anti-holiness preachers they can command, what is the result? I am an eye-witness to what I write<br />

— have seen it verified repeatedly. They simply give the sanctified preacher a new, fresh field upon<br />

untrodden virgin soil — the very opportunity he needs to do a mighty work for God, preaching entire<br />

sanctification and instrumental in saving and sanctifying multitudes. Meanwhile the fire in his former<br />

field is too hot for the devil’s ice carried in by the plughatted D. D. The accumulated fire of God’s<br />

red-hot cranks melts all of his ice. It is a well-known fact in chemistry that a sufficient intensity of<br />

heat will not only melt ice, but decompose the water into its constituent elements, oxygen and<br />

hydrogen, the latter the most combustible in the world, and the former the great supporter of<br />

combustion. Hence all the ice imported by the new preacher is simply a supply of fuel to augment<br />

the flame. The result is he gets gloriously sanctified; the revival which they sought to freeze out takes<br />

new fire, and sweeps over the land like a cyclone. If you will read the prophecies and open your eyes<br />

to the ecclesiastical phenomena of the present day, you will be astounded at the wonderful<br />

fulfillment of prophecies. As the preachers standing at the head of a church in Jerusalem, blinded<br />

by Satan, rejected and killed the Son of God and did their utmost to exterminate <strong>His</strong> followers, we<br />

see the same tragedy at the present day going on throughout Christendom. Jesus was simply the<br />

incarnation of holiness. <strong>His</strong> disciples were nothing but simple-hearted, humble holiness people.<br />

Grace, as well as sin, is uniform and identical in all ages. Hence, at the present day, the proud,<br />

autocratic, carnal clergy in the leadership of popular religion are doing their utmost to antagonize<br />

the Holy Ghost and Spirit-filled people, thus literally fulfilling the prophecies as in the days of<br />

Christ.<br />


19. “Repent, therefore, and turn unto the blotting out of your sins, in order that times of soulrenewing<br />

may come from the face of the Lord.” In repentance the sinner gives up all of his sins to<br />

the devil, where he got them, and leaves Satan’s kingdom forever. We must become honest before<br />

we can be saved. This honesty extends even to the devil. We must make an honest and final<br />

settlement with him, thus giving him back all we ever got from him, i.e., all of our sins. How very<br />

few people ever do that! They endeavor to carry some of their sins with them along the heavenly

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