Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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Why? Because his will was good to do it, but God kept him in other business, reserving the building<br />

of the temple for his son Solomon. Perfect love puts you where you say “yes” to the will of God and<br />

“no” to the devil all the time. While we abide in these tenements of clay, we are disqualified by<br />

infirmities to render a perfect obedience. Hence, our perfection which God requires is simply that<br />

of love, which delights to serve God on earth like the angels in heaven, despite a thousand failures<br />

through physical and mental infirmities. God seeing the heart, takes the will for the deed, receiving<br />

this heart perfection in lieu of perfect work.<br />


11. “And knowing this time that it is already the hour when we should wake out of sleep: for our<br />

salvation is nearer than when we believed.<br />

12. “The night is far spent and the day draweth nigh. Therefore let us lay aside the works of<br />

darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.<br />

13. “Let us walk circumspectly as in the day; not in revelries and drunkenness, not in<br />

debaucheries and impurities, not in strife and jealousy, but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and<br />

make no provision for the lusts of the flesh.” “Salvation” (v. 11) is in the final sense, involving<br />

glorification of spirit, soul and body. Justification is primary salvation, sanctification full salvation,<br />

and glorification final salvation. The apostle and his saintly contemporaries were on the constant<br />

lookout for the Lord to return and translate them to heaven, soul, mind and body all simultaneously<br />

glorified. The first day in the divine calendar was Eden blooming in its glory. This halcyon day went<br />

into dark eclipse when humanity fell, so remaining to the present day, Satan’s dreary night<br />

intervening and throwing its dark shadows over the whole earth, foreboding doom and damnation<br />

already about six thousand awful years, chronicling the fate of multiplied millions, amid the darkness<br />

deceived by the devil and plunged into hell. Glory to God, the star gleams of God’s millennial day,<br />

already heralded by the Holiness Movement, the bright morning stars shining in every land, are<br />

already bespangling every sky with the hallowed effulgence in Aurora splendors anticipating the<br />

glorious Son of Righteousness rising upon this dark world with healing in <strong>His</strong> wings, bringing back<br />

the Eden beauties, again to girdle the globe with the delectable splendors of God’s millennial day.<br />

If in Paul’s time Satan’s night “was far spent” and God’s millennial day drawing nigh, oh how preeminently<br />

true it is now, since we are eighteen hundred years nearer to the glorious fulfillment of this<br />

inspiring Pauline prophecy. If it was pertinent then for them to “awake out of sleep” and regale<br />

themselves for translation, amid the retreat of Satan’s night and the glorious dawn of God’s<br />

millennial day, how infinitely more so is it now pertinent that we all awake, wash and dress and look<br />

out for our coming King! The preparation now as then is entire sanctification, expurgatory of all the<br />

debris of inbred sin, clothing us with the Lord Jesus Christ, so that people see, not our bodies, but<br />

our clothes, and utterly lose sight of us, and oblivious to our personalities, see Jesus only<br />

whithersoever we go.

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