Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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ROMANS CHAPTER XI. GOD’S COVENANT WITH THE JEWS INFALLIABLE. 1. “Therefore I can say, Whither did God cast away his people? It could not be so; for truly I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin.” Here Paul utterly annihilates the popular dogma that Jesus has cast away the Jews. It is utterly untrue; his covenant still abides with the faithful remnant of which Paul himself was a member. 2. “God did not cast away his people whom he foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah when he communed with God against Israel? 3. “Lord, they have slain thy prophets, they have digged down thine altars, I am left alone and they seek my life. 4. “But what saith the divine response to him? I have left unto myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. 5. “Thus indeed therefore there is at this time a remnant according to the election of grace. 6. “And if by grace it is not at all of works, then grace is no more grace.” The divine economy had conferred on the Jews the glorious honor of representing Christ on the earth during His excarnate, i.e., invisible reign, receiving Him in His incarnate personality, and introducing Him to the whole world as the: one-anticipated Savior of the lost millions. While this honor was forfeited by the formalistic and ritualized carnal masses of both clergy and laity, it was received and enjoyed by the faithful few, e.g., Joseph and Mary, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna, and others; the inspired Twelve, Paul and the Pentecostal nucleus of Jewish Christianity, who proved true to the covenant of Abraham and Moses, received their own Christ, proclaimed Him to the world, thus effecting the successful transition out of the Mosaic into the Gospel dispensation of God’s redeeming grace. Paul argues the case by the illustration of Elijah’s ministry, when the apostasy in Israel was so tremendous that the prophet, giving up in utter desperation, falling down under a juniper tree, importuned God to let him die, as his ministry was a failure, thinking they had all gone off after Baal, i.e., into dead formalistic religion, except himself. Meanwhile God notifies him of his egregious mistake, as there are yet seven thousand true to him in different parts of the country, though unknown to the prophet. Let us not make the mistake of the prophet Elijah and conclude that ourselves are the only real saints, like the old Scotchman who said, “To tell you the truth, there are none right but myself and Sandy; and sometimes I seriously doubt whether Sandy will do.” While we bewail the current apostasy in the great Protestant churches of the present day, resultant from the rejection of the Holy Ghost under the preaching of entire sanctification, yet we must remember that there are myriads of true hearts in the Protestant denominations and some even in Romanism. The election of the progenitorship, normally expiring with the incarnation we here recognize the consolatory survival of the election of grace” out of Judaism to which Paul and his contemporary Jewish saints belonged, and destined to survive through the Gentile dispensation and hail the Lord

in His second coming. As we contemplate this election problem, do not forget that the Greek eklogee, from ek, out, and lego, to choose, i.e., chosen out of the chosen, recognizing a selection from the chosen, not only runs through Judaism, but Christianity. As God chose the Jews out of all nations, conferring on them the honor of receiving His Son on His first advent and proclaiming Him to the world., and only a small remnant out of the great body succeeded in winning the prize and enjoying the exalted honor of the Savior’s introduction, so in the present Christianity is God’s people chosen out of the whole heathen world, to receive His Son in His second glorious advent, and become His conservators in the great Millennial Theocracy. While it is very sad to see the multitudes of Christendom failing and apostatizing, like the Jews in their desperation, yet look out for this election of grace, chosen from all the ranks and nations of the Christian world, now, as I verily believe, gathering in the Holiness Movement to meet my descending Lord and herald to the nations the glorious King of kings. We see in v. 6 the impossibility of an admixture of grace and works in the plan of salvation. There is where the dead churches ruin everything and plunge into idolatry, thinking they are saved by faith and works, thus vitiating their faith, forfeiting their salvation, magnifying their works and becoming idolators, losing sight of God through church loyalty and conservatism to human institutions. 7-10. Here Paul deplores the sad apostasy of Israel, incurring judicial blindness, deafness and stupidity, forfeiting their inheritance, meanwhile the election received it all right. 11. “Therefore I say, Whether did they stumble that they may fall? It could not be so.” Then let the people who think that Israel is utterly fallen and gone, bear in mind Paul’s positive contradiction of such a possibility; God’s covenant is as immutable as His throne. “But by their apostasy salvation came to the Gentiles to provoke them to jealousy.” The rejection of the Jews wonderfully expedited the transmission of the gospel to the Gentiles, e.g., Paul himself, anxious to preach to the Jews, was met by the glorified Savior in the temple during his first visit to Jerusalem after his conversion (Acts 2:3-17), and notified that the Jews would not receive his testimony, and then and there commissioned to go and preach to the Gentiles. 12. “But if their collapse is the wealth of the world, and their reduction the riches of the Gentiles, how much more will be their fullness. Truly the conversion of the Jews, of which some brilliant scintillations are already flashing out, will prove a sunburst on Christendom. 13. “But I speak to you Gentiles. Therefore, indeed, as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I glorify my ministry, 14. “If, perhaps, I may provoke my flesh to jealousy and save some of them.” As above specified, the glorified Savior appearing to Paul in the temple of Jerusalem actually sent him to the Gentiles. Hence he had his Gentile apostleship from headquarters. 15. “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what will the reception be but life from the dead?” With the collapse of the Jews a gospel sunburst came upon the Gentile world. In a similar manner the conversion of the Jews will stir all Christendom from center to circumference, giving an impetus unprecedented in the ages.

ROMANS<br />



1. “Therefore I can say, Whither did God cast away his people? It could not be so; for truly I am<br />

an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin.” Here Paul utterly annihilates the<br />

popular dogma that Jesus has cast away the Jews. It is utterly untrue; his covenant still abides with<br />

the faithful remnant of which Paul himself was a member.<br />

2. “God did not cast away his people whom he foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture<br />

says of Elijah when he communed with God against Israel?<br />

3. “Lord, they have slain thy prophets, they have digged down thine altars, I am left alone and<br />

they seek my life.<br />

4. “But what saith the divine response to him? I have left unto myself seven thousand men who<br />

have not bowed the knee to Baal.<br />

5. “Thus indeed therefore there is at this time a remnant according to the election of grace.<br />

6. “And if by grace it is not at all of works, then grace is no more grace.” The divine economy<br />

had conferred on the Jews the glorious honor of representing Christ on the earth during <strong>His</strong><br />

excarnate, i.e., invisible reign, receiving Him in <strong>His</strong> incarnate personality, and introducing Him to<br />

the whole world as the: one-anticipated Savior of the lost millions. While this honor was forfeited<br />

by the formalistic and ritualized carnal masses of both clergy and laity, it was received and enjoyed<br />

by the faithful few, e.g., Joseph and Mary, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna, and others; the<br />

inspired Twelve, Paul and the Pentecostal nucleus of Jewish Christianity, who proved true to the<br />

covenant of Abraham and Moses, received their own Christ, proclaimed Him to the world, thus<br />

effecting the successful transition out of the Mosaic into the Gospel dispensation of God’s redeeming<br />

grace. Paul argues the case by the illustration of Elijah’s ministry, when the apostasy in Israel was<br />

so tremendous that the prophet, giving up in utter desperation, falling down under a juniper tree,<br />

importuned God to let him die, as his ministry was a failure, thinking they had all gone off after Baal,<br />

i.e., into dead formalistic religion, except himself. Meanwhile God notifies him of his egregious<br />

mistake, as there are yet seven thousand true to him in different parts of the country, though<br />

unknown to the prophet. Let us not make the mistake of the prophet Elijah and conclude that<br />

ourselves are the only real saints, like the old Scotchman who said, “To tell you the truth, there are<br />

none right but myself and Sandy; and sometimes I seriously doubt whether Sandy will do.” While<br />

we bewail the current apostasy in the great Protestant churches of the present day, resultant from the<br />

rejection of the Holy Ghost under the preaching of entire sanctification, yet we must remember that<br />

there are myriads of true hearts in the Protestant denominations and some even in Romanism. The<br />

election of the progenitorship, normally expiring with the incarnation we here recognize the<br />

consolatory survival of the election of grace” out of Judaism to which Paul and his contemporary<br />

Jewish saints belonged, and destined to survive through the Gentile dispensation and hail the Lord

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