Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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a hurry. Your heart is your spirit, your immortal self, filling your whole body. This spirit is the man himself who fell in Eden, utterly losing spiritual life, and consequently literally and totally depraved; the mind not utterly falling, as in that case they would have become idiots; the body not totally falling, as in that case they would have dropped dead in their tracks. On this residuum of body and mind surviving the Fall, Satan has built up great systems of materialistic and intellectual religions, girdling the globe, serving as passports of his deluded millions into hell, being utterly destitute of spirituality and salvation. I have seen many join the church on a merely intellectual confession of faith. As well take in a lot of devils so far as salvation is concerned. Heart faith which brings salvation always opens the mouth and tells its own story. The churches are filled up with poor, dead dummies, a withering burlesque on Jesus Christ, who is here both to raise the dead and cast out all the dumb devils. Oh, what a sensation would this bring into a great popular, dead, dumb church False religion makes the church still and dumb as a graveyard. True religion makes the church active, demonstrative and uproarious like a graveyard on the resurrection morn. 11. “For the Scripture says, Every one believing on him shall not be ashamed.” The masses of church members are ashamed to pray at home and in public and talk for Jesus on the streets, from the simple fact that they are full of sin. Get rid of all sin, and your shame is all gone forever. 12. “For there is no difference between Jew and Greek,” i.e., no difference between church member and outsider, as salvation through Christ alone and by faith alone without church rites is free for all. “For the same Lord of all is rich toward all who call upon him.” Calling upon the Lord is praying. So you begin to pray and keep on, never stopping, and God will see that you get to be a millionaire, rich as Crœsus in heaven’s gold; pearls and diamonds beautifying your very physiognomy with holiness to the Lord. 13. “For every one whosoever may call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Oh, how the generations have been dumfuddled by intriguing priests, playing off on them the church ordinances, i.e., water baptism, sacraments and even multitudinous rites, ceremonies and institutions of their own invention, inflating them with lying delusion that they can be saved thereby, — all a trick of the devil to lead them away from Christ, who alone can save, and who can only be received and appropriated by faith. You must remember that these counterfeit preachers all claim that they have faith, yet it is nothing but dead, intellectual faith, peculiar to wicked men and devils, which never did have any salvation. If they had the genuine spiritual faith of the heart, you would hear from them in a ringing testimony to the power of Jesus to save to the uttermost, “as he who believes with the heart always confesseth unto salvation.” Oh, the wonderful simplicity of the plan of salvation! You see from this verse that you have to do nothing to be saved but “call on the name of the Lord,” i.e., begin to pray now and keep on, never stopping. Rest assured, wonderful things will happen; you will shine and shout, and in due time sweep through the pearly gates. 14-17. Here Paul beautifully elaborates the divine economy of salvation through faith, superinduced by hearing the Word through the preachers sent of God, whose very coming is a harbinger of heavenly benediction. 18. “But I say, Have they not all heard? yea truly: their voice has gone into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world.” How do we reconcile this statement with the preceding? But a

minority in Paul’s day had ever heard the verbal gospel. The same minority on earth as to the auricular proclamation still obtains. The solution of the problem is the simple fact that the Holy Ghost, who is the only real Preacher on the earth, men and women only serving as telephones, is actually in every nation under heaven, having spoken to every responsible human being in every age and race. Therefore, Paul says (Chapter 1:20) that even the heathens are left without excuse. While human agency is God’s appointment and a glorious means of grace, yet the great Gospel Preacher is everywhere speaking to every immortal soul and preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ. 19-21. Here Paul beautifully alludes to God’s merciful call of the Gentiles, simultaneously bewailing the stupidity and perversity of the Jews. “I was found unto those who sought not after me.” This is a vivid allusion to the call of the Gentiles, to them a universal surprise. Not only is this true of the Gentile world, but millions of individuals have been saved speedily, and to their own unutterable surprise, when they went seeking curiosity and fun, suddenly caught in the lasso of the Holy Ghost and wonderfully saved. The proud, haughty ’squire in West Virginia took his wife and daughter and went to a camp-meeting. The afternoon is wearing away, he and his wife are in the carriage homeward bound. The daughter lingers unseen in the crowd till their patience flickers, and the mother goes to hunt her up and bring her. Finding the proud, giddy girl all torn to pieces, prostrate in the straw and crying for mercy, and, undertaking to get her away, she too is thunderstruck, falling in the straw. The haughty ’squire, his patience all ebbed away, raging mad, with bold threats, rushes into the red-hot altar to pull away his wife and daughter and take them home. Meanwhile a strange weakness pervades his entire body so he can do nothing, and thinks only of personal escape. Running ten steps, he falls prostrate on the ground, is carried back to the altar and laid down with his wife and daughter to spend the ensuing night in mutual agony, crying to God for the salvation which, with the glorious day-dawn, breaks in on them with a heavenly sunburst, so, to their unutterable surprise, they all mount the carriage and go home, shouting happy in the kingdom of God. Twenty-seven years ago a very intelligent wicked man came to my meeting, cursing me and making fun of what he called my “converting machine.” That man got wonderfully saved and turned preacher. Oh, the infinite mercy of God in thus surprising millions with the salvation which they never sought till He caught them with the lasso of the thunderbolt of conviction.

minority in Paul’s day had ever heard the verbal gospel. The same minority on earth as to the<br />

auricular proclamation still obtains. The solution of the problem is the simple fact that the Holy<br />

Ghost, who is the only real Preacher on the earth, men and women only serving as telephones, is<br />

actually in every nation under heaven, having spoken to every responsible human being in every age<br />

and race. Therefore, Paul says (Chapter 1:20) that even the heathens are left without excuse. While<br />

human agency is God’s appointment and a glorious means of grace, yet the great Gospel Preacher<br />

is everywhere speaking to every immortal soul and preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ.<br />

19-21. Here Paul beautifully alludes to God’s merciful call of the Gentiles, simultaneously<br />

bewailing the stupidity and perversity of the Jews. “I was found unto those who sought not after<br />

me.” This is a vivid allusion to the call of the Gentiles, to them a universal surprise. Not only is this<br />

true of the Gentile world, but millions of individuals have been saved speedily, and to their own<br />

unutterable surprise, when they went seeking curiosity and fun, suddenly caught in the lasso of the<br />

Holy Ghost and wonderfully saved. The proud, haughty ’squire in West Virginia took his wife and<br />

daughter and went to a camp-meeting. The afternoon is wearing away, he and his wife are in the<br />

carriage homeward bound. The daughter lingers unseen in the crowd till their patience flickers, and<br />

the mother goes to hunt her up and bring her. Finding the proud, giddy girl all torn to pieces,<br />

prostrate in the straw and crying for mercy, and, undertaking to get her away, she too is<br />

thunderstruck, falling in the straw. The haughty ’squire, his patience all ebbed away, raging mad,<br />

with bold threats, rushes into the red-hot altar to pull away his wife and daughter and take them<br />

home. Meanwhile a strange weakness pervades his entire body so he can do nothing, and thinks only<br />

of personal escape. Running ten steps, he falls prostrate on the ground, is carried back to the altar<br />

and laid down with his wife and daughter to spend the ensuing night in mutual agony, crying to God<br />

for the salvation which, with the glorious day-dawn, breaks in on them with a heavenly sunburst, so,<br />

to their unutterable surprise, they all mount the carriage and go home, shouting happy in the kingdom<br />

of God. Twenty-seven years ago a very intelligent wicked man came to my meeting, cursing me and<br />

making fun of what he called my “converting machine.” That man got wonderfully saved and turned<br />

preacher. Oh, the infinite mercy of God in thus surprising millions with the salvation which they<br />

never sought till He caught them with the lasso of the thunderbolt of conviction.

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