Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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ROMANS CHAPTER X. CHRIST THE ONLY WAY, AND RECEIVED BY FAITH ALONE. 1. “Brethren, truly the desire of my heart and my prayer to God in their behalf is for salvation. 2. “For I testify to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to perfect knowledge.” The Jews in Paul’s day, like the fallen churches in all ages, had some knowledge of God, but it was not the experimental sort, such as enables us to know Him personally in practical and real salvation. 3. “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness; but did not submit themselves unto the righteousness of God. 4. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Righteousness arising from legal obedience is nothing but our own counterfeit self-righteousness, which is “filthy rags” in the sight of God. The only hope of humanity is the righteousness of God in Christ, imputed unto the broken-hearted through faith alone, and wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost in regeneration. We have a most wonderful Savior, very God and perfect man. In His divine capacity He has a righteousness peculiar to His divinity, which He will never impart, but retain forever. In His human capacity He has a righteousness peculiar to His perfect humanity, which He will never impart, but eternally retain. Meanwhile He has a third righteousness arising from His perfect obedience to the divine law, actively in life keeping it and passively in death verifying it. This third righteousness, which is neither essential to His Godhead, nor His manhood, nor His perfect Mediatorial character, he procured for all His guilty, ruined brethren to relieve them of condemnation and establish them irreproachable before the divine law for time and eternity. Since Christ Himself is the only human being who ever did or ever can keep the law, having become our Substitute in death and our exemplar in life, since faith in its very nature is the only appropriating grace, we must all receive this righteousness by faith alone. Here Paul condemns the Jews for “going about” to establish their own righteousness instead of receiving the righteousness of God in Christ by simple faith. The world is still full of people “going about” to establish their own righteousness. I was on that line nineteen years, intervening between my conversion and sanctification. Perfectly honest and sincere, kneeling before God, I made my consecration to the best of my knowledge and ability. Meanwhile a voice said to me, “Now, if you want to be holy and all right with God, you go ahead and perform every duty just right, and you will find your heart clean and your life cloudless sunshine.” I thought it was the voice of God, but it was that of the enemy, decoying me away lest I might by simple faith receive the Omnipotent Sanctifier, who was at that time standing right by me, and ready in a moment to give me the boon for which I went sighing and crying nineteen years. Thus making my consecration, instead of receiving sanctification by faith in the present tense, I renewed my covenant and resolved to do much better than ever before. So, leaving the Sanctifier standing by, I again and again proceeded with this “going about” to establish my own righteousness, instead of submitting to the righteousness of God through Christ by faith, every time only to be mortified by finding that I had grieved the Spirit by offering Him another pile of filthy rags, all this time postponing the blessing which Omnipotent Grace waited to bestow in a moment. The churches are

this day filled with this fatal “going about,” running themselves down, working up their human institutions to glorify God with the little filthy lucre which He does not need, instead of magnifying Him with the glory of holiness, which is alone acceptable in His sight. 5. “For Moses thus describes the righteousness which is from law, which a man having done, shall live in the same.” None but the unfallen angels and Adam in Eden ever could keep the perfect law and have spiritual life in so doing. Hence, after the Fall, there has never been a human being on the earth, except Jesus of Nazareth, who was competent to keep the law. He kept it for all of us, and we, by perfect submission and doubtless faith, avail ourselves of His substitutionary obedience, actively in life and passively in death, to perfectly satisfy the law in our behalf, Opening the pearly gates to our happy ingress. 6. “For the righteousness of faith speaketh thus: Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend up into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down;) 7. “Or, Who shall descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.) 8. “But what saith the Scripture? The word is nigh thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. 9. “That if thou mayest confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10. “For with the heart it is believed unto righteousness, and with the mouth it is confessed unto salvation.” When our Savior gave the commission (Matthew 28:20), He said, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age.” While the glorified man Christ is up in heaven interceding for us, the spiritual Christ is on earth and omnipresent. “Deep”. in E.V. is “abyss” in the Greek, which literally means “bottomless,” applicable to the center of the earth, which is evidently the fiery location of hell, and the only locality which is bottomless. Thither the human soul of our Savior descended while His body lay in the tomb, proclaiming His victory in the pandemonium, and crossing the intervening chasm into the intermediate paradise, “Abraham’s bosom,” meeting the thief the same day he was crucified, and “leading captive” all the Old Testament saints, there waiting in joy ineffable the completion of the redemptive scheme and the sealing of the Abrahamic covenant with His blood, leading them up with Him, invisible, because they did not have their bodies: accompanying Him for forty days on earth previous to His resurrection, and ascending with Him into glory, the first fruits of the triumphant Mediatorial kingdom (1 Peter 3:19; Ephesians 4:8-10; Acts 2:27-31). In this grand culminating argument, Paul affirms the beautiful facility of the salvation plan, since Christ, our only and omnipotent Savior, is omnipresent, and we have nothing to do but believe “with the heart unto salvation,” i.e., heart faith, believe into it, keep on believing until you get it. Then, when you do conscientiously receive it, confess it with your mouth to all the world, perpetuating your unfaltering testimony through time and eternity. We must remember that we are not saved through mental faith, such as wicked men and devils have, but through the real spiritual faith of the heart. The popular churches are filled up with people who have nothing but intellectual faith, like the devils in hell, who are very orthodox, giving us a perpetual illustration of the unsalvability peculiar to intellectual faith, otherwise they would all be saved and get out of there in

this day filled with this fatal “going about,” running themselves down, working up their human<br />

institutions to glorify God with the little filthy lucre which He does not need, instead of magnifying<br />

Him with the glory of holiness, which is alone acceptable in <strong>His</strong> sight.<br />

5. “For Moses thus describes the righteousness which is from law, which a man having done,<br />

shall live in the same.” None but the unfallen angels and Adam in Eden ever could keep the perfect<br />

law and have spiritual life in so doing. Hence, after the Fall, there has never been a human being on<br />

the earth, except Jesus of Nazareth, who was competent to keep the law. He kept it for all of us, and<br />

we, by perfect submission and doubtless faith, avail ourselves of <strong>His</strong> substitutionary obedience,<br />

actively in life and passively in death, to perfectly satisfy the law in our behalf, Opening the pearly<br />

gates to our happy ingress.<br />

6. “For the righteousness of faith speaketh thus: Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend up into<br />

heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down;)<br />

7. “Or, Who shall descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)<br />

8. “But what saith the Scripture? The word is nigh thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is,<br />

the word of faith, which we preach.<br />

9. “That if thou mayest confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God<br />

hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.<br />

10. “For with the heart it is believed unto righteousness, and with the mouth it is confessed unto<br />

salvation.” When our Savior gave the commission (Matthew 28:20), He said, “Lo, I am with you<br />

alway, even unto the end of the age.” While the glorified man Christ is up in heaven interceding for<br />

us, the spiritual Christ is on earth and omnipresent. “Deep”. in E.V. is “abyss” in the Greek, which<br />

literally means “bottomless,” applicable to the center of the earth, which is evidently the fiery<br />

location of hell, and the only locality which is bottomless. Thither the human soul of our Savior<br />

descended while <strong>His</strong> body lay in the tomb, proclaiming <strong>His</strong> victory in the pandemonium, and<br />

crossing the intervening chasm into the intermediate paradise, “Abraham’s bosom,” meeting the thief<br />

the same day he was crucified, and “leading captive” all the Old Testament saints, there waiting in<br />

joy ineffable the completion of the redemptive scheme and the sealing of the Abrahamic covenant<br />

with <strong>His</strong> blood, leading them up with Him, invisible, because they did not have their bodies:<br />

accompanying Him for forty days on earth previous to <strong>His</strong> resurrection, and ascending with Him into<br />

glory, the first fruits of the triumphant Mediatorial kingdom (1 Peter 3:19; Ephesians 4:8-10; <strong>Acts</strong><br />

2:27-31). In this grand culminating argument, Paul affirms the beautiful facility of the salvation plan,<br />

since Christ, our only and omnipotent Savior, is omnipresent, and we have nothing to do but believe<br />

“with the heart unto salvation,” i.e., heart faith, believe into it, keep on believing until you get it.<br />

Then, when you do conscientiously receive it, confess it with your mouth to all the world,<br />

perpetuating your unfaltering testimony through time and eternity. We must remember that we are<br />

not saved through mental faith, such as wicked men and devils have, but through the real spiritual<br />

faith of the heart. The popular churches are filled up with people who have nothing but intellectual<br />

faith, like the devils in hell, who are very orthodox, giving us a perpetual illustration of the<br />

unsalvability peculiar to intellectual faith, otherwise they would all be saved and get out of there in

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