Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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ROMANS<br />

CHAPTER X.<br />


1. “Brethren, truly the desire of my heart and my prayer to God in their behalf is for salvation.<br />

2. “For I testify to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to perfect knowledge.”<br />

The Jews in Paul’s day, like the fallen churches in all ages, had some knowledge of God, but it was<br />

not the experimental sort, such as enables us to know Him personally in practical and real salvation.<br />

3. “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness and going about to establish their own<br />

righteousness; but did not submit themselves unto the righteousness of God.<br />

4. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Righteousness<br />

arising from legal obedience is nothing but our own counterfeit self-righteousness, which is “filthy<br />

rags” in the sight of God. The only hope of humanity is the righteousness of God in Christ, imputed<br />

unto the broken-hearted through faith alone, and wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost in<br />

regeneration. We have a most wonderful Savior, very God and perfect man. In <strong>His</strong> divine capacity<br />

He has a righteousness peculiar to <strong>His</strong> divinity, which He will never impart, but retain forever. In<br />

<strong>His</strong> human capacity He has a righteousness peculiar to <strong>His</strong> perfect humanity, which He will never<br />

impart, but eternally retain. Meanwhile He has a third righteousness arising from <strong>His</strong> perfect<br />

obedience to the divine law, actively in life keeping it and passively in death verifying it. This third<br />

righteousness, which is neither essential to <strong>His</strong> Godhead, nor <strong>His</strong> manhood, nor <strong>His</strong> perfect<br />

Mediatorial character, he procured for all <strong>His</strong> guilty, ruined brethren to relieve them of condemnation<br />

and establish them irreproachable before the divine law for time and eternity. Since Christ Himself<br />

is the only human being who ever did or ever can keep the law, having become our Substitute in<br />

death and our exemplar in life, since faith in its very nature is the only appropriating grace, we must<br />

all receive this righteousness by faith alone. Here Paul condemns the Jews for “going about” to<br />

establish their own righteousness instead of receiving the righteousness of God in Christ by simple<br />

faith. The world is still full of people “going about” to establish their own righteousness. I was on<br />

that line nineteen years, intervening between my conversion and sanctification. Perfectly honest and<br />

sincere, kneeling before God, I made my consecration to the best of my knowledge and ability.<br />

Meanwhile a voice said to me, “Now, if you want to be holy and all right with God, you go ahead<br />

and perform every duty just right, and you will find your heart clean and your life cloudless<br />

sunshine.” I thought it was the voice of God, but it was that of the enemy, decoying me away lest I<br />

might by simple faith receive the Omnipotent Sanctifier, who was at that time standing right by me,<br />

and ready in a moment to give me the boon for which I went sighing and crying nineteen years. Thus<br />

making my consecration, instead of receiving sanctification by faith in the present tense, I renewed<br />

my covenant and resolved to do much better than ever before. So, leaving the Sanctifier standing by,<br />

I again and again proceeded with this “going about” to establish my own righteousness, instead of<br />

submitting to the righteousness of God through Christ by faith, every time only to be mortified by<br />

finding that I had grieved the Spirit by offering Him another pile of filthy rags, all this time<br />

postponing the blessing which Omnipotent Grace waited to bestow in a moment. The churches are

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