Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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case, soul and mind and body will all he glorified at the same time. Hence our entire probationary life here is in the hands of the blessed Potter, who is constantly bringing into availability His Omnipotent grace and merciful Providence to prepare us for glorification in the end, thus perfecting us vessels of honor. 24-26. Here Paul speaks of the fact that these vessels of honor are elected both from Jews and Gentiles indiscriminately. 27. “But Isaiah crieth out in behalf of Israel: If the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sands of the sea, the remnant shall be saved.” N. B. — Amid the wonderful fulfillment of God’s promises through out both Testaments, to gather the Jews from the ends of the earth and restore them, not only to Palestine but to His covenanted mercy and gracious favor, the “remnant” is everywhere recognized and contemplated, and not the teeming multitudes. The divine election, both on the line of grace and progenitorship, is confined to this remnant. So, while we may confidently rely on the fulfillment of God’s promises to His chosen people, we must not forget that the faithful remnant is the recipient throughout. 28. “For perfecting and cutting it short, the Lord will verify his work upon the earth.” When God’s time comes to restore the Jews, I know He will astonish the world by the miracles of His summary prophetical fulfillments. 29. “And as Isaiah before said: Unless the Lord of hosts left unto us a seed, we were as Sodom and we become like unto Gomorra.” Hence you see that the Jews were neither exterminated nor utterly cast away, God’s merciful eye following the faithful remnant in all their peregrinations upon the face of the whole earth, keeping the covenant which He made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, and finally gathering them back to the land of their holy patrimony. 30. “Then what shall we say? That the Gentile does not following after righteousness received righteousness, and the righteousness which is from faith,” i.e., the true and genuine righteousness, which always saves. 31. “But Israel, following the law, did not attain unto the law of righteousness.” The Jews, like the fallen churches of all ages, retrogressed into the legalistic heresies of seeking salvation by good works, thus deluded by the devil, and going headlong into apostasy and damnation, so blind that they actually killed their own Savior. 32. “Wherefore, because they sought it not by faith, but by works.” The true religion in all ages is salvation by the free grace of God in Christ, received and appropriated by faith alone, without works; while false religions in all ages teach salvation by faith and works, the latter always eclipsing the former and running them into idolatry. “They stumbled over the stone of stumbling, 33. “As has been written: Behold I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and he that believeth on him shall not be ashamed.” Shame is always the progeny of sin. People are ashamed to pray in public and in their own families and invite the erring to the Savior, looking them boldly in the face. What is the solution? Sin is at the bottom. Get rid of sin and your shame is all

gone. Here we see that the Jews, having waited four thousand years for their own Christ, stumbled over Him, plunging into hopeless ruin. Till Christ came the Jews were normally the true people of God. The ministry of Christ, living and dying, proved the fatal epoch in the apostasy of Israel. Before that epoch the Jewish church was adorned with brilliant examples of holiness. Since that day she exhibits not a solitary light, but goes deeper into the darkness of infidelity and atheism as the ages go by. In a similar manner, Romanism stumbled over Christ preached by Luther and his compeers. Before that day Saint Bernard, Abbey de Rance, Thomas a Kempis and many other exemplars of entire sanctification shone brilliantly in their ranks. But, oh, how dark their escutcheon today, unilluminated by a solitary confessor! In a similar manner the Episcopal Church stumbled over Christ preached by Wesley and his heroic comrades, plunging into darkness and sinking deeper into worldliness. Oh, what a memorable epoch in the history of the Protestant churches the present Holiness movement is marking! We live in an age of thrilling prophetical fulfillments, when “men will not endure sound doctrine.” God has raised up an army of Holiness people, girdling the globe with the evangelism of Christ, the great Protestant churches in all lands stumbling over Him, as revealed by the Holy Ghost in His Omnipotent, sanctifying power.

case, soul and mind and body will all he glorified at the same time. Hence our entire probationary<br />

life here is in the hands of the blessed Potter, who is constantly bringing into availability <strong>His</strong><br />

Omnipotent grace and merciful Providence to prepare us for glorification in the end, thus perfecting<br />

us vessels of honor.<br />

24-26. Here Paul speaks of the fact that these vessels of honor are elected both from Jews and<br />

Gentiles indiscriminately.<br />

27. “But Isaiah crieth out in behalf of Israel: If the number of the sons of Israel may be as the<br />

sands of the sea, the remnant shall be saved.” N. B. — Amid the wonderful fulfillment of God’s<br />

promises through out both Testaments, to gather the Jews from the ends of the earth and restore<br />

them, not only to Palestine but to <strong>His</strong> covenanted mercy and gracious favor, the “remnant” is<br />

everywhere recognized and contemplated, and not the teeming multitudes. The divine election, both<br />

on the line of grace and progenitorship, is confined to this remnant. So, while we may confidently<br />

rely on the fulfillment of God’s promises to <strong>His</strong> chosen people, we must not forget that the faithful<br />

remnant is the recipient throughout.<br />

28. “For perfecting and cutting it short, the Lord will verify his work upon the earth.” When<br />

God’s time comes to restore the Jews, I know He will astonish the world by the miracles of <strong>His</strong><br />

summary prophetical fulfillments.<br />

29. “And as Isaiah before said: Unless the Lord of hosts left unto us a seed, we were as Sodom<br />

and we become like unto Gomorra.” Hence you see that the Jews were neither exterminated nor<br />

utterly cast away, God’s merciful eye following the faithful remnant in all their peregrinations upon<br />

the face of the whole earth, keeping the covenant which He made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and<br />

Moses, and finally gathering them back to the land of their holy patrimony.<br />

30. “Then what shall we say? That the Gentile does not following after righteousness received<br />

righteousness, and the righteousness which is from faith,” i.e., the true and genuine righteousness,<br />

which always saves.<br />

31. “But Israel, following the law, did not attain unto the law of righteousness.” The Jews, like<br />

the fallen churches of all ages, retrogressed into the legalistic heresies of seeking salvation by good<br />

works, thus deluded by the devil, and going headlong into apostasy and damnation, so blind that they<br />

actually killed their own Savior.<br />

32. “Wherefore, because they sought it not by faith, but by works.” The true religion in all ages<br />

is salvation by the free grace of God in Christ, received and appropriated by faith alone, without<br />

works; while false religions in all ages teach salvation by faith and works, the latter always eclipsing<br />

the former and running them into idolatry. “They stumbled over the stone of stumbling,<br />

33. “As has been written: Behold I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and he<br />

that believeth on him shall not be ashamed.” Shame is always the progeny of sin. People are<br />

ashamed to pray in public and in their own families and invite the erring to the Savior, looking them<br />

boldly in the face. What is the solution? Sin is at the bottom. Get rid of sin and your shame is all

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