Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped out of Keilah. And he forbear to go forth.” Here we have a positive answer from God to David, “Saul will come down to Keilah and the men of Keilah will deliver thee up.” Now you see that neither of these predicted events transpired, because David immediately rallied his men and fled away from the traitors who were lying to him that they might purchase royal favor with his head, Saul being close on his track, and, hearing that he was gone, did not come to Keilah at all. Hence you see that even these pre-announced events are entirely changed by human action. David understood God’s method with man better than the cavilers of the present day, who apologize for their own obliquity by crying out, “What is to be will be, and I can not change my destiny.” When God told him that Saul would come to Keilah and the inhabitants of the city would betray him into his hands, David well understood that Saul would come and the Keilites would deliver him up if he stayed. Consequently, blowing his war bugle, he immediately rallies his men and skedaddles at double quick. The Bible is a commonsense book, adapted to the common, uneducated people, who are honest enough to receive its plain and candid truth and govern themselves accordingly. 31-34. In these verses Paul powerfully reasons the case, recognizing the fact that Christ redeemed His people by His own blood, and none has a right to gainsay. 33. “Who shall charge anything against the elect of God?” Eklektos, “the elect,” is from ek, “out,” and lego, “to choose.” In regeneration God chooses us out of the world. The word “elect” really conveys the idea of a second choosing, as lego means “to choose,” and ek, “from.” Hence the chosen from the chosen, corroborating the fact that Christ does not select a bride from the devil’s people, which would be true if the election was consummated in regeneration; but He chooses His bride from the people of God, superinducing this second election in entire sanctification, determinative of the bridehood. 35. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or difficulty, or persecution, or famine, or peril, or sword?” The answer is clearly in the negative, as two hundred millions of martyrs singing their death song in the fire have abundantly attested. 36. “As has been written that for thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.” This is a simple allusion to their daily exposition to martyrdom. “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31); simply affirmatory of the constant peril which everywhere confronted them, with the daily liability of sealing their faith with their blood, which Paul actually did at Rome, whither he was writing this letter. 37. “But in all these we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38. “I am persuaded that neither death nor life, angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor dynamites, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” All this is beautiful, true and eminently consolatory. Yet it is an undeniable fact that we are perfectly free and can turn away at will. While we may have no disposition to do so, yet we have the power, so long as we are on probation. Fortunately it is power which I feel in my case, and doubtless in many others, will never be exercised; yet it is there.

ROMANS CHAPTER IX. This is one of the places where the chapter division is injudiciously made, breaking the subject in two in the middle. 1. “I speak the truth, I lie not, my conscience bearing witness in the Holy Ghost.” Paul had the approval of his conscience while, unconverted, he persecuted the saints. Then his conscience bore him witness, but not in the Holy Ghost. Though the conscience survived the Fall, God’s telephone to speak to the soul, without which man never could be saved, but must go like the fallen angels; yet it is not a safe guide unless regenerated by the Holy Ghost, but is very likely to be usurped by Satan, who is fond of speaking through God’s telephone and thus passing himself for God. For that reason the leading preachers in the Jewish Church murdered Jesus, and have martyred the saints in the fallen churches of all ages. They follow their consciences, which are manipulated by the devil and an unsafe guide. It bears them witness, but not in the Holy Ghost, as they are strangers to Him. 3. “For I could wish that I were a sin-offering from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kindred according to the flesh.” This verse in E.V. has led to the conclusion that Paul was willing to give up his interest in Christ and lose his soul for the salvation of the Jews. That is altogether a mistake. He simply states that he would gladly suffer martyrdom, as Christ had, in order to save them. “Accursed,” in E.V., is anathema, from ana, “upon,” and titheemi “place.” Hence it originally means “an offering,” and became applied to a sin-offering, in that sense being applied to Christ, who had a perfect right to let him die a martyr to save the Jews, or live to preach the gospel. He here assures us that he would gladly lay down his life for the Jews if Christ should so order. 4-10. He here recapitulates the signal and extraordinary blessings which God conferred on the Jews, and bewails their apostasy, at the same time observing that the true Israel were in harmony with Christ, representing the seed of Abraham. ELECTION OF THE MESSIANIC PROGENITORSHIP IN CONTRADISTINCTION TO THE ELECTION OF GRACE. If you do not recognize and keep before you this distinction, you get much tangled in both Testaments. While the election of grace determinative of heaven or hell is optionary with man, that of the progenitorship was utterly independent of human volition, absolute and unchangeable in this sense. The Jews were elected and the Gentiles reprobated; Isaac elected and Ishmael reprobated, and Jacob elected and Esau reprobated. 11. “For the children not having yet been born, nor done anything good nor evil, in order that the purposes of God may stand according to election, not of works but of him that calleth.” This was because Jacob was elected to the progenitorship before he was born, and Esau reprobated from the same. Yet the atonement was as free and efficacious for Esau as for Isaac, for the Arabs as the Jews.

ROMANS<br />


This is one of the places where the chapter division is injudiciously made, breaking the subject<br />

in two in the middle.<br />

1. “I speak the truth, I lie not, my conscience bearing witness in the Holy Ghost.” Paul had the<br />

approval of his conscience while, unconverted, he persecuted the saints. Then his conscience bore<br />

him witness, but not in the Holy Ghost. Though the conscience survived the Fall, God’s telephone<br />

to speak to the soul, without which man never could be saved, but must go like the fallen angels; yet<br />

it is not a safe guide unless regenerated by the Holy Ghost, but is very likely to be usurped by Satan,<br />

who is fond of speaking through God’s telephone and thus passing himself for God. For that reason<br />

the leading preachers in the Jewish Church murdered Jesus, and have martyred the saints in the fallen<br />

churches of all ages. They follow their consciences, which are manipulated by the devil and an<br />

unsafe guide. It bears them witness, but not in the Holy Ghost, as they are strangers to Him.<br />

3. “For I could wish that I were a sin-offering from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kindred<br />

according to the flesh.” This verse in E.V. has led to the conclusion that Paul was willing to give<br />

up his interest in Christ and lose his soul for the salvation of the Jews. That is altogether a mistake.<br />

He simply states that he would gladly suffer martyrdom, as Christ had, in order to save them.<br />

“Accursed,” in E.V., is anathema, from ana, “upon,” and titheemi “place.” Hence it originally means<br />

“an offering,” and became applied to a sin-offering, in that sense being applied to Christ, who had<br />

a perfect right to let him die a martyr to save the Jews, or live to preach the gospel. He here assures<br />

us that he would gladly lay down his life for the Jews if Christ should so order.<br />

4-10. He here recapitulates the signal and extraordinary blessings which God conferred on the<br />

Jews, and bewails their apostasy, at the same time observing that the true Israel were in harmony<br />

with Christ, representing the seed of Abraham.<br />



If you do not recognize and keep before you this distinction, you get much tangled in both<br />

Testaments. While the election of grace determinative of heaven or hell is optionary with man, that<br />

of the progenitorship was utterly independent of human volition, absolute and unchangeable in this<br />

sense. The Jews were elected and the Gentiles reprobated; Isaac elected and Ishmael reprobated, and<br />

Jacob elected and Esau reprobated.<br />

11. “For the children not having yet been born, nor done anything good nor evil, in order that<br />

the purposes of God may stand according to election, not of works but of him that calleth.” This was<br />

because Jacob was elected to the progenitorship before he was born, and Esau reprobated from the<br />

same. Yet the atonement was as free and efficacious for Esau as for Isaac, for the Arabs as the Jews.

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