Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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sanctification, which is indispensable to prepare them for glorification. Thus they vainly congratulate<br />

themselves that sanctification will come at death without an effort on their part, which is a dangerous<br />

delusion, and will turn them over to the devil world without end. It is true that glorification comes<br />

in death irrespective of our volition, wrought by the Holy Ghost on the human spirit and mind<br />

simultaneously with the evacuation of the body. You have frequently seen an unearthly radiance<br />

lingering in the face of the dead in the coffin. This is the splendor of the glorified soul reflected back<br />

on the vacated tenement as it retreated away; as the setting sun ever and anon throws back the<br />

thousand variegated tints and hues bespangling the firmament far over to the eastern horizon<br />

simultaneously with his retreat through the gates of Hesperus. We have a most wonderful Savior.<br />

He is going to clear up everything, making a full and final restitution, not only restoring the body to<br />

heavenly glory, but even this earth is to be sanctified by fire (2 Peter 3:10), made new again and<br />

restored to heaven, where it belonged before the devil broke it loose in view of adding it to hell. Thus<br />

earth and firmament made new (Revelation 21), inhabited by glorified saints and angels like all other<br />

heavenly worlds, will shine and shout forever. When you die, your soul and mind will be glorified<br />

by the Holy Ghost simultaneously with the evacuation of the body, so that you actually go to heaven<br />

in the glorified state. All the saints living on the earth when the Lord returns will be glorified, soul<br />

and body simultaneously, and caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4). God has two<br />

methods of glorifying the body, i.e., translation, for which I, along with the apostles and their<br />

contemporaries, am on the daily outlook. The other method is the resurrection. We must all be<br />

transfigured into the similitude of our Savior’s glorified body, soul and spirit. This may come any<br />

moment by translation. If our Lord tarrieth till we die, then we will waive the glorious transfigured<br />

body until the resurrection, our soul and mind being glorified when we die. The apostles and saints<br />

lived and died looking for the Lord to come and translate them (2 Corinthians 5). We are eighteen<br />

hundred years nearer <strong>His</strong> coming than they were. Hence we should certainly be on the constant<br />

outlook. The most glorious privilege of the ages is to be living on the earth sanctified and ready for<br />

the Lord to come and translate us. In that case we will never see death, and never evacuate the body,<br />

but be transfigured and glorified, soul, mind and body simultaneously, when our Lord calls us to fly<br />

up and meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Entire sanctification is the only qualification we<br />

need. The Holy Ghost will attend to all the balance, miraculously glorifying us, soul, mind and body.<br />

This is the grandest conceivable inspiration to a holy experience and life. Oh, that the preachers<br />

would all hold it up before the people. It would stir heaven, earth and hell.<br />

18. “For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared to the<br />

glory that is about to be revealed in us.” He means the glorification of soul, mind and body, about<br />

which I have written. Such is the grandeur that the sufferings of this life go into eclipse as we<br />

contemplate the glory liable to reach us any moment. What a wonderful mitigation of all worldly<br />

woes and sorrows! Yet the masses of Christendom are about as destitute of it as the heathens. Oh,<br />

how we need armies of heralds to proclaim this inspiring truth!<br />

19. “For the earnest expectation of the creature awaiteth the revelation of the sons of God.” This<br />

means our bodies patiently waiting and longing to put off mortality and put on the transfiguration<br />


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