Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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MIRACLES OF THE END. 19, 20. These two verses describe the miracles of the end of the present age. You see how Peter couples them right on to the miracles of Pentecost; because he expected the Lord to return to the earth and set up His kingdom in his day. Also, Matthew 16:28: “There are some of those standing here who may not [not “shall not,” as E.V.] pass away until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Matthew 24:34: “This generation may not pass [not “shall not,” as E.V.] till all these things are fulfilled.” From these and many other Scriptures we see the gracious possibility of our Lord’s return to the earth during the life-time of the apostles and their contemporaries. The Greek in these passages has the contingent tense. There are no contingencies with God. The contingency was all on man’s side. As man always fails, so he failed in the Apostolic Age. There was a gracious possibility for man to preach the gospel to every nation during that generation; in which case our Lord would have returned on the throne of His millennial glory before that generation all passed away. All the apostles and saints expected to see the Lord return and “be caught up to meet him in the air,” which would have taken place if that generation had pushed to the ends of the earth and preached the gospel to every nation, as they could and should have done. These verses (19 and 20) describe the momentous miracles of the Tribulation. Luke Chapter 21), in his description of our Savior’s sermon on the judgments, preached on Mt. Olivet the day before He suffered, speaks of oceanic inundations during the Tribulation destroying multitudes. John describes the Armageddon wars deluging the world and heaping the battlefields with mountains of the dead. When the governments all fall (Daniel 7:9) the rabble will rise, burn, rob and murder indiscriminately. Hence the bloody and fiery phenomena of the 19th verse. The smoke of conflagrations, gun powder and the vapor from the oceanic inundations and bloody battlefields will darken the sun and make the moon look red as blood. We have every reason to look out for these miracles immediately, as they are the next on the prophetic program. TIME OF WAITING. 21. “And it shall come to pass that whosoever may call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” If the Pentecostians had proved true to the wonderful enduement of the Holy Ghost, they might have peregrinated the whole known world and preached the gospel to every nation, in which case the Lord would have returned to the earth before that generation had all passed away (Matthew 14:24 and 16:28.) But like humanity in all ages, they failed. Man has always been a failure and always will be. He failed in Eden, winding up with the Fall; he failed in antediluvian times, swept away by the righteous judgments of the flood; he failed in the Patriarchal dispensation, landing in Egyptian slavery; he failed in the Mosaic dispensation, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies and the dispersing of the Jews to the ends of the earth; he also failed in the Savior’s ministry, blindly rejecting and crucifying Him. The prophecies are equally explicit as to his egregious failure in the Gospel dispensation, plunging blindly and precipitately into the horrors of the great

Tribulation. Is not this very discouraging? Does it not prove that the plan of salvation is a failure? To both of these questions we respond an emphatic negative. The plan of salvation is a glorious success to all who willingly appreciate it. The very fact of man’s failure in all dispensations, and under all environments, is the grandest incentive conceivable, inspiring all truly and intelligently awakened souls to abandon humanity, world without end, and sink into God. Man never was created for independency. Hence whenever he undertakes it, failure and calamity inevitably supervene. When the Pentecostal generation failed to preach the gospel to every nation, a period came on, designated “the time of waiting.” Meanwhile the Son is waiting on the Father to verify His promise, “Sit thou on my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool” (Acts 2:34.) At the same time the Son is waiting on the Church to preach the gospel of the kingdom to every nation (Matthew 24:14); while the Church at the same time is anxiously watching and waiting the return of her divine Spouse, who flew up to heaven from Mt. Olivet. During this period of waiting, in which the Father alone knows the end and the time of our Lord’s return, the commandment is repeated, rigid and explicit: “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man cometh.” In this twenty first verse, we have a terse, clear and beautiful revelation of the gracious economy during the time of waiting. In our hurried rush to evangelize every nation on the globe, we have no time to bother with human ecclesiasticisms. They are utterly out of harmony with gospel expedition and New Testament simplicity. What do you mean by human ecclesiasticisms? I mean the human appropriation of the divine ecclesia. This word used by the Holy Ghost simply means the souls He has called out from this wicked world and separated unto God. The Holy Ghost Himself in regeneration and sanctification brings the New Testament church into existence, Himself organizing the same with bishops, i.e., pastors, elders, and deacons. The human usurpation of the ecclesia has girdled the world with popery, prelacy, and priestcraft, locking the nations in the Briarian arms of spiritual Babylon and dumping millions into hell. In this verse, oh! how beautifully, simply and unmistakably does the Holy Ghost define the gospel economy and the plan of salvation: “Whosoever may call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” So what are we to do? Why! simply go to the ends of earth and prevail on the people to “call on the name of the Lord,” i.e., to pray to God. All who fall in line, begin to pray and keep on to the end of probation, fly right up to heaven, as God’s Word is infallible as Himself. Instead of all the Christians on the globe running to the ends of the earth, preaching Jesus and getting all the people to pray, we have the nations humbugged by intriguing priests and tyrannized by ecclesiastical laws unheard of in the Bible. The apostles were “unlearned and ignorant men” (Acts 4:13). Yet they were fully competent to the great work of the gospel ministry. Instead of wearing out your nerves, eyes and brain by poring over dry-boned theology, get the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, and run like Samson’s foxes, preaching hell-fire to sinners till you get them all on their knees praying to God to save them from the burning pit. At the same time preach heavenly fire to Christians till you get them all on their knees crying to God for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire to sanctify them for heaven. CHRIST, DAVID’S SUCCESSOR. 22-35. We find in these Scriptures that Christ was predestinated to suffer and die to redeem the world. While this is true, it was perfectly optionary with Judas, the Jews and the Romans to betray and crucify Him pursuant to their own diabolical malice and turpitude. We must remember that God is not tied to the prophecies, but the prophecies to God, who sees the end from the beginning and with whom everything is present. We read in Samuel that when David came to Keilah in his flight


19, 20. These two verses describe the miracles of the end of the present age. You see how Peter<br />

couples them right on to the miracles of Pentecost; because he expected the Lord to return to the<br />

earth and set up <strong>His</strong> kingdom in his day.<br />

Also,<br />

Matthew 16:28: “There are some of those standing here who may not [not “shall not,”<br />

as E.V.] pass away until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”<br />

Matthew 24:34: “This generation may not pass [not “shall not,” as E.V.] till all these<br />

things are fulfilled.”<br />

From these and many other Scriptures we see the gracious possibility of our Lord’s return to the<br />

earth during the life-time of the apostles and their contemporaries. The Greek in these passages has<br />

the contingent tense. There are no contingencies with God. The contingency was all on man’s side.<br />

As man always fails, so he failed in the Apostolic Age. There was a gracious possibility for man to<br />

preach the gospel to every nation during that generation; in which case our Lord would have returned<br />

on the throne of <strong>His</strong> millennial glory before that generation all passed away. All the apostles and<br />

saints expected to see the Lord return and “be caught up to meet him in the air,” which would have<br />

taken place if that generation had pushed to the ends of the earth and preached the gospel to every<br />

nation, as they could and should have done. These verses (19 and 20) describe the momentous<br />

miracles of the Tribulation. Luke Chapter 21), in his description of our Savior’s sermon on the<br />

judgments, preached on Mt. Olivet the day before He suffered, speaks of oceanic inundations during<br />

the Tribulation destroying multitudes. John describes the Armageddon wars deluging the world and<br />

heaping the battlefields with mountains of the dead. When the governments all fall (Daniel 7:9) the<br />

rabble will rise, burn, rob and murder indiscriminately. Hence the bloody and fiery phenomena of<br />

the 19th verse. The smoke of conflagrations, gun powder and the vapor from the oceanic inundations<br />

and bloody battlefields will darken the sun and make the moon look red as blood. We have every<br />

reason to look out for these miracles immediately, as they are the next on the prophetic program.<br />


21. “And it shall come to pass that whosoever may call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.”<br />

If the Pentecostians had proved true to the wonderful enduement of the Holy Ghost, they might have<br />

peregrinated the whole known world and preached the gospel to every nation, in which case the Lord<br />

would have returned to the earth before that generation had all passed away (Matthew 14:24 and<br />

16:28.) But like humanity in all ages, they failed. Man has always been a failure and always will be.<br />

He failed in Eden, winding up with the Fall; he failed in antediluvian times, swept away by the<br />

righteous judgments of the flood; he failed in the Patriarchal dispensation, landing in Egyptian<br />

slavery; he failed in the Mosaic dispensation, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem by the<br />

Roman armies and the dispersing of the Jews to the ends of the earth; he also failed in the Savior’s<br />

ministry, blindly rejecting and crucifying Him. The prophecies are equally explicit as to his egregious<br />

failure in the Gospel dispensation, plunging blindly and precipitately into the horrors of the great

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