Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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on top. The sins of your body make you hoggish; those of your mind make you worldly; while the<br />

sins of your spirit make you devilish. There is a fearful liability that the degradation of your immortal<br />

spirit may pass the susceptibility of spiritual influence, in which case Satan succeeds in utterly<br />

blowing off the third story of humanity, sealing your doom in hell and diabolizing you forever. These<br />

are those who commit the unpardonable sin.<br />

7. “For the mind of the flesh is enmity toward God: for it is not subject to the law of God: for it<br />

is not able to be.” The fallen churches in all ages have sought in vain to subdue the carnal mind and<br />

subordinate it to the law of God Oh, the efforts everywhere made in popular ecclesiasticisms to wash<br />

and dress old Adam so he will do for heaven! It is all a trick of the devil to fool the people and catch<br />

them with the lasso of carnal security. God’s method with sin is extermination. We can not evade<br />

the issue. Cato, the great Roman statesman and orator, wound up every speech before the Roman<br />

senate with the statement “Carthago delenda est” — Carthage must be destroyed. She was the<br />

uncompromising rival of Rome. Hence the one or the other must be destroyed. So the carnal mind<br />

is the implacable enemy of grace, and must be destroyed or the hope of heaven surrendered forever.<br />

This carnal mind is none other than Satan’s own mind imparted to humanity in the Fall. God is the<br />

pure Holy Spirit, and has the sole right to rule men, angels and the universe. The carnal mind<br />

subordinates soul, mind, spirit and the entire being to the animal body, in that way alienating you<br />

from God, brutalizing and turning you over to the devil.<br />

8. “For those who are in carnality are not able to please God.” The word “flesh” (E.V.) here<br />

does not mean the body, but the carnal mind. Enoch pleased God while in the body, and He took him<br />

to heaven. The next verse shows that it does not mean the body, but carnality. There is but one way<br />

out, and that is to have carnality destroyed, which is the work of entire sanctification. If we do not<br />

please God, it is certain we will never get to heaven. If we please Him we must obey Him. He<br />

commands us to be holy, and that means to get rid of depravity. For this he has made ample<br />

provision. Hence we must obey and be holy, or disobey, remain carnal and displease God, thus<br />

backsliding and making our bed in hell. If you walk in all the light He gives you, his blood will<br />

cleanse you from all sin. If you do not walk in the light, you will displease Him, and lose your soul<br />

in the end.<br />


9. “You are not in carnality, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. But if<br />

any one have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.” Here we have a beautiful and lucid affirmation<br />

of the divine unity. “Spirit” occurring three times in this verse. First, He is the Holy Spirit, in the<br />

second place, the Spirit of the Father; and in the third instance, the Spirit of the Son, and identical<br />

throughout, illustrating clearly the identity of the three persons constituting the Godhead, and the<br />

identity of the Spirit of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The same is clearly revealed in <strong>Acts</strong> 5,<br />

where Holy Ghost, in verse 3, God, in verse 4, and Spirit of the Lord, i.e., Christ, in verse 9, are all<br />

used synonymously. It is exceedingly pertinent for us to be specific at this point, as some have gotten<br />

tangled discriminating between the Spirit of Jesus and the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of God, and<br />

gone off into the tri-theistic heresy to their spiritual detriment. However incomprehensible the Divine<br />

Trinity and Unity, yet it is a fact clearly revealed in God’s infallible Word. We are not saved by<br />

knowledge, but by faith. Hence we do not have to understand the Scriptures, but “only believe.”

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