Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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him, methinks I see his neck elongated, with horrific projecting jaws, and venomous, forked tongue;<br />

his arms, absorbed, disappear; his posterior members consolidated into a great, huge tail. Now falling<br />

on the ground, he crawls away, a loathsome, narcotic, hissing serpent, to be hated and slaughtered<br />

by the whole human race. Thus, you see, the snake originated out of the transformation resulting<br />

from sin. Evil can not emanate from good. Hence God never made a devil, a sinner, nor a snake. The<br />

brazen serpent in the wilderness by the divine order resembled the fiery serpents which invaded the<br />

camp and slew their multitudes. Why? Because the brazen serpent symbolized Christ, who was to<br />

take the form of man in order to save us. John the Baptist and Jesus both called the people a<br />

generation of vipers, i.e., “children of rattlesnakes.” Hence we received the diabolical venom through<br />

the serpent, thus imbibing the snake nature and becoming a race of snakes. It takes a rogue to catch<br />

a rogue. Consequently the commonwealth never makes much headway against a gang of thieves till<br />

some of them turn State’s evidence; then they get them quickly. So our blessed Savior took the form<br />

of our “sinful flesh” that He might save us from our sins. As symbolized by the brazen serpent, He<br />

became a snake that He might find and save us snakes. The wonderful condescension of redeeming<br />

love “Condemned sin in the flesh.” The condemnatory sentence must precede the execution of a<br />

criminal. As our Savior has perfectly kept the law for the whole human race, thus condemning the<br />

sin in carnality, therefore the gospel sword is sent out into all the world to execute the sentence of<br />

guilt against the man of sin in every human heart throughout the whole world. Thus, you see, it is<br />

our work to slay the man of sin without mercy. Therefore the true gospel has in all ages met the<br />

bitterest opposition, because nothing loves to die. Snakes fight awfully for their lives. Christ turned<br />

snake as symbolized in the wilderness, i.e., He took the form of us snakes, found them all, and<br />

passed sentence of death on them. Hence ours is truly a snake-killing business throughout. The twoedged<br />

sword of the gospel is sent into the world to cut off every snake head. Snakes are very scary.<br />

Hence you must have the perfect love which casts out fear, if you would make headway killing the<br />

snakes. Carnal cowards tinker along and let the snakes live.<br />

4. “In order that the righteous judgment of the law may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the<br />

flesh but after the Spirit.” The righteous judgment of the law is, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die”<br />

(Ezekiel 18:4). Hence the sin-principle in every heart must die. God’s method with sin is<br />

extermination. That is always done in “those who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”<br />

When your walk is mixed you never get sin destroyed. It is only those who are solidly out and out<br />

for God who get sin exterminated.<br />

5. “For those who are according to the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, and those who are<br />

of the Spirit the things of the Spirit.” God is calling all to heaven; and Satan, the “god of this world”<br />

(2 Corinthians 4:4), is offering us this world as he did Jesus. The body is earthy and destined soon<br />

to go back to it. We have our choice to live for this world or heaven. We get just what we live for.<br />

If we live for this world, we leave soon, and are liable to at any moment, unprepared for heaven.<br />

Hence Satan, whose subjects we are, takes us to hell. The divine order is, first God, then the human<br />

spirit, then the mind or soul, and finally the body. Satan reverses the order, putting the body first,<br />

then the mind, and the immortal spirit is neglected altogether. In that case you have the world here<br />

and hell hereafter. Man is a three-story building, consisting of body, mind and spirit. The latter. i.e.,<br />

the third story, is where our King erects <strong>His</strong> throne. when we are true, ruling the mind through the<br />

spirit, the body through the mind and our life through the body Satan reverses the divine order in the<br />

human spirit down in the mud then the mind, and finally the body, i.e. the hog element of our nature,

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