Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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Lawgiver, making you a subordinate in the divine administration, helping God in the maintenance of law and order throughout the universe. Hence the gross incompatibility of the slightest disharmony with the law on your part. The children of the King are free from the law; yet they are the paragon exemplars of legal obedience, conservatism and loyalty. When your will is lost in God’s will, you enjoy the very freedom of God Himself, who is perfectly free to do everything good and nothing bad. This is the very climax of perfect liberty. 16. “Do you not know that to whom ye present yourselves slaves to obedience, ye are slaves to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Man is a dependency by nature, All attempts to assume independence have collapsed and ultimated in ruin; i.e., the Eden independence winding up in the Fall, the Antediluvian in the Flood, the Patriarchal in Egyptian slavery, the Jewish in destruction by the Roman armies; and in the clear light of prophecy the Gentile destined to go the same way, ending in the great tribulation. Man would have stood under any or all of these dispensations if he had been true to God. Human independence is but another name for Satanic slavery. Entire sanctification makes you God’s slave. This is the identical word applied by the Holy Ghost to God’s apostles and saints throughout the Bible. God’s slavery means perfect liberty. If you were a slave on earth, and your master were perfectly good, infinitely rich, and loved you enough to die for you, in that case you would be free and happy as an angel. 17. “Grace belongeth unto God, because ye have obeyed from the heart that type of teaching unto which ye were committed, 18. “And having been made free from sin, you became slaves unto righteousness.” The stupendous fact of your wonderful deliverance out of Satanic slavery, which means brutality here and damnation hereafter, and have been transformed into the slaves of God, which means the highest freedom in the universe, i.e., the very delectable and glorious liberty of God himself, is a grand source of thanksgiving to God. Hence the apostle opens this sentence with a shout of triumph, proceeding with a beautiful rehearsal of the glorious transformation, culminating in entire sanctification which really makes you the slave of righteousness, i.e., perfectly subservient to righteousness, having not the slightest affinity for unrighteousness. DEPRAVITY SUPERSEDED BY SANCTIFICATION. 19. “For I speak after the manner of a man on account of the weakness of your flesh.” While in these bodies, as Wesley well says, “we can only think, speak and act through organs of clay.” Sense and phraseology must be simplified and adapted to the people. For this reason, the Old Testament abounds in symbolism, and the New in parabolic and materialistic imagery and illustration. In heaven Paul hears language incomprehensible on earth, doubtless because of its pure spirituality (2 Corinthians 12). “For as ye presented your members slaves unto uncleanness and iniquity pursuant to iniquity.” This is a vivid description of the wicked living animal lives, afflictive and even suicidal to themselves. God’s order reversed — the angel down in the mud and the hog on top! The brutal

“uncleanness” peculiar to the wicked gives them a hell on earth — ten thousand aches, pains and sorrows known only to themselves. Thousands of people annually die in the hospitals of this city (New York) and are buried alone in the Potter’s Field, with no friend on earth to speak a word in the dying ear. Millions of people shorten their lives by brutality and sink into paupers’ graves. The wicked not only sin against themselves and humanity, but sin against God. Hence this double epithet: “uncleanness,” which is sin against themselves; and “iniquity” (Greek, lawlessness, i.e., transgression of God’s laws), sin against God. Here the Holy Ghost specifies the source of all this, i.e., eis anomian, “pursuant to iniquity” or “lawlessness.” This word means depravity. In, prefixed to a word, means not. Hence iniquity means the want of equity, i.e., justice. De, used as a word, has a negative meaning, i.e., deprivation. Hence you see iniquity and depravity are synonymous. In this verse we have the affirmation that both uncleanness and iniquity proceed from the common source of human depravity. This is the negative side of the argument. Now, in the prosecution of the affirmative, we find a radical tergiversation take place, eliminating depravity and superseding it by holiness to the Lord. “Thus now ye have presented your members slaves unto righteousness pursuant to sanctification.” This part of the verse describes the experience following the wonderful transformation of grace. I find here the very pure Greek construction appertaining to sanctification after the wonderful transition as to depravity in the former state when you were “slaves to uncleanness and iniquity.” Hence it follows as a logical sequence that the deep interior of the heart, where Satan has his throne and the rattlesnakes of inbred sin coil and rattle on all sides, is gloriously expurgated of all evil, Satan ousted, the snakes, reptiles and doleful creatures slain, their blood and bones enriching the soil, now turned over to King Immanuel, who transforms the entire situation into the blooming gardens and beautiful fields of Eden, through which the angels walk, and the songs of the seraphim are wafted on heavenly breezes, and there the Holy Ghost has enthroned Jesus to reign without a rival. The antithesis is profoundly significant, eis anomian and eis hagiasmon: “pursuant to iniquity” in case of the sinner, and “pursuant to sanctification” in case of the righteous. Here is the significant fact: the deep, subterranean region of the fallen spirit, occupied by inbred sin and impregnably fortified by the devil, is radically expurgated of all carnal debris, washed in the blood of the Lamb, and filled with the perfect love of God. Consequently the very temptations which formerly stirred the malevolent affections, i.e., anger, wrath, malice, envy, jealousy, prejudice, bigotry, egotism, pride, vanity and all of the selfish predilections, now arouse the very opposite, i.e., love, kindness, pity, sympathy, philanthropy, charity, forgiveness, and an earnest desire to do good for evil. All this follows as a logical sequence from the fact that the old malevolent affections are eradicated and gone, and the benevolent emotions have taken their place. Hence so long as you are truly sanctified, the very incentives which formerly to your sorrow, defeat and disgrace aroused evil, will now only awaken the corresponding good. This is truly a miracle of grace, paradoxical to aliens, but blessedly real to the truly sanctified. 20. “For when you may be the slaves of sin, you may be free of righteousness.” The sinner has no righteous character whatever. The sanctified have no sinful character. The one the slave of sin, and the other that of holiness, while the justified are somewhat intermediate, though no longer serving sin, but still having it on hand in a subjugated state and serving in the kingdom of God after the similitude of hirelings, liable to go out at any time. 21. “Then what reward had you at any time? in which things you are now ashamed; for the end of those things is death.” Here is an interrogatory allusion to your old life in sin, when Satan paid

“uncleanness” peculiar to the wicked gives them a hell on earth — ten thousand aches, pains and<br />

sorrows known only to themselves. Thousands of people annually die in the hospitals of this city<br />

(New York) and are buried alone in the Potter’s Field, with no friend on earth to speak a word in the<br />

dying ear. Millions of people shorten their lives by brutality and sink into paupers’ graves. The<br />

wicked not only sin against themselves and humanity, but sin against God. Hence this double epithet:<br />

“uncleanness,” which is sin against themselves; and “iniquity” (Greek, lawlessness, i.e.,<br />

transgression of God’s laws), sin against God. Here the Holy Ghost specifies the source of all this,<br />

i.e., eis anomian, “pursuant to iniquity” or “lawlessness.” This word means depravity. In, prefixed<br />

to a word, means not. Hence iniquity means the want of equity, i.e., justice. De, used as a word, has<br />

a negative meaning, i.e., deprivation. Hence you see iniquity and depravity are synonymous. In this<br />

verse we have the affirmation that both uncleanness and iniquity proceed from the common source<br />

of human depravity. This is the negative side of the argument. Now, in the prosecution of the<br />

affirmative, we find a radical tergiversation take place, eliminating depravity and superseding it by<br />

holiness to the Lord. “Thus now ye have presented your members slaves unto righteousness pursuant<br />

to sanctification.” This part of the verse describes the experience following the wonderful<br />

transformation of grace. I find here the very pure Greek construction appertaining to sanctification<br />

after the wonderful transition as to depravity in the former state when you were “slaves to<br />

uncleanness and iniquity.” Hence it follows as a logical sequence that the deep interior of the heart,<br />

where Satan has his throne and the rattlesnakes of inbred sin coil and rattle on all sides, is gloriously<br />

expurgated of all evil, Satan ousted, the snakes, reptiles and doleful creatures slain, their blood and<br />

bones enriching the soil, now turned over to King Immanuel, who transforms the entire situation into<br />

the blooming gardens and beautiful fields of Eden, through which the angels walk, and the songs of<br />

the seraphim are wafted on heavenly breezes, and there the Holy Ghost has enthroned Jesus to reign<br />

without a rival. The antithesis is profoundly significant, eis anomian and eis hagiasmon: “pursuant<br />

to iniquity” in case of the sinner, and “pursuant to sanctification” in case of the righteous. Here is<br />

the significant fact: the deep, subterranean region of the fallen spirit, occupied by inbred sin and<br />

impregnably fortified by the devil, is radically expurgated of all carnal debris, washed in the blood<br />

of the Lamb, and filled with the perfect love of God. Consequently the very temptations which<br />

formerly stirred the malevolent affections, i.e., anger, wrath, malice, envy, jealousy, prejudice,<br />

bigotry, egotism, pride, vanity and all of the selfish predilections, now arouse the very opposite, i.e.,<br />

love, kindness, pity, sympathy, philanthropy, charity, forgiveness, and an earnest desire to do good<br />

for evil. All this follows as a logical sequence from the fact that the old malevolent affections are<br />

eradicated and gone, and the benevolent emotions have taken their place. Hence so long as you are<br />

truly sanctified, the very incentives which formerly to your sorrow, defeat and disgrace aroused evil,<br />

will now only awaken the corresponding good. This is truly a miracle of grace, paradoxical to aliens,<br />

but blessedly real to the truly sanctified.<br />

20. “For when you may be the slaves of sin, you may be free of righteousness.” The sinner has<br />

no righteous character whatever. The sanctified have no sinful character. The one the slave of sin,<br />

and the other that of holiness, while the justified are somewhat intermediate, though no longer<br />

serving sin, but still having it on hand in a subjugated state and serving in the kingdom of God after<br />

the similitude of hirelings, liable to go out at any time.<br />

21. “Then what reward had you at any time? in which things you are now ashamed; for the end<br />

of those things is death.” Here is an interrogatory allusion to your old life in sin, when Satan paid

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