Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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Lawgiver, making you a subordinate in the divine administration, helping God in the maintenance<br />

of law and order throughout the universe. Hence the gross incompatibility of the slightest<br />

disharmony with the law on your part. The children of the King are free from the law; yet they are<br />

the paragon exemplars of legal obedience, conservatism and loyalty. When your will is lost in God’s<br />

will, you enjoy the very freedom of God Himself, who is perfectly free to do everything good and<br />

nothing bad. This is the very climax of perfect liberty.<br />

16. “Do you not know that to whom ye present yourselves slaves to obedience, ye are slaves to<br />

whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Man is a<br />

dependency by nature, All attempts to assume independence have collapsed and ultimated in ruin;<br />

i.e., the Eden independence winding up in the Fall, the Antediluvian in the Flood, the Patriarchal in<br />

Egyptian slavery, the Jewish in destruction by the Roman armies; and in the clear light of prophecy<br />

the Gentile destined to go the same way, ending in the great tribulation. Man would have stood under<br />

any or all of these dispensations if he had been true to God. Human independence is but another<br />

name for Satanic slavery. Entire sanctification makes you God’s slave. This is the identical word<br />

applied by the Holy Ghost to God’s apostles and saints throughout the Bible. God’s slavery means<br />

perfect liberty. If you were a slave on earth, and your master were perfectly good, infinitely rich, and<br />

loved you enough to die for you, in that case you would be free and happy as an angel.<br />

17. “Grace belongeth unto God, because ye have obeyed from the heart that type of teaching unto<br />

which ye were committed,<br />

18. “And having been made free from sin, you became slaves unto righteousness.” The<br />

stupendous fact of your wonderful deliverance out of Satanic slavery, which means brutality here<br />

and damnation hereafter, and have been transformed into the slaves of God, which means the highest<br />

freedom in the universe, i.e., the very delectable and glorious liberty of God himself, is a grand<br />

source of thanksgiving to God. Hence the apostle opens this sentence with a shout of triumph,<br />

proceeding with a beautiful rehearsal of the glorious transformation, culminating in entire<br />

sanctification which really makes you the slave of righteousness, i.e., perfectly subservient to<br />

righteousness, having not the slightest affinity for unrighteousness.<br />


19. “For I speak after the manner of a man on account of the weakness of your flesh.” While in<br />

these bodies, as Wesley well says, “we can only think, speak and act through organs of clay.” Sense<br />

and phraseology must be simplified and adapted to the people. For this reason, the Old Testament<br />

abounds in symbolism, and the New in parabolic and materialistic imagery and illustration. In<br />

heaven Paul hears language incomprehensible on earth, doubtless because of its pure spirituality (2<br />

Corinthians 12).<br />

“For as ye presented your members slaves unto uncleanness and iniquity pursuant to<br />

iniquity.”<br />

This is a vivid description of the wicked living animal lives, afflictive and even suicidal to<br />

themselves. God’s order reversed — the angel down in the mud and the hog on top! The brutal

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