Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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Spirit by which sin is exterminated, God forbid that we should run into papistical dogmas of<br />

baptismal regeneration by giving a materialistic interpretation to this passage. It does not say<br />

“baptized into water,” but “into Jesus Christ.” Hence, the construction of it simply to mean water<br />

baptism materializes God and runs into idolatry. This baptism, which is none other than that of the<br />

Holy Ghost, actually puts you in Christ, where there is no sin, thus utterly and eternally annihilating<br />

sin, as we have indicated by our baptism into <strong>His</strong> death. Just as Christ died on the cross, so do we<br />

die to sin in this baptism, when by the Holy Ghost we are baptized into the death of Christ, when we<br />

are as free from sin as the dead body of Jesus was from life while lying in the tomb.<br />

4. “Therefore we have been buried along with him through baptism into death.” We find here<br />

that the baptism is the agent who executes the work of the burial into the death, which means the<br />

atonement of Christ, which is the receptacle of all sin which escapes damnation; i.e., every old man<br />

of sin must either be buried into the atonement of Christ and be left there forever, or be burned in<br />

hell fire world without end. It is astounding that Bible readers identify this baptism with the burial<br />

which is positively contradictory of Paul’s plain statement which makes the baptism the undertaker<br />

instead of the interment. “In order that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the<br />

Father, so may we also walk in newness of life.” Here we see that the resurrection must be<br />

homogeneous to the interment, being performed by the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit, who<br />

raised the body of Christ from the dead. Therefore it follows as a logical sequence that the Holy<br />

Ghost Himself is the agent in both operations, i.e., the internment and the resurrection, thus clearly<br />

and demonstratively proving that this is none other than the baptism of the Holy Ghost slaying the<br />

man of sin and burying him forever into the death of Christ, the only receptacle of sin as an<br />

alternative of hell. When this old body of sin is thus forever removed, eternally buried in the death<br />

of Christ, the new man, having been resurrected in regeneration, now utterly disencumbered and free,<br />

walks on forever with God in “newness of life.” We must bear in mind that water is not mentioned<br />

in this chapter, while all the language is homogeneous with the baptism of the Spirit and out of<br />

harmony with a material transaction. If your conscience demands baptism by immersion in water,<br />

do not hesitate to satisfy your convictions in the beautiful symbolism of the material ordinance. Yet<br />

it is exceedingly pertinent that we do not mar this beautiful, clear and demonstrative statement of the<br />

supernatural baptism of the Spirit by confounding it with an outward ceremony. The thing buried in<br />

this transaction is not your physical body, which is buried in water and baptized by immersion, and<br />

the same identical body immediately raised up by the muscular power of the administrator; but that<br />

old body of sin, which is invisible and spiritual, having been crucified by the Holy Ghost in<br />

sanctification and now buried into the death, i.e., the atonement of Christ, and left there forever;<br />

because if unfortunately Satan raises him up, “the last state is worse than the first.” Hence we see<br />

the utter heterogeneity of two transactions, the internment involving the old man of sin after he has<br />

been crucified by the Holy Ghost, putting him down deep into the death of Christ, the exterminator<br />

of all sin, there to abide forever; while the new man, the son of God, created in the heart by the Holy<br />

Ghost in regeneration, is raised up to walk in newness of life forever. Hence we see that one thing<br />

is buried, so to remain forever. An infinitely different thing is the subject of the resurrection; i.e., the<br />

old man, the son of the devil, is the subject of the interment; and the new man, the son of God, the<br />

subject of the resurrection. Hence we see the impertinency in the interpretation of this Scripture as<br />

simply applying to water baptism by immersion, in which the same physical body is the subject both<br />

of the interment and the resurrection.

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