Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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of God, but, on the contrary, you are a child of the devil (John 8:44), with all your boasted church membership and legal obedience. 6. “Therefore indeed David speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God imputeth righteousness without works [Psalm 31]: 7. “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered, 8. “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord may not impute sin. 9. “Therefore cometh this blessedness on the circumcision, or indeed upon the uncircumcision? For we say, that faith was imputed unto Abraham for righteousness. 10. “How then was it imputed? to him being in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.” This is a continued evolution of this wonderful and unanswerable Pauline argument, actually the most prolix in all the Bible, confirmatory of justification full and free for all the world by the free grace of God in Christ, received and appropriated by faith alone, without work of law. The very fact that this took place in the case of Abraham twenty four years before the organization of the visible church in his house, teaches us a grand and impressive lesson; i.e., that God in His infallible administration, by putting twenty-four years between the two transactions, forever annihilates the possibility of their identification by sensible, honest people. What an awful job the devil has on his hands to prove the essentiality of water baptism or any other church ordinance to justification, when Abraham, God’s paragon saint and the representative of every other, was justified by the free grace of God in Christ twenty-four years before he received a church ordinance! I know there is a disposition on the part of many superficial, bogus theologians flippantly to pass over the Abrahamic covenant. This is wholesale murder, because Abraham had no covenant, but was simply the recipient of the renovation of the Messianic covenant by which the world is redeemed. Hence the Scriptures positively identify the Abrahamic with the Mediatorial covenant. Then, if you are not justified like Abraham, becoming one of his legitimate spiritual posterity, you have no interest in Christ (Galatians 3:25). Mark this long quotation from the Psalms of David, descriptive of God’s “blessed man,” whose sins are covered, and to whom he does not impute iniquity. If it turns out that you are not that “blessed man,” the devil gets you to an absolute certainty, whether in the pulpit, the pew or the world. Now you see clearly how Paul identifies this “blessed man” with the Abrahamic covenant, because he is justified by faith alone, without works, like father Abraham, who actually got converted twenty-four years before he was baptized. Do not forget the inspired epithet, “blessed,” which God applies to the man who, like Abraham, is justified by faith without legal obedience. “Blessed” literally means “happy.” You take the poor legalists, all round, and you find anything but a happy people. They are blue as indigo. It is a regular long-faced Christianity — Satan’s counterfeit. Take the people who have nothing but Jesus and depend on nothing but God, and you will find “happy” pilgrims every time. That is the reason why Satan’s legalistic church members can not keep away from theaters, dances, card tables, circuses, horse races and saloons. It is because they have no happiness in their religion. Hence they have to go to the devil for joy to keep them from dying of the blues. There is nothing in the Abrahamic covenant but Jesus. Hence the children of father Abraham are a jolly set.

11. “And he received the sign of circumcision, the seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had in uncircumcision, that he should be the father of all those believing through uncircumcision, that righteousness may be imputed to them: 12. “And the father of circumcision not only to them who walk in the tracks of the faith of our father Abraham which he had in uncircumcision.” We see here that the normal attitude of Abraham’s children is in uncircumcision, as he was converted twenty-four years before he entered the visible church. Here we have it revealed that salvation is only for those who walk in the steps of Abraham, i.e., get justified by faith alone. These belong to class number one, i.e., the normal children of Abraham. In the second place, provision is made for those who belong to the circumcision, i.e., the visible church, that they may also come into the covenant by faith and become the children of Abraham if they will walk in the steps of that faith which he had in uncircumcision. Hence we see the preeminence in the covenant is given to those who get converted before they join the church. It is a mistake to receive the unconverted into the visible church, lest they may lean on it and stop short of experimental salvation, and in that case lose their souls. I joined the church before I was converted, God showing me mercy and leading me on into an intelligent experience, though Satan did his utmost to get me to rest in church membership. MILLENNIUM. 13. “For the promise to Abraham and his seed, that he should be the heir of the world, was not through the works, but through the righteousness of faith.” The covenant with Abraham was simply the renovation of the Messianic (Galatians 3:16), by which Christ purchased this world with His blood. Hence it is here stated that Abraham is to inherit the world. A title made to a man is valid to his children forever. Hence Abraham’s seed, i.e., Christ, is to inherit the whole earth in the millennium, in due time renovated, and possess it forever. Hence, if you would be a member of the glorified Bridehood and reign with Christ a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6), you must be a child of Abraham. Hence it is positively specified that this inheritance is not through the law, i.e., you do not get it by good works, but through faith. 14. “For if the heirs were from the law, faith is made empty and the promise of none effect.” The great promise which God made to Abraham to redeem the world by the gift of His Son, which was utterly unnecessary if they could be saved by legal obedience. The law was here four thousand years before Christ came; there was plenty of water to baptize people, and every other conceivable facility of legal obedience. Therefore if salvation had been possible through the law, the condescension and death of Christ were unnecessary, null and void. The utter incompetency of fallen humanity to be saved in any other way superinduced the absolute necessity for Christ to come and die, thus redeeming us from sin, death and hell. Hence legalism is so abominable in the sight of God; from the ostensible fact that it treats with contempt the vicarious atonement which cost the life of His Son. 15. “For the law worketh out wrath; for where is no law, there is no transgression.” While the law is perfectly pure and holy, yet it is utterly incapable of love and mercy. All it can do is to condemn the criminal. Hence the silly nonsense of salvation by obedience, which could only turn over the whole human race to endless punishment. The law is the exponent of the penalty, and must be prefinite to all transgression.

11. “And he received the sign of circumcision, the seal of the righteousness of the faith which he<br />

had in uncircumcision, that he should be the father of all those believing through uncircumcision,<br />

that righteousness may be imputed to them:<br />

12. “And the father of circumcision not only to them who walk in the tracks of the faith of our<br />

father Abraham which he had in uncircumcision.” We see here that the normal attitude of<br />

Abraham’s children is in uncircumcision, as he was converted twenty-four years before he entered<br />

the visible church. Here we have it revealed that salvation is only for those who walk in the steps of<br />

Abraham, i.e., get justified by faith alone. These belong to class number one, i.e., the normal children<br />

of Abraham. In the second place, provision is made for those who belong to the circumcision, i.e.,<br />

the visible church, that they may also come into the covenant by faith and become the children of<br />

Abraham if they will walk in the steps of that faith which he had in uncircumcision. Hence we see<br />

the preeminence in the covenant is given to those who get converted before they join the church. It<br />

is a mistake to receive the unconverted into the visible church, lest they may lean on it and stop short<br />

of experimental salvation, and in that case lose their souls. I joined the church before I was<br />

converted, God showing me mercy and leading me on into an intelligent experience, though Satan<br />

did his utmost to get me to rest in church membership.<br />


13. “For the promise to Abraham and his seed, that he should be the heir of the world, was not<br />

through the works, but through the righteousness of faith.” The covenant with Abraham was simply<br />

the renovation of the Messianic (Galatians 3:16), by which Christ purchased this world with <strong>His</strong><br />

blood. Hence it is here stated that Abraham is to inherit the world. A title made to a man is valid to<br />

his children forever. Hence Abraham’s seed, i.e., Christ, is to inherit the whole earth in the<br />

millennium, in due time renovated, and possess it forever. Hence, if you would be a member of the<br />

glorified Bridehood and reign with Christ a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6), you must be a child<br />

of Abraham. Hence it is positively specified that this inheritance is not through the law, i.e., you do<br />

not get it by good works, but through faith.<br />

14. “For if the heirs were from the law, faith is made empty and the promise of none effect.” The<br />

great promise which God made to Abraham to redeem the world by the gift of <strong>His</strong> Son, which was<br />

utterly unnecessary if they could be saved by legal obedience. The law was here four thousand years<br />

before Christ came; there was plenty of water to baptize people, and every other conceivable facility<br />

of legal obedience. Therefore if salvation had been possible through the law, the condescension and<br />

death of Christ were unnecessary, null and void. The utter incompetency of fallen humanity to be<br />

saved in any other way superinduced the absolute necessity for Christ to come and die, thus<br />

redeeming us from sin, death and hell. Hence legalism is so abominable in the sight of God; from<br />

the ostensible fact that it treats with contempt the vicarious atonement which cost the life of <strong>His</strong> Son.<br />

15. “For the law worketh out wrath; for where is no law, there is no transgression.” While the<br />

law is perfectly pure and holy, yet it is utterly incapable of love and mercy. All it can do is to<br />

condemn the criminal. Hence the silly nonsense of salvation by obedience, which could only turn<br />

over the whole human race to endless punishment. The law is the exponent of the penalty, and must<br />

be prefinite to all transgression.

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