Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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6. “It could not be so; then how will God judge the world?” The apostle is answering the allegation of his opponent, who would excuse himself on the hypothesis that his failure has in no way affected the perfect purity and glory of the divine administration, since God, absolutely immutable, verifies and perfects the unimpeachable integrity, honor and majesty of His administration, despite all the irregularities and failures on the part of the world, whether religious or irreligious. 7. “But if the truth of God abounded through my life unto his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” He here answers the argument of the fatalist: “Since the immutable God is neither changed nor in the least deflected from the perfect integrity of His administration, neither His veracity suffering the slightest impeachment by my perversity and falsehood; as I am utterly incompetent to contravene the divine purpose or tarnish the infallible glory of the Almighty, then why am I condemned as a sinner?” It is the hackneyed pleading of irresponsibility which we daily meet, offered as an apology on the part of the ungodly. 8. “And not, as we are scandalously reported, and as certain ones certify that we say, that we must do evil in order that good may come? Whose condemnation is just.” Among the two hundred millions of martyrs who sealed their faith with their blood in bygone ages, not a single one died in the capacity of a good person in the estimation of their persecutors. On the contrary, they were all slain under criminal charges. Hence this Satanic maxim on the part of our enemies has prevailed in all ages, the present day no exception. God’s people are even now calumniated as disturbers of the churches, and accused of many misdemeanors of which they are not guilty. 9. “Then what is it? Are we better than they? By no means: for we have proven that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.” Paul uses the pronoun “we,” including himself with the Jews in this contrast with the Gentiles, thus manifesting both the sympathy and humility peculiar to a speaker, who so frequently in his phraseology identifies himself with his hearers. In this verse “Greeks” is synonymous with the whole Gentile or heathen world; while “Jews” is identical with the nominal members of the visible church in all ages. Now, do you see the force of the apostle’s conclusion? It is the simple fact that salvation is a personal and not an ecclesiastical matter so far as churchism or non-churchism is concerned; it has nothing to do with salvation and never did, but simply leaves its votaries all under condemnation, indiscriminately in the hands of the devil, “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). The several verses following this sweeping classification of both church members and outsiders in the black catalogue of sin, and under the dismal grip of Satan, vividly, lucidly and appallingly portray the horrific state of moral obliquity pertinent to all the people in all ages who have not been rescued from the above classifications by the redeeming grace of God in Christ, regenerating and sanctifying the heart. An astonishing phenomenon has frequently been noteworthy with reference to these alarming Scriptures, which draw the blackest picture this side the bottomless pit; e.g., a pastor standing in his pulpit reading them to his congregation as a refutation of the doctrine and experience of entire sanctification and a confirmation to his people of the absolute necessity that they all remain in sin down to life’s end, depending on the grim monster to deliver them from the dark grip of the soul’s destroyer. Such a procedure is simply giving his members a ticket to hell through his church. The Bible is God’s way-bill to heaven. Like all other way-bills, while it points out the right way, that the traveler may walk in it, it equally specifically designates all the wrong ways, that he may avoid them. While the Bible grandly and gloriously

points out to the sinner the “highway,” and to the Christian the “holy way,” it most clearly and emphatically points out the devil’s side-tracks which lead down to hell, at the same time warning the traveler to keep out of them. Here we have a most horrific, demonstrative and terrifying presentation of Satan’s way to hell, given as a solemn warning that we may keep out of it. What is to become of the people when their own pastor points out this way and recommends it to them, which is now being done in countless instances in order to refute sanctification and defeat the Holiness Movement? The only hope in all such cases is that God will have mercy and save the people in spite of the preacher and the devil, too. 10. “As has been written, that there is none righteous, no, not one,” i.e., not a single one of the above classes, i.e., Jews and Greeks who are all under sin, i.e., all church members of all ages and nations so far as the efficacy of membership, water baptism, church rites and legal obedience are concerned. Since these things, though all right in their places, never did have any power to justify a soul; therefore they leave all their votaries in their sins both actual and original, on the same plane with the unregenerate heathen. 11. “Neither does any one understand, neither is there any one who seeketh out God,” i.e., seeketh God till he finds Him. Hence the legitimate conclusion confirmatory of the utter impossibility that any one through water baptism, sacraments, church-rites, legal obedience and ecclesiastical loyalty can possibly ever reach a personal knowledge of God in the salvation of the soul, that being a personal enterprise on the part of the human spirit and the Holy Spirit, utterly independent of clerical, ritualistical or legalistic administrations. 12. “All have gone away from him, they have all together failed; there is no one that doeth good, no, not one.” Man has been a failure in all dispensations. He failed in Eden, winding up with the fall. He failed in antediluvian times, swept away by the great flood. He failed in the patriarchal dispensation, going down into Egyptian slavery. He failed in the Jewish dispensation, culminating in the awful destruction of Jerusalem and the people by the Roman armies. He failed in the dispensation of our Savior’s ministry, winding up with the disgraceful scene of Calvary. According to the prophecies, the Gentile dispensation, amid whose fugitive retreat we now live, is, like its predecessors, destined to wind up with the horrific tragedies of the great tribulation. Is not that very discouraging? Not to me. Man was never created an independency. Hence when left alone he has always failed, and always will. This is to us a most profitable lesson. Shall we not heed the warning of our ruined predecessors and all fly to God, who is the only success? Whosoever departs from God plunges into ruin, world without end. 13. “Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips.” This is an awful description of the above who depart from God. This picture is progressive, this verse describing an advanced state of alienation from God. 14. “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” The darkness continues to intensify as we proceed away from God. 15. “Their feet are swift to shed blood.” Not only is this true of wicked worldly people who are ready to waylay and murder you, but it is equally true of the fallen churches; as we see through ages

6. “It could not be so; then how will God judge the world?” The apostle is answering the<br />

allegation of his opponent, who would excuse himself on the hypothesis that his failure has in no<br />

way affected the perfect purity and glory of the divine administration, since God, absolutely<br />

immutable, verifies and perfects the unimpeachable integrity, honor and majesty of <strong>His</strong><br />

administration, despite all the irregularities and failures on the part of the world, whether religious<br />

or irreligious.<br />

7. “But if the truth of God abounded through my life unto his glory, why am I still condemned as<br />

a sinner?” He here answers the argument of the fatalist: “Since the immutable God is neither<br />

changed nor in the least deflected from the perfect integrity of <strong>His</strong> administration, neither <strong>His</strong><br />

veracity suffering the slightest impeachment by my perversity and falsehood; as I am utterly<br />

incompetent to contravene the divine purpose or tarnish the infallible glory of the Almighty, then<br />

why am I condemned as a sinner?” It is the hackneyed pleading of irresponsibility which we daily<br />

meet, offered as an apology on the part of the ungodly.<br />

8. “And not, as we are scandalously reported, and as certain ones certify that we say, that we<br />

must do evil in order that good may come? Whose condemnation is just.” Among the two hundred<br />

millions of martyrs who sealed their faith with their blood in bygone ages, not a single one died in<br />

the capacity of a good person in the estimation of their persecutors. On the contrary, they were all<br />

slain under criminal charges. Hence this Satanic maxim on the part of our enemies has prevailed in<br />

all ages, the present day no exception. God’s people are even now calumniated as disturbers of the<br />

churches, and accused of many misdemeanors of which they are not guilty.<br />

9. “Then what is it? Are we better than they? By no means: for we have proven that both Jews<br />

and Greeks are all under sin.” Paul uses the pronoun “we,” including himself with the Jews in this<br />

contrast with the Gentiles, thus manifesting both the sympathy and humility peculiar to a speaker,<br />

who so frequently in his phraseology identifies himself with his hearers. In this verse “Greeks” is<br />

synonymous with the whole Gentile or heathen world; while “Jews” is identical with the nominal<br />

members of the visible church in all ages. Now, do you see the force of the apostle’s conclusion? It<br />

is the simple fact that salvation is a personal and not an ecclesiastical matter so far as churchism or<br />

non-churchism is concerned; it has nothing to do with salvation and never did, but simply leaves its<br />

votaries all under condemnation, indiscriminately in the hands of the devil, “the god of this world”<br />

(2 Corinthians 4:4). The several verses following this sweeping classification of both church<br />

members and outsiders in the black catalogue of sin, and under the dismal grip of Satan, vividly,<br />

lucidly and appallingly portray the horrific state of moral obliquity pertinent to all the people in all<br />

ages who have not been rescued from the above classifications by the redeeming grace of God in<br />

Christ, regenerating and sanctifying the heart. An astonishing phenomenon has frequently been<br />

noteworthy with reference to these alarming Scriptures, which draw the blackest picture this side the<br />

bottomless pit; e.g., a pastor standing in his pulpit reading them to his congregation as a refutation<br />

of the doctrine and experience of entire sanctification and a confirmation to his people of the<br />

absolute necessity that they all remain in sin down to life’s end, depending on the grim monster to<br />

deliver them from the dark grip of the soul’s destroyer. Such a procedure is simply giving his<br />

members a ticket to hell through his church. The Bible is God’s way-bill to heaven. Like all other<br />

way-bills, while it points out the right way, that the traveler may walk in it, it equally specifically<br />

designates all the wrong ways, that he may avoid them. While the Bible grandly and gloriously

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