Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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25. “For truly circumcision profiteth if you keep the law; but if you are a transgressor of the law your circumcision has become uncircumcision.” We see from this verse the condemnatory verdict of the ordinances when uncorroborated by a true and irreproachable Christian character. In that case they become witnesses against us in the Judgment Day. 26. “Therefore, if the uncircumcision may keep the commandments of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?” “Man looks upon the outside, but God looketh on the heart,” and sees our intrinsical character and estimates us accordingly. He can not be deceived. 27. “Truly that which is uncircumcision by nature, keeping the law, will condemn thee who, through the letter of the circumcision, art a transgressor of the law.” From this clear statement of the Holy Ghost we see how God will put the non-ritualistic holy Quakers on the witness block in the Day of Judgment to testify against the millions who have received the ordinances and lived unworthily. 28. “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh: 29. “But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God.” This beautiful and momentous affirmation of the Holy Ghost modernized would read: “He is no Christian who is one outwardly; neither is baptism that which is outward on the flesh: but he is a Christian who is one inwardly, and baptism is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God.” From these Scriptures we see most unequivocally the pure spirituality of the gracious economy; no mere temporality like water baptism, eucharist or church rites having anything to do with it. When your heart and life are right in the sight of God, you are all right every way without the slightest reference to the external marks of a Christian profession. When I was a boy my father marked his sheep by cutting their ears. Now it is customary simply to mark them with paint. So God marked His sheep during the former dispensation by circumcision, a bloody and painful operation. Nowadays He marks them by the simple rite of water baptism, the recognition perpetuated in the eucharist received ever and anon. Yet this marking never did make a sheep. Neither do the ordinances have anything to do with making Christians, any more than cutting the ears or branding with paint has to do with making sheep. God makes the sheep and the people mark them. So God makes the Christian and the preacher marks him. The sheep unmarked is worth quite as much as after he has received the mark. So is the true Christian in the divine estimation worth as much without the mark as with it. Satan is always putting God’s sheep-mark on his hogs, covering them with sheepskins and passing them for sheep. They are readily detected, because they plunge into the first mud-hole they come to, perfectly delighted to wallow in the mire; whereas a sheep will actually die before it will pollute itself in the mud. Shall we never wake up to the fond trickery of the devil, fooling the poor, blind, carnal people by the wholesale, bamboozling them with the nonsensical delusion that the Christian religion consists in outward ordinances, external manifestations, shams and hoaxes? These Scriptures clearly reveal not only the utter emptiness of all external forms, ceremonies and professions, uncorroborated by the internal spiritual transformation wrought by the Holy Ghost in the heart; but the awful reality that all of these things will only expedite the condemnation in the Judgment Day and augment the damnation in eternity.

ROMANS CHAPTER III. 1. “Then what is the advantage of the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision?” This question is very pertinently asked in view of the preceding deliverances, confirmatory of the non-essentiality of carnal ordinances, church rites, and visible membership to salvation, which is purely and unequivocally the work of God alone wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit responsive to the free will of every soul who receives Him. 2. “Much every way. For indeed in the first place because the oracles of God were committed unto them.” Of course the visible church in all ages has enjoyed the wonderful blessing of God’s revealed word, which is absolutely inestimable. But we must remember that Christ Himself is the Word (John 1), whose meaning is revelation, and the incarnation of Christ for the apprehension of material senses is the very summary of all possible revelation of God to man. Yet we must remember that the Holy Ghost, who is identical with the Spirit of Christ and the Father (Ch. 9), is among the heathens in all ages, revealing to them their Savior in the interior conscience of all truly humble appreciative hearts. 3. “For what if some did disbelieve? Whether shall their unbelief make void the faith of God? 4. “For it could not be so; let God be true and every man a liar; as has been written: In order that thou mayest be justified in thy words and shall prevail when thou art judged.” Here the apostle, constantly affirming the gracious possibility of universal salvation, finds the heathens not only alienated from God, first into proud rationalism, secondly into silly idolatry, and finally into revolting brutality; and the Jews, who represent the visible church in all ages, with all their munificent endowments through the wonderful light and blessing of God’s revealed Word, corroborated and symbolized by the ecclesiastical ordinances, rites and ceremonies, nevertheless en masse not only utterly destitute of God’s saving grace in the heart, but actually puffed up with spiritual pride and disgusting vanity, believing themselves to be the elect of God and looking with contempt upon the Gentiles, whereas they themselves are in the deeper and more terrible condemnation, because of grace depreciated and light not only rejected but actually metamorphosed into darkness black as the midnight of perdition. Amid this deplorable wholesale ruin appertaining both to Jews and Gentiles, i.e., to church members and outsiders, despite the universal redeeming grace of God in Christ, thus populating hell with countless millions, both church members and worldlians, yet the truth, mercy, and grace of God are in no way invalidated by this awful state of things. God is just as true amid a world of liars as if all the people on the earth were true and appreciative of His salvation. In the grand finale, when the universe faces the great white throne, every one will stand for himself and be judged according to his intrinsical spiritual, practical personality. 5. “But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? whether is God unrighteous administering wrath? I speak after the manner of a man.

25. “For truly circumcision profiteth if you keep the law; but if you are a transgressor of the law<br />

your circumcision has become uncircumcision.” We see from this verse the condemnatory verdict<br />

of the ordinances when uncorroborated by a true and irreproachable Christian character. In that case<br />

they become witnesses against us in the Judgment Day.<br />

26. “Therefore, if the uncircumcision may keep the commandments of the law, will not his<br />

uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?” “Man looks upon the outside, but God looketh on the<br />

heart,” and sees our intrinsical character and estimates us accordingly. He can not be deceived.<br />

27. “Truly that which is uncircumcision by nature, keeping the law, will condemn thee who,<br />

through the letter of the circumcision, art a transgressor of the law.” From this clear statement of<br />

the Holy Ghost we see how God will put the non-ritualistic holy Quakers on the witness block in the<br />

Day of Judgment to testify against the millions who have received the ordinances and lived<br />

unworthily.<br />

28. “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in<br />

the flesh:<br />

29. “But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and<br />

not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God.” This beautiful and momentous affirmation<br />

of the Holy Ghost modernized would read: “He is no Christian who is one outwardly; neither is<br />

baptism that which is outward on the flesh: but he is a Christian who is one inwardly, and baptism<br />

is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God.” From<br />

these Scriptures we see most unequivocally the pure spirituality of the gracious economy; no mere<br />

temporality like water baptism, eucharist or church rites having anything to do with it. When your<br />

heart and life are right in the sight of God, you are all right every way without the slightest reference<br />

to the external marks of a Christian profession. When I was a boy my father marked his sheep by<br />

cutting their ears. Now it is customary simply to mark them with paint. So God marked <strong>His</strong> sheep<br />

during the former dispensation by circumcision, a bloody and painful operation. Nowadays He marks<br />

them by the simple rite of water baptism, the recognition perpetuated in the eucharist received ever<br />

and anon. Yet this marking never did make a sheep. Neither do the ordinances have anything to do<br />

with making Christians, any more than cutting the ears or branding with paint has to do with making<br />

sheep. God makes the sheep and the people mark them. So God makes the Christian and the preacher<br />

marks him. The sheep unmarked is worth quite as much as after he has received the mark. So is the<br />

true Christian in the divine estimation worth as much without the mark as with it. Satan is always<br />

putting God’s sheep-mark on his hogs, covering them with sheepskins and passing them for sheep.<br />

They are readily detected, because they plunge into the first mud-hole they come to, perfectly<br />

delighted to wallow in the mire; whereas a sheep will actually die before it will pollute itself in the<br />

mud. Shall we never wake up to the fond trickery of the devil, fooling the poor, blind, carnal people<br />

by the wholesale, bamboozling them with the nonsensical delusion that the Christian religion<br />

consists in outward ordinances, external manifestations, shams and hoaxes? These Scriptures clearly<br />

reveal not only the utter emptiness of all external forms, ceremonies and professions, uncorroborated<br />

by the internal spiritual transformation wrought by the Holy Ghost in the heart; but the awful reality<br />

that all of these things will only expedite the condemnation in the Judgment Day and augment the<br />

damnation in eternity.

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