Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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ROMANS<br />


Whereas, the first chapter is to the heathens or the outsiders, the second chapter is addressed to<br />

the lay or popular church members, whom sadly he finds in the same dilemma with the besotted<br />

heathens, i.e., in Satan’s kingdom along with them.<br />


1. “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, every one that judgest; for in whatsoever thou judgest<br />

another thou condemneth thyself; for thou that judgest art doing the same things.” How vividly this<br />

verse not only describes the formalistic pew, but the iceberg church-member of the present day! The<br />

popular preacher stands in the pulpit condemning the outsiders, calling them to repent and join the<br />

church; while in the same discourse he confesses that he and his people sin every day in thought,<br />

word and deed, and denounces the holiness people as heretics for preaching and professing a religion<br />

that saves from all sin, actual and original. Do you not see he is the very man in the text who<br />

confesses judgment against himself? True religion in Paul’s day was just what it is now, and so is<br />

the counterfeit identical with itself in all ages.<br />

2. “For we know that the judgment of God, according to truth, is against those doing such<br />

things,” i.e., all who commit sin are under the same condemnation, whether church members or<br />

outsiders.<br />

3. “But O man, that condemneth those doing such things and art doing the same thyself, do you<br />

consider this, that you shall escape the condemnation of God?” The answer is an awful negative.<br />

The church member by his very attitude condemns the worldlian for sin, at the same time actually<br />

making a profession of a sinning religion. The inconsistency literally makes him a laughing-stock<br />

for devils, because his very attitude as a sinning Christian puts him under the same condemnation<br />

along with the sinful world, and sends him to the same hell.<br />

5. “Pursuant to thy hardness and impenitent heart thou treasurest up to thyself wrath against the<br />

day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God.” The great Judgment Day will<br />

know no difference between the infidel and the sinning church member. They will all be sent down<br />

to hell together when they meet the righteous judgment of God, here contrasted with the false,<br />

pusillanimous judgments of men in the pulpit and in the pews, “who will give to each one according<br />

to his works,” not according to his profession. In that awful day every tub will stand on its own<br />

bottom. God receives no man’s face (Galatians 2:6). No clerical dignities and offices there. The<br />

worldly preacher and officer will go down with all worldly people, as you know none but the church<br />

will stand, and that means the ecclesia, from ek, “out,” and kaleoo, “call.” Hence none are members<br />

of God’s church but those who have responded to the call of the Holy Ghost, come out of the world<br />

and separated themselves unto God for time and eternity.<br />

7. “To those who according to patience of good work, seek honor, glory and immortality, eternal<br />

life.” This world is probationary. We must decide between the animal and the angel. If we live for

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