Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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24. “Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto impurity to dishonor their<br />

bodies among themselves,<br />

25. “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, worshipped and served the creature more than the<br />

Creator, who is blessed for evermore. Amen.” Here we see the fatal downward trend of humanity,<br />

alienated from God; like a ship loosed from her moorings, adrift on the sea, the sport of the billows<br />

and the caprice of the storm, till wounded or wrecked. Hence when people get away from the<br />

personal indwelling Holy Spirit, they float on hellwardly whether through churches or outside.<br />

Creature worship is idolatry, whether it be a fine house, a pipe-organ, an old creed, water baptism<br />

or an elegant, learned preacher. It is creature worship instead of the heart cry after God.<br />

26. “Therefore God gave them up to the lusts of dishonor.” . . . .<br />

27. These two verses describe a horrible state of humanity, cohabitation with animals, and other<br />

abominations unmentionable, peculiar to the inhabitants of Sodom and in the hell dens of many other<br />

cities in all ages. When I was in that country I went to the site of Sodom and Gomorra and found it<br />

all covered by the Dead Sea. Not only is the sea utterly desolate, no fish competent to live in its<br />

poisonous waters, but the surrounding country is all a burning desert waste without a drop of rain,<br />

whereas in the days of Abraham and Lot it was “well watered,” God having sent the withering<br />

desolation because of their wickedness. As this wicked age fast ripens for destruction, the horrors<br />

of Sodom are fast multiplying with the inventions of the age utilized by Satan. I write these pages<br />

in New York. A sanctified man, saved out of the horrors of slumdom, tells me that we need not leave<br />

the American metropolis to find all the horrors of ancient Sodom.<br />

28. “And so as they did not approve to hold God in perfect knowledge, he gave them up to a<br />

reprobate mind to do the things which are abominable.” Here we see how people become<br />

reprobated. They first reprobate God and then He reprobates them, as He saves none against their<br />

will. So if you want to be elected to glory, heaven and immortality, you go ahead at once and elect<br />

God, and be true to God and it will turn out that He has elected you. Here we have a picture, like the<br />

brutality in verses 26 and 27, too black for description.<br />

29. “Is filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, vice and covetousness.” Those who go to<br />

heaven must have the fullness of grace in entire sanctification, while in a similar manner Satan ripens<br />

his people for hell, by filling them with the very diabolical attributes which congenialize them for<br />

the society of hell. “Full of envy, murder, deceitfulness, strife, and evil affections.” These black<br />

vices are germinally born in humanity by the fall. Afterward they reach maturity by practice, ripening<br />

the soul for hell. In this probation all people are fast rushing to dramatically opposite destinies,<br />

diverging incessantly either from another; the one class in due time getting full salvation and<br />

ripening for heaven, and the other class, full deterioration and maturing for hell. There is no medium;<br />

we must all go one way or the other. So you have your choice between full salvation and full<br />

damnation. Which will you have?<br />

30. “Secret maligners,” i.e., eaves-droppers clandestinely stirring up a hell-fire to burn you<br />

forever, meanwhile they flatter you with their lips, and claim to be your best friends. “These<br />

slanderers.” How frequently does murder follow slander! These remorseless liars, whether

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