Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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prayer is answered and the herd comes roaring along near by. He fires away and downs a fat heifer.<br />

Running, he cuts out some meat and satisfies his awful hunger by eating it blood-raw. Then<br />

supplying himself with some of the food to eat on his journey, his heart turns back with incorrigible<br />

sympathy for those poor people he had left to die. Consequently, loading himself with the meat, he<br />

wends his way back to the wigwam, arriving at nightfall, and saluted by the venerable chief, lying<br />

on his back, “O, my son, I knew you would bring it today. Oeneah (the name of his God) told me<br />

so.” Smith wanted to hand him some of it raw to eat at once. “O, no, my son, I am not in a hurry.”<br />

“Well,” says Smith, “I will broil you some on the coals.” “O, no, I prefer it stewed. While it is<br />

cooking I want you to sit down that I may talk to you about the great spirit, Oeneah, who always<br />

takes good care of his children.” Smith felt himself a missionary among them, and had been teaching<br />

them the Christian religion the best he could from the Bible. Now he finds, to his surprise, that the<br />

old Indian, who had spent his life in savagedom, knew much more about the Lord, and his salvation,<br />

than he did. I mention this to demonstrate a case of a heathen who was intelligently saved, walking<br />

with God and bearing the fruits of the Spirit. A multitude of Scriptures intelligently corroborates this<br />

great truth, that all the people in the world can be saved if they will, having nothing to do but walk<br />

in the light which God gives them, as in that case, in the glorious ultimatum, the “blood of Jesus<br />

Christ his Son cleanseth them from all sin” (1 John 1:7). This is true of all the people in the world,<br />

whether heathen, Moslem, Papist or Protestant (John 1:9 and Titus 2:11). Then why send the<br />

heathens the gospel if they can be saved without it?<br />

(a) Because God has commanded us to go and preach the gospel to every creature. We must obey<br />

or fall under condemnation.<br />

(b) Because the more light they have, the greater the probability that they will walk in it and be<br />

saved. For the same reason we keep on preaching to people in gospel lands, not because they can not<br />

be saved without it, but because they will not. In all cases it is a question of will and probability<br />

rather than privilege and possibility.<br />

21. “Therefore knowing God, they did not glorify him as God nor were they thankful, but they<br />

became vain in their reasonings, and their foolish heart was darkened.” All the heathens in the<br />

world are but the apostasy of the Patriarchical church, having the true light in the days of Noah; the<br />

Mohammedans and Jews, the apostasy of the Mosaic church, and the Roman Catholics, the fallen<br />

Apostolic church; while the great Protestant denominations are going at racehorse speed the same<br />

downward trend into spiritual darkness, formality, hypocrisy, legalism and idolatry. Paul in this verse<br />

describes the first stage of apostasy from God, i.e., landing them in intellectualism; the second stage<br />

subsequently described, putting them in idolatry, and the third and last in brutality. The heathens are<br />

now in the last stage, i.e., brutality, and the Romanists in idolatry, and the Protestants in<br />

intellectualism, seeking the power of natural talent and education instead of the spiritual dynamite<br />

which constitutes the only definition of gospel in the Bible.<br />

22. “Saying that they were wise they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible<br />

God into the likeness of corruptible man, birds, quadrupeds and creeping things.” The Greeks<br />

worshipped gods in human form, and the Egyptians in the form of many animals; the former reached<br />

idolatry and the latter brutality.

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