Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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little Holiness bands) throughout Syria, Phrygia, Cappadocia, Galatia, Cilicia, Lydia, Mysia,<br />

Macedonia, Achaia and many other countries. Hence God, in <strong>His</strong> providence, had thus long<br />

postponed his cherished enterprise of preaching the gospel in the world’s metropolis.<br />

14. “I am debtor both to Greeks and barbarians, to the wise and the unwise.” The Greeks in<br />

every ramification of culture and civilization (i.e., poetry, oratory, philosophy and the fine arts) had<br />

stood at the top of the world the last five hundred years. Meanwhile, through the Alexandrian<br />

conquest, she had given to the world the most wonderful language of all ages, in the providence of<br />

God the vehicle for the transmission of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Hence the<br />

Greeks enjoyed a universally recognized pre-eminence above the nations of the earth, all others, even<br />

the Jews, contrastively denominated “barbarians.” Paul was God’s cosmopolitan missionary, like<br />

Bishop Taylor at the present day. God help us to feel that we, too, are debtors to all men<br />

indiscriminately.<br />

15. “Thus, according to my ability, I am ready to preach the gospel even unto you who are in<br />

Rome.” The Spirit of the Lord was then profoundly impressing Paul that his long-anticipated visit<br />

to Rome was not only a verity, but soon to be realized. Hence it was only three years from the date<br />

of this writing till, to the infinite delight of his heart, he entered the world’s emporium, “in the<br />

fullness of the blessing of Christ.”<br />


16. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the dynamite of God unto salvation<br />

unto every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” How fortunate we are to have<br />

a clear, unequivocal, lexical definition of gospel, than which the inspired vocabulary, except the<br />

Divine epithets, has no more important word; since on this a world of theological controversy has<br />

accumulated with the roll of ages. Here we have every problem solved and controversy circled in a<br />

clear and unequivocal definition furnished by the infallible Author of revealed truth. The Greek word<br />

here used by the Holy Ghost to define “gospel” is dunamis, i.e., dynamite; a word recently<br />

introduced into the English vocabulary by the men of science, who discovered the most wonderful<br />

and paradoxical of all the mechanical powers in the scientific and artistic world. Ransacking the<br />

Anglican vocabulary of 150,000 words, and finding none adequate to reveal their wonderful<br />

discovery, they went to the classic Greek and took the very identical word used by the Holy Spirit<br />

to define gospel. Hence it is a simple and indisputable fact that gospel is nothing more nor less than<br />

“the dynamite of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” People universally stumble over<br />

the sheer simplicity of Bible truth; e.g., wagon-loads of books have been written by learned<br />

theologians in an attempt to tell the world what the gospel is. Millions of brains have grown dizzy<br />

studying over these controverted exegeses, and wound up utterly puzzled, dumfounded and farther<br />

from the truth than when they began. The six thousand sectarian denominations in the world all try<br />

to make us believe that the respective creed of each is the Gospel, which is utterly and<br />

demonstratively untrue. They are every one wrong. The Gospel is no creed, confession, theology,<br />

dogmatism nor ritualized ecclesiasticism. Neither does it consist in scholastic learning, oratorical<br />

power, natural gifts nor theoretical magnetism. It is simply the dynamite of God which reaches the<br />

heart through faith alone, as you see this is the only condition specified, and blowing all sin and<br />

debris out. When the awful convicting truth of the Sinai Gospel is faithfully preached, revealing hell

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