Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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This is a poetic versification of Ezekiel’s warning to Zion’s watchman. I trow many preachers lose<br />

their souls by faltering to meet this awful emergency, look people in the face and faithfully tell them<br />

the whole truth as God has revealed and committed it to them to proclaim to a dying world.<br />

28. “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock over whom the Holy Ghost has<br />

appointed you bishops, to feed the church of God, which he purchased through his own blood.” The<br />

word “bishop” here occurs in the Greek, episcopos from epi “over,” and skopeoo, “see.” Hence it<br />

means persons charged with the spiritual oversight of the Lord’s people. Nothing but God’s truth<br />

revealed in the Bible is soul pabulum. Consequently, millions this day are starving to death for the<br />

bread of life. The precious Word is bread, meat, milk, honey and all the luscious fruits of Canaan.<br />

The little sermonettes preached by the popular pastors have scarcely a scintillation of substantial<br />

gospel truth. Sick people nauseate food, and the dead have no use for it. The masses of popular<br />

churches consist of the dead, i.e., unsaved, and the sick, i.e., weak believers, who have never cut<br />

their spiritual teeth so as to eat solid food. Hence the preacher provides aromatics for the dead and<br />

sweet milk for the babies, having nobody on hand competent to eat the fatted calf, the bread and the<br />

delicious fruits of Canaan. In all this the preacher sustains an awful responsibility for not bringing<br />

to the dead the resurrection power and to the sick the healing efficacy of the infallible panacea, i.e.,<br />

the Savior’s blood. I awfully fear Judas has a vast ministerial following gathering about him in the<br />

regions of woe.<br />


29. “I know that after my departure grievous wolves will come in unto you, not sparing the flock;<br />

30. “And from you yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, in order to draw away<br />

disciples after them.<br />

31. “Watch, therefore, remembering that three years, night and day, I ceased not warning each<br />

one of you with tears.” Paul was a weeping prophet, his tears giving a force to the truth as nothing<br />

else could. I preached fifteen years with dry eyes. Then sanctification, breaking up the fountains of<br />

my tears, made me a weeping prophet, so I have preached thirty years, my eyes flowing like rivers.<br />

<strong>Rest</strong> assured the Holy Ghost can find the pent-up fountains of tears in the most arid soul. God help<br />

us to be personal like Paul, looking our beloved in the face and telling them the whole truth, as here<br />

you see he looks these Ephesian elders squarely in the physiognomy and tells them that some of them<br />

will turn Satan’s wolves and lead off disciples after them. How signally true has this sad Pauline<br />

prophecy been verified in the merciless laceration of the Apostolic church into six thousand sectarian<br />

denominations, filling the world with confusion, i.e., Babylon. Entire sanctification, the only grace<br />

adequate to fortify us against human leadership and put us where we will follow Jesus only, has for<br />

this very reason been rejected and antagonized by the party leaders of all ages, from the simple fact<br />

that it renders the people unmanageable by human manipulators and puts them where God alone can<br />

lead them by <strong>His</strong> precious Word, instructing their minds, <strong>His</strong> sweet Holy Spirit illuminating their<br />

spirits, and <strong>His</strong> gracious providence determining their environments. Glory to God, for <strong>His</strong><br />

wonderful triple leadership, actually infallible when duly appreciated. Sad will be the day for the<br />

present holiness movement when captured and manipulated by human leaders. As God’s revivals<br />

in by-gone ages, the Church of God is ruled by the Holy Ghost alone, having no laws, no creed and

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