Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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9. This Tyrannus, who received Paul and his meeting, after his expulsion from the synagogue, was evidently one of Paul’s Jewish converts, keeping a private synagogue in the city. 10. All Asia, both Jews and Greeks, during these memorable two years, because they enjoyed ample opportunity to hear the Word, are held responsible as if they did hear it, like the millions of this wicked world who live and die ignorant of the gospel, though held to account for it at the Judgment bar, as if they had heard it, simply because they enjoyed opportunities, though they let them slip. 11, 12. We see divine healing became an exceedingly prominent auxiliary of the spiritual work during the Pauline revival at Ephesus, so that diseases were removed and demons exorcised by the mere application of handkerchiefs and aprons, carried from the body of Paul and applied to the bodies of the persons thus possessed of diseases and demons. 13. The Jews always recognized demoniacal possessions and the feasibility of their ejectment by the power of Jehovah. It is very clear from the Scripture that the Jews availed themselves, ever and anon, of the superior power of their God to cast out devils. 14. Here we see a case in which those Jewish exorcists [i.e., people gifted with the power of demoniacal ejectment, of course delegated by Jehovah], undertake to utilize the Christ of Paul in that way. 15. “The evil spirit responding said to them: Jesus I know and I am acquainted with Paul; but who are you? 16. “And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaping on them and prevailing against them both, overcame them, so that they fled naked and wounded from the house.” In this notable way the Holy Spirit utilized these unbelieving Jewish exorcists to glorify the Lord Jesus. God has in all ages permitted the devil to demonstrate his personality refutatory of that subtle infidelity which denies the existence of a personal devil, and then soon musters the audacity to deny the existence of a personal God. Here we see a confirmation of the great Bible truth that this world is thronged by disembodied spirits, both angelic and demoniacal. These excarnate spirits see much farther into the spirit world around us than we who dwell in houses of clay. Here we have a confirmation that while Jehovah, the excarnate Christ, cast out the demons in the old dispensation, since His incarnation this work is done by the personal Jesus, to whom the devils are all subject, and even to His ambassadors in His name. 17. The above mentioned tragedy gave great notoriety to the work. 18. “And many of those having believed, came confessing and renouncing their practices.” 19. Here we see the devil’s preachers who had been converted to God under the preaching of Paul making a bon-fire of their valuable theological books, estimated at five thousand dollars. There are wagon-loads of books all over this country, expository of Dark Age creeds and vindicatory of the fallen sects, i.e., the daughters of Babylon, throwing their Briarean arms of blight, mildew and

spiritual desolation around the world this day, which ought to be committed to the flames, thus clearing the way for the Word of God to reach the people with its message of redeeming love and sanctifying power. 21. It is now spring-time A.D. 57. Paul has been absent from Europe three years, traveling throughout Asia looking after the work. It is really imperative that he return to Europe, where much heresy and disorder have crept in during his absence. “And when these things were fulfilled Paul purposed in spirit, having traveled through Macedonian Achaia, to go on into Jerusalem, saying, That after I shall be there it behooveth me also to see Rome.” Macedonia is Northern and Achaia Southern Greece. As Paul was the apostle of the Gentile world, and Rome the great capital and metropolis, his heart was set upon that far-off city, whither he longed to go and preach the glorious gospel. 22. At this time he tarries in Ephesus till after the Passover, April 14, and writes the first Corinthian Epistle, sending on Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia to visit and preach to the churches, both north and south. THE DEVIL’S CHURCH. 24-41. Ephesus was the great New York of Western Asia, among many other notable institutions honored with the greatest and most magnificent temple of the goddess Diana in the whole world, one of the seven wonders of the world, having occupied two hundred years in its building. In all heathen lands the manufacture of statues and images, as well as the erection and ornamentation of temples, is the most lucrative financial employment, as people are always willing to pay their last dollar to save their souls, though not willing to give up their sins. Now Demetrius, assembling the image makers and the various artificers connected with the temple and the worship of Diana, delivers them a powerful and inflammatory harangue, stirring them up to recognize the fact that Paul’s preaching is calculated in the ultimatum to undermine the worship of Diana, and thus vitiate their lucrative financial employments in the manufacture of innumerable images of this goddess to be sold to the millions of her faithful devotees. The result is a great uproar, of vast multitude, like the rolling billows of the ocean, rushing in impetuous stampede through the streets, shouting uproariously, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” Fortunately, Paul’s friends hold him out of the hands of the mob who have already seized his traveling companions, Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, meanwhile Alexander, a Jewish disciple and comrade of Paul, is also caught in the violent whorls of the incorrigible insurrection. After a two hours’ uproar and stampede have somewhat exhausted them physically, the city clerk succeeds in commanding audience, warning them of their imminent danger of prosecution and punishment by the Roman Empire, and assuring them of their utter incompetency to defend themselves before a civil tribunal, should they be arraigned to give an account of that disgraceful uproar. 38. “If indeed Demetrius and the artificers along with him have an allegation against anyone, there are court-days and lawyers; let them implead one another.” Having thus warned and reasoned the case with them, and succeeded in tranquilizing the multitude,

spiritual desolation around the world this day, which ought to be committed to the flames, thus<br />

clearing the way for the Word of God to reach the people with its message of redeeming love and<br />

sanctifying power.<br />

21. It is now spring-time A.D. 57. Paul has been absent from Europe three years, traveling<br />

throughout Asia looking after the work. It is really imperative that he return to Europe, where much<br />

heresy and disorder have crept in during his absence. “And when these things were fulfilled Paul<br />

purposed in spirit, having traveled through Macedonian Achaia, to go on into Jerusalem, saying,<br />

That after I shall be there it behooveth me also to see Rome.” Macedonia is Northern and Achaia<br />

Southern Greece. As Paul was the apostle of the Gentile world, and Rome the great capital and<br />

metropolis, his heart was set upon that far-off city, whither he longed to go and preach the glorious<br />

gospel.<br />

22. At this time he tarries in Ephesus till after the Passover, April 14, and writes the first<br />

Corinthian Epistle, sending on Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia to visit and preach to the<br />

churches, both north and south.<br />


24-41. Ephesus was the great New York of Western Asia, among many other notable institutions<br />

honored with the greatest and most magnificent temple of the goddess Diana in the whole world, one<br />

of the seven wonders of the world, having occupied two hundred years in its building. In all heathen<br />

lands the manufacture of statues and images, as well as the erection and ornamentation of temples,<br />

is the most lucrative financial employment, as people are always willing to pay their last dollar to<br />

save their souls, though not willing to give up their sins. Now Demetrius, assembling the image<br />

makers and the various artificers connected with the temple and the worship of Diana, delivers them<br />

a powerful and inflammatory harangue, stirring them up to recognize the fact that Paul’s preaching<br />

is calculated in the ultimatum to undermine the worship of Diana, and thus vitiate their lucrative<br />

financial employments in the manufacture of innumerable images of this goddess to be sold to the<br />

millions of her faithful devotees. The result is a great uproar, of vast multitude, like the rolling<br />

billows of the ocean, rushing in impetuous stampede through the streets, shouting uproariously,<br />

“Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” Fortunately, Paul’s friends hold him out of the hands of the mob<br />

who have already seized his traveling companions, Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, meanwhile<br />

Alexander, a Jewish disciple and comrade of Paul, is also caught in the violent whorls of the<br />

incorrigible insurrection. After a two hours’ uproar and stampede have somewhat exhausted them<br />

physically, the city clerk succeeds in commanding audience, warning them of their imminent danger<br />

of prosecution and punishment by the Roman Empire, and assuring them of their utter incompetency<br />

to defend themselves before a civil tribunal, should they be arraigned to give an account of that<br />

disgraceful uproar.<br />

38. “If indeed Demetrius and the artificers along with him have an allegation against anyone,<br />

there are court-days and lawyers; let them implead one another.” Having thus warned and reasoned<br />

the case with them, and succeeded in tranquilizing the multitude,

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