Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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1. The four evangelists bid adieu to the sorrowing saints at the house of Lydia, travel southward,<br />

thirty-three miles to Amphipolis, where they do not tarry because there is no Jewish synagogue.<br />

Judgment begins at the house of God. Hence they give the preference to the Jews constituting the<br />

popular church of their day, always preaching to them first, thus making their start in every city. So<br />

the four pedestrians travel on south thirty miles to Apollonia, which they pass for the above reason,<br />

arriving at Thessalonica, thirty-seven miles farther south, one hundred from Philippi, where they find<br />

a Jewish synagogue.<br />

2, 3. They spend three weeks preaching on the streets and in the houses, and in the synagogue on<br />

the Sabbath, Paul showing up clearly from the Scriptures that Jesus the Nazarene is the Christ of<br />

Israel, the Shiloh of prophecy and the Savior of the world. Quite a host of both Jews and Greeks,<br />

including many prominent and influential men and women, are gloriously converted and the work<br />

is moving triumphantly.<br />

5-9. Meanwhile the unbelieving Jews, mad and jealous of the Gentiles, run round and stir up the<br />

uncouth rabble, assault the house of Jason where the apostles were lodging, aiming to kill them, but<br />

the Lord having hidden them so they can not find them, they drag out Jason and certain brethren<br />

before the rulers of the city, the mob roaring aloud, “These men who have turned the world upside<br />

down have come here also, whom Jason has received.” Frequently Satan accidentally tells the truth,<br />

as he did in this case. God made the world right side up; the devil turned it over in the Fall, so it has<br />

ever since been wrong side up. Therefore the work of the gospel is “to turn the world upside down,”<br />

which is the only way to get it again right side up. “All these act contrary to the decrees of Cæsar,<br />

saying that there is another king, i.e., Jesus.” Read Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, and you find<br />

them full of the Lord’s glorious coming again to reign in righteousness. This is the reason they<br />

charged the apostle with preaching that Jesus is King, because he not only preached Jesus the Christ,<br />

the Savior of the world, but our glorious coming King. “Receiving satisfaction from Jason and the<br />

rest, they released them,” i.e., when Jason and the other brethren whom they had seized satisfied<br />

them that they did not have the apostles in their possession nor know where they were, then they<br />

released them.<br />

10-13. Now leaving Timothy at Thessalonica to continue the meeting, Paul, Silas and Luke<br />

continue their journey southward, fifty-seven miles to Berea, also a prominent city, where there is<br />

a synagogue of the Jews. Paul invariably began his labors in the Jewish synagogues, always<br />

succeeding in the conversion of some of the members to the Christhood of Jesus, and thus dividing<br />

the church unless, by the grace of God, he succeeded in capturing it all, as in case of the large<br />

synagogue at Berea and the small one at Philippi. They have a glorious time at Berea, where the<br />

church unanimously fall in with Paul, receiving with delight his powerful preaching and irresistible<br />

prophetical proofs of the Christhood of Jesus. We hear a universal hue and cry against the holiness<br />

people for dividing the churches. That has been the case in all ages and will continue till Satan is cast<br />

out and the millennium ushers in. Jesus said: “I came not to send peace on earth, but division.” When<br />

Satan has a church [and he has many], there is no chance to save the people without separating them

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