Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

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men are servants of the most high God, who proclaim unto us the way of salvation!” Of course, her incessant clamor was seriously impedimental to the intelligent audibility of their street preaching in their daily peregrinations. Ere long forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and Paul, utterly worn out with her clamor, turns and speaks to the demon of vaticination dwelling in her, and bids him to come out of her. Hence that very hour the demon evacuated the damsel, responsive to the mandate of Paul. This is demonstrative proof of demoniacal possession and supernatural revelation at the present day. Satan, in all ages, has been permitted to demonstrate his personality, thus refuting the infidel dogma of no personal devil, which always proves the antecedent of denying the existence of a personal God. In ancient sorcery, mediæval witchcraft and modern spiritualism, Christian science, hypnotism, et cetera, we have in all ages the demonstration of demoniacal possessions It is as true and real to-day as in any preceding age. Here you see that the power of vaticination, on the part of this damsel, appertained altogether to this familiar spirit which dwelt in her. Paul did not speak to the damsel, but to the spirit, when he ordered him to come out of her. Hence we see the demon occupied her distinct from and independent of her own human spirit, which throws clear light on all the supernatural incantations of modern spiritualism. They actually possess and hold communion with disembodied demons which throng the air. 19-24. After the demon has evacuated the damsel, she has no more power to tell fortunes and practice divination than any other person. Consequently, her owners, seeing that they can get no more money for her fortune-telling, fly with an awful rage against Paul, arouse the rabble, stirring up their European prejudices against these Asiatic intruders, exciting to their very utmost Gentile prejudices against these impudent and meddlesome Jews, accusing them of infringing upon their rights and privileges as Roman citizens. They so manipulate the uncouth rabble as to raise a general uproar against the apostles, maneuvering to deceive the Roman magistrates and precipitate them into a premature and illegal verdict, even foregoing the very form of a trial, so that they simply command the lictors to strip and beat them with their cruel rods pursuant to the Roman custom. 24-26. To put a final quietus to all the trouble, they cast Paul and Silas into the deep, dark dungeon of their cruel, filthy old prison, with their lacerated, bleeding backs down on the cold, stone floor, and their feet raised up and wedged fast in great blocks of wood, thus precluding all possibility of escape. If you had been in their place, would you not have concluded that you were mistaken as to the call of God to that place? Paul and Silas, while the hours glide away, tell their experiences, pray to God, get very happy and continue to sing uproariously the praises of God, arresting the attention and astonishing the suffering inmates of those gloomy dungeons, utterly unaccustomed to hear songs of joy. At midnight God answers their prayer with the earthquake shock, disrupting the deep foundations of the prison, snapping all the bars and bolts, and slamming back the ponderous iron doors against the massive stone walls like claps of thunder. 27-34. The awakened and panic-stricken jailer, knowing that cruel Roman law will require his life as substitute for the fugitive prisoner, in the absence of Bible light on suicide, and with the noble examples of Cicero, the prince of Roman authors, and Cato, the champion Roman statesman, and many other mighty men who had preceded him in suicide, resolved at once to add his name to the honored catalogue. Through the wide-open doors Paul sees him in the act of killing himself, fortunately in time to save his life. This heathen jailer was a wicked, ungodly, ignorant man, acquiescent in the clamor of the roaring mob, and the verdict of the cruel magistrates; he looked

upon Paul and Silas as black with crime, notwithstanding their street preaching had rung in his ears and left upon his memory their attitude as the avowed heralds of the most high God. The awful earthquake and the utter indisposition of the apostles to escape now send a lightning bolt of conviction to the bottom of his heart, precipitating him into a radical, true and hearty repentance, putting him on believing ground as a penitent sinner, where he has nothing to do but receive justification by faith. Therefore Paul commands him, “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou and thy family shall be saved.” Here you see clearly and unequivocally that faith is the only condition necessary to the justification of a sinner, the exercise of this faith being utterly impossible till he gets on believing ground, which can only be reached by a genuine repentance wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost. Here we see that Paul assures the jailer that not only himself but his family shall be saved on condition of his faith. Parents, take courage, if you are truly faithful to God; here is a promise for the salvation of your families. It does not follow that they will be saved without personal faith, which God in due time will confer on them, pursuant to your faith. Now the jailer is converted and baptized that very hour, along with his family. 34. “And leading them into his house he placed a table by them and rejoiced all over the house, believing in God.” Here we see that the jailer, having received a glorious old-style jumping conversion, leaped round all over the house, shouting uproariously, while Paul and Silas sat at the table enjoying his kind hospitality, feeling much refreshed and relieved physically, because the jailer had not only diligently washed away the clotted blood from the gashes of their lacerated backs, thus expediting convalescence, but has kindly supplied them with a sumptuous meal, which they much needed. The earthquake, the miraculous excarceration of the prisoners and the conversion of the jailer, borne on rumor’s flying pinion, reaches the magistrates, so alarming them that they send the lictors who would thrash them, to request Paul and Silas to depart immediately. This they refuse to do till the magistrates come in person and take them out, which they do, now tremulous with fear, because of their notification that Paul is a Roman citizen, and they are liable to prosecution, dethronement, and punishment for their illegal flagellation of a Roman citizen, amid the impetuosity of the cruel mob. Hence alarmed and deeply penitent for their illegal and precipitant cruelty to the apostles, taking them out of prison with their own hands, they beg them to depart from the city. 40. Paul and Silas now come to the house of Lydia, where they find Timothy and Luke, who, along with the few disciples converted in the woman’s meeting, have spent a night of agonizing prayer and solitude, and now are much delighted to receive them and hear all the good news.

men are servants of the most high God, who proclaim unto us the way of salvation!” Of course, her<br />

incessant clamor was seriously impedimental to the intelligent audibility of their street preaching in<br />

their daily peregrinations. Ere long forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and Paul, utterly worn out<br />

with her clamor, turns and speaks to the demon of vaticination dwelling in her, and bids him to come<br />

out of her. Hence that very hour the demon evacuated the damsel, responsive to the mandate of Paul.<br />

This is demonstrative proof of demoniacal possession and supernatural revelation at the present day.<br />

Satan, in all ages, has been permitted to demonstrate his personality, thus refuting the infidel dogma<br />

of no personal devil, which always proves the antecedent of denying the existence of a personal God.<br />

In ancient sorcery, mediæval witchcraft and modern spiritualism, Christian science, hypnotism, et<br />

cetera, we have in all ages the demonstration of demoniacal possessions It is as true and real to-day<br />

as in any preceding age. Here you see that the power of vaticination, on the part of this damsel,<br />

appertained altogether to this familiar spirit which dwelt in her. Paul did not speak to the damsel, but<br />

to the spirit, when he ordered him to come out of her. Hence we see the demon occupied her distinct<br />

from and independent of her own human spirit, which throws clear light on all the supernatural<br />

incantations of modern spiritualism. They actually possess and hold communion with disembodied<br />

demons which throng the air.<br />

19-24. After the demon has evacuated the damsel, she has no more power to tell fortunes and<br />

practice divination than any other person. Consequently, her owners, seeing that they can get no<br />

more money for her fortune-telling, fly with an awful rage against Paul, arouse the rabble, stirring<br />

up their European prejudices against these Asiatic intruders, exciting to their very utmost Gentile<br />

prejudices against these impudent and meddlesome Jews, accusing them of infringing upon their<br />

rights and privileges as Roman citizens. They so manipulate the uncouth rabble as to raise a general<br />

uproar against the apostles, maneuvering to deceive the Roman magistrates and precipitate them into<br />

a premature and illegal verdict, even foregoing the very form of a trial, so that they simply command<br />

the lictors to strip and beat them with their cruel rods pursuant to the Roman custom.<br />

24-26. To put a final quietus to all the trouble, they cast Paul and Silas into the deep, dark<br />

dungeon of their cruel, filthy old prison, with their lacerated, bleeding backs down on the cold, stone<br />

floor, and their feet raised up and wedged fast in great blocks of wood, thus precluding all possibility<br />

of escape. If you had been in their place, would you not have concluded that you were mistaken as<br />

to the call of God to that place? Paul and Silas, while the hours glide away, tell their experiences,<br />

pray to God, get very happy and continue to sing uproariously the praises of God, arresting the<br />

attention and astonishing the suffering inmates of those gloomy dungeons, utterly unaccustomed to<br />

hear songs of joy. At midnight God answers their prayer with the earthquake shock, disrupting the<br />

deep foundations of the prison, snapping all the bars and bolts, and slamming back the ponderous<br />

iron doors against the massive stone walls like claps of thunder.<br />

27-34. The awakened and panic-stricken jailer, knowing that cruel Roman law will require his life<br />

as substitute for the fugitive prisoner, in the absence of Bible light on suicide, and with the noble<br />

examples of Cicero, the prince of Roman authors, and Cato, the champion Roman statesman, and<br />

many other mighty men who had preceded him in suicide, resolved at once to add his name to the<br />

honored catalogue. Through the wide-open doors Paul sees him in the act of killing himself,<br />

fortunately in time to save his life. This heathen jailer was a wicked, ungodly, ignorant man,<br />

acquiescent in the clamor of the roaring mob, and the verdict of the cruel magistrates; he looked

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