Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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1. “. . . Simeon called Niger.” As this word means black, we have the clear assurance that this<br />

eminent prophet and teacher, associated in labor with the apostles, Was a regular black African<br />

negro, which is the literal translation of Niger. “And Lucius the Cyrenean.” Here is another African<br />

from the city of Cyrene, which was in Africa. “And Manaen, the foster-brother of Herod the<br />

tetrarch.” This is the same Herod above mentioned, the murderer of the apostles, eaten up by worms<br />

and precipitated into an awful hell. The royal Herodian family were staunch members of the Jewish<br />

church, walking in the footprints of the high priest, and leading ministers who killed Jesus and<br />

persecuted <strong>His</strong> followers. This Manaen, though a member of the Herodian family, an adopted son<br />

of the king, and thus brought up along with Herod Antipas, who killed James and tried to kill Peter<br />

and sank to his awful doom; yet we see that he espoused the cause of the despised Nazarenes,<br />

became a disciple of Jesus, got saved and sanctified, and was honored of God with a place among<br />

the “prophets and teachers” in the gospel church. Oh, what a contrast between him and his royal<br />

brother, killing the apostles, eaten up with worms and sent to hell! If the blood royal had flowed in<br />

his veins, doubtless he would have stayed with the devil, sharing the awful doom of his royal<br />

comrades. What a blessing to him that he was not born a king!<br />

2. This verse says that they were “ministering to the Lord and fasting” when the Holy Ghost<br />

spoke to them. Hence we see that the Lord approves and blesses fasting. So if you want to get far<br />

away from the world, the flesh and the devil, fast as well as pray.<br />

3. “Then fasting, and praying, and laying hands on them, they sent them away.” This is all the<br />

ordination you can find in the New Testament. The great ecclesiastical institution conferring<br />

exclusive privileges is utterly unknown in New Testament history. When the saints of God thus<br />

gather around you, and, with imposition of hands, commit you to the Holy Ghost “for the work to<br />

which He has called you,” then and there you receive all the ordination known in the Bible. I see<br />

much of this in the holiness meetings, thus setting apart the saints for the work to which the Holy<br />

Ghost has called them.<br />

4, 5. They go from Antioch to Seleucia, a large city on the river Orontes, down which they sail<br />

into the Mediterranean, landing at Salamis, the metropolis of Eastern Cyprus, the native city of<br />

Barnabas, who, as the elder minister, led the expedition, having his own country on his heart for the<br />

salvation of the Lord. Mark accompanies them, a boy preacher helping in the meetings. We find in<br />

the evangelistic tours they invariably went to places where there was a Jewish synagogue, which they<br />

first entered, and preached the gospel.<br />


6-12. Having traveled across the island of Cyprus throughout the whole length from east to west,<br />

everywhere preaching the Word, they arrive at Paphos, on the west coast, the metropolis of the West

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