Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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membraneous covering, the same colour, the same taste, the same smell, in every part; and yet the three leaves distinct; but each and all a continuation of the stem, and proceeding from the same root. Such a fact as this may at least illustrate the doctrine. An intelligent shepherd, whom he met upon the mountains, is said to have exhibited the herb and the illustration, while discoursing on certain difficulties in the Christian faith. When a child I heard a learned man relate this fact. May God the Father adopt me fully for his child! May God the Son dwell in my heart by faith! May God the Holy Spirit purge my conscience from dead works, and purify my soul from all unrighteousness! May the holy, blessed, and glorious TRINITY take me and mine, and seal us for his own in time and in eternity! O thou incomprehensible Jehovah, thou eternal Word, thou ever during and all-pervading Spirit;—Father! Son! and Holy Ghost! in the plenitude of thy eternal Godhead, in thy light, I, in a measure see thee; and in thy condescending nearness to my nature I can love thee, for thou hast loved me. In thy strength may I begin, continue, and end every design and every work, so as to glorify thee by showing how much thou lovest man, and how much man may be ennobled and beatified by loving thee! Here am I fixed, here am I lost, and here I find my GOD, and here I find myself!

CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Adam Clarke V.—MAN. THE CREATION OF MAN.—Let us figure to ourselves, for we may innocently do it, the state of the divine nature previously to the formation of the human being. Infinitely happy, because infinitely perfect and selfsufficient, the supreme Being could feel no wants;—to him nothing was wanting, nothing needful. As the "good man is satisfied from himself," from the contemplation of his conscious rectitude; so, comparing infinitely great with small things, the divine mind was supremely satisfied with the possession and contemplation of its own unlimited excellences. From unmixed, unsullied goodness sprang all the endlessly varied attributes, perfections, and excellences of the divine nature; or rather, in this principle all are founded, and of this each is an especial modification. Benevolence is, however, an affection inseparable from goodness. God, the All-sufficient, knew that he could, in a certain way, communicate influences from his own perfections: but the being must resemble himself to whom the communication could be made. His benevolence, therefore, to communicate and diffuse his own infinite happiness, we may naturally suppose, led him to form the purpose of creating intelligent beings, to whom such communication could be made. He, therefore, in the exuberance of his eternal goodness, projected the creation of man, whom he formed in his own image, that he might be capable of those communications. Here, then, was a motive worthy of eternal goodness, the desire to communicate its own blessedness; and here was an object worthy of the divine wisdom and power, the making an intelligent creature a transcript of his own eternity, Psalm viii, 5, just less than God; and endowing him with powers and faculties of the most extraordinary and comprehensive nature. I do not found these observations on the supposition of certain excellences possessed by man previously to his fall: I found them on what he is now. I found them on his vast and comprehensive understanding; on

membraneous covering, the same colour, the same taste, the same smell,<br />

in every part; and yet the three leaves distinct; but each and all a<br />

continuation of the stem, and proceeding from the same root. Such a fact<br />

as this may at least illustrate the doctrine. An intelligent shepherd, whom<br />

he met upon the mountains, is said to have exhibited the herb and the<br />

illustration, while discoursing on certain difficulties in the <strong>Christian</strong> faith.<br />

When a child I heard a learned man relate this fact.<br />

May God the Father adopt me fully for his child! May God the Son<br />

dwell in my heart by faith! May God the Holy Spirit purge my conscience<br />

from dead works, and purify my soul from all unrighteousness! May the<br />

holy, blessed, and glorious TRINITY take me and mine, and seal us for his<br />

own in time and in eternity!<br />

O thou incomprehensible Jehovah, thou eternal Word, thou ever<br />

during and all-pervading Spirit;—Father! Son! and Holy Ghost! in the<br />

plenitude of thy eternal Godhead, in thy light, I, in a measure see thee;<br />

and in thy condescending nearness to my nature I can love thee, for thou<br />

hast loved me. In thy strength may I begin, continue, and end every<br />

design and every work, so as to glorify thee by showing how much thou<br />

lovest man, and how much man may be ennobled and beatified by loving<br />

thee! Here am I fixed, here am I lost, and here I find my GOD, and here<br />

I find myself!

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