Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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no longer, "know God after the flesh;" for even if we have known Jesus Christ after the flesh, we are to know him so no more. "God is love:" and in this an infinity of breadth, length, depth, and height is included; or rather all breadth, length, depth, and height are lost in this immensity. It comprehends all that is above, all that is below, all that is present, all that is past, and all that is to come. In reference to human beings, the love of God in its breadth is a girdle that encompasses the globe, or a mantle in which it is wrapped up. Its length reaches from the eternal purpose of the mission of Christ, to the eternity of blessedness which is to be enjoyed by the pure in heart in his ineffable glories. Its depth reaches to the lowest-fallen of the sons of Adam, and to the deepest depravity of the human heart; and its height to the infinite dignities of the throne of Christ. Whatever is good is from God; whatever is evil is from man himself. As from the sun, which is the father or fountain of light, all light comes; so from GOD, who is the infinite Fountain, Father, and Source of good, all good comes. And whatever can be called good, or pure, or light, or excellence of any kind, must necessarily spring from him, as he is the only source of all goodness and perfection. God dispenses his benefits when, where, and to whom he pleases. No person can complain of his conduct in these respects, because no person deserves any good from his hand. God never punishes any but those who deserve it; but he blesses incessantly those who deserve it not. The reason is evident: justice depends on certain rules; but beneficence is free. Beneficence can bless both the good and the evil; justice can punish the latter only. Those who do not make this distinction must have a very confused notion of the conduct of divine Providence among men. Philanthropy is a character which God gives to himself: while human nature exists, this must be a character of the divine nature. God loves man: he delighted in the idea when formed in his own infinite mind; he formed man according to that idea, and rejoiced in the work of his hands.

When man fell, the same love induced him to devise his redemption, and God the Saviour flows from God the Philanthropist. It cannot appear strange that God should will all men to be saved; for this necessarily follows from his willing the salvation of any. For that nature has not been divided, and every portion of it falls equally under the merciful regards of the Father of the spirits of all flesh. As God is "not willing that any should perish," and as he is "willing that all should come to repentance," consequently he has never devised nor decreed the damnation of any man, nor has he rendered it impossible for any soul to be saved, either by necessitating him to do evil, that he might die for it, or refusing him the means of recovery, without which he could not be saved. The will of God is infinitely good, wise, and holy. To have it fulfilled in and among men, is to have infinite goodness, wisdom, and holiness diffused throughout the universe; and earth made the counterpart of heaven. Will in GOD is that which he chooses or determines to do or leave undone. Now, as an excellent, perfect, and wise Being cannot will, or wish, or desire any thing that is not good, wise, useful, and proper to be done, so the will of God is ever influenced by his goodness; therefore he can never make a bad or improper choice, nor determine any thing that is not good in itself; and good or proper to all those who may be the objects of its operation. As will implies desire, and God's nature is good, so his will or desire must be good,—good in itself, and good to all those whom it affects: hence he must be good in all his actions, and good to all his creatures, in all his determinations and providential dispensations toward them. "God is love;" an infinite Fountain of benevolence and beneficence to every human being. He hates nothing that he has made. He cannot hate, because he is love. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and

When man fell, the same love induced him to devise his redemption, and<br />

God the Saviour flows from God the Philanthropist.<br />

It cannot appear strange that God should will all men to be saved; for<br />

this necessarily follows from his willing the salvation of any. For that<br />

nature has not been divided, and every portion of it falls equally under the<br />

merciful regards of the Father of the spirits of all flesh.<br />

As God is "not willing that any should perish," and as he is "willing<br />

that all should come to repentance," consequently he has never devised<br />

nor decreed the damnation of any man, nor has he rendered it impossible<br />

for any soul to be saved, either by necessitating him to do evil, that he<br />

might die for it, or refusing him the means of recovery, without which he<br />

could not be saved.<br />

The will of God is infinitely good, wise, and holy. To have it fulfilled<br />

in and among men, is to have infinite goodness, wisdom, and holiness<br />

diffused throughout the universe; and earth made the counterpart of<br />

heaven.<br />

Will in GOD is that which he chooses or determines to do or leave<br />

undone. Now, as an excellent, perfect, and wise Being cannot will, or<br />

wish, or desire any thing that is not good, wise, useful, and proper to be<br />

done, so the will of God is ever influenced by his goodness; therefore he<br />

can never make a bad or improper choice, nor determine any thing that is<br />

not good in itself; and good or proper to all those who may be the objects<br />

of its operation. As will implies desire, and God's nature is good, so his<br />

will or desire must be good,—good in itself, and good to all those whom<br />

it affects: hence he must be good in all his actions, and good to all his<br />

creatures, in all his determinations and providential dispensations toward<br />

them.<br />

"God is love;" an infinite Fountain of benevolence and beneficence to<br />

every human being. He hates nothing that he has made. He cannot hate,<br />

because he is love. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and

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