Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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nor act, but as he wills or permits: and hence it is evident he can at any time counteract, or suspend, or destroy all exertions of all finite beings. Therefore, be the power of sin and Satan what it may, this can be no objection against the destruction of sin in the heart of man. He is ABLE to do THIS. It is the prerogative of God alone to save the human soul. Nothing less than unlimited power, exerted under the direction and impulse of unbounded mercy, can save a sinner. The resurrection of the dead is a stupendous work of God; it requires his might in sovereign action: and when we consider that all mankind are to be raised and changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, then the momentum, or velocity, with which the power is to be applied, must be inconceivably great. All motion is in proportion to the quantity of matter in the mover, and the velocity with which it is applied. The effect here is in proportion to the cause and the energy he puts forth in order to produce it. But such is the nature of God's power in action, that it is perfectly inconceivable to us. Every thing is equally easy to that Power which is unlimited. A universe can be as easily produced by a single act of the divine Will as the smallest elementary part of matter. I have no doubt that the power or strength of the divine nature was the attribute principally contemplated by our rude ancestors, and indeed by all the primitive inhabitants of the earth, Hence colossal statues, immense rocks, and massive temples were dedicated to this power or strength, which at last the licentious imagination of man personified and adored, in a monstrous human form, under the name of Hercules, among the Greeks and Romans; Baal, among the Canaanites; Bramah, among the ancient Hindoos, &c.; and Tuisco, &c., among our Teutonic and Celtic ancestors; and hence every strong man was supposed to be the principal favourite of the Deity, and to be under the peculiar direction of this

strength or power. It was this which gave rise to the histories of Hercules, Theseus, Bellerophon, and the giants of different countries. OMNIPRESENCE.—Darkness and light, ignorance and knowledge, are things that stand in relation to us: God sees equally in darkness as in light; and knows as perfectly, however man is enveloped in ignorance, as if all were intellectual brightness. What is to us hidden by darkness, or unknown through ignorance, is perfectly seen and known by God; because he is all sight, all hearing, all feeling, all soul, all spirit—all in ALL, and infinite in himself. He lends to every thing; receives nothing from any thing. Though his essence be not impartible, yet his influence is diffusible through time and through eternity. Thus God makes himself known, seen, heard, felt; yet, in the infinity of his essence, neither angel, nor spirit, nor man, can see him; nor can any creature comprehend him, or form any idea of the mode of his existence. And yet vain man would be wise, and ascertain his foreknowledge, eternal purposes, infinite decrees, with all operations of infinite love and infinite hatred, and their objects specifically and nominally, from all eternity, as if himself had possessed a being and powers co-extensive with the Deity! O ye wise fools!—Jehovah, the Fountain of eternal perfection and love, is unlike your creeds, as he is unlike yourselves, forgers of doctrines to prove that the Source of infinite benevolence is a streamlet of capricious love to thousands, while he is an overflowing, eternal, and irresistible tide of hatred to millions of millions, both of angels and men! The antiproof of such doctrine is this:—He bears with such blasphemies, and does not consume their abettors. "But nobody holds these doctrines." Then I have written against nobody; and have only to add the prayer, May no such doctrines ever disgrace the page of history; or farther dishonour, as they have done, the annals of the church! It is strange that the doctrine of real, absolute, and external space, should have induced some philosophers to conclude it was a part or attribute of God, or that God himself was space; inasmuch as incommunicable attributes of the Deity appeared to agree to this; such as infinity, immutability, indivisibility, and incorporeity; it being also

strength or power. It was this which gave rise to the histories of Hercules,<br />

Theseus, Bellerophon, and the giants of different countries.<br />

OMNIPRESENCE.—Darkness and light, ignorance and knowledge, are<br />

things that stand in relation to us: God sees equally in darkness as in light;<br />

and knows as perfectly, however man is enveloped in ignorance, as if all<br />

were intellectual brightness. What is to us hidden by darkness, or<br />

unknown through ignorance, is perfectly seen and known by God;<br />

because he is all sight, all hearing, all feeling, all soul, all spirit—all in<br />

ALL, and infinite in himself. He lends to every thing; receives nothing<br />

from any thing. Though his essence be not impartible, yet his influence<br />

is diffusible through time and through eternity. Thus God makes himself<br />

known, seen, heard, felt; yet, in the infinity of his essence, neither angel,<br />

nor spirit, nor man, can see him; nor can any creature comprehend him,<br />

or form any idea of the mode of his existence. And yet vain man would<br />

be wise, and ascertain his foreknowledge, eternal purposes, infinite<br />

decrees, with all operations of infinite love and infinite hatred, and their<br />

objects specifically and nominally, from all eternity, as if himself had<br />

possessed a being and powers co-extensive with the Deity! O ye wise<br />

fools!—Jehovah, the Fountain of eternal perfection and love, is unlike<br />

your creeds, as he is unlike yourselves, forgers of doctrines to prove that<br />

the Source of infinite benevolence is a streamlet of capricious love to<br />

thousands, while he is an overflowing, eternal, and irresistible tide of<br />

hatred to millions of millions, both of angels and men! The antiproof of<br />

such doctrine is this:—He bears with such blasphemies, and does not<br />

consume their abettors. "But nobody holds these doctrines." Then I have<br />

written against nobody; and have only to add the prayer, May no such<br />

doctrines ever disgrace the page of history; or farther dishonour, as they<br />

have done, the annals of the church!<br />

It is strange that the doctrine of real, absolute, and external space,<br />

should have induced some philosophers to conclude it was a part or<br />

attribute of God, or that God himself was space; inasmuch as<br />

incommunicable attributes of the Deity appeared to agree to this; such as<br />

infinity, immutability, indivisibility, and incorporeity; it being also

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