Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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Lord and God are frequently interchanged; but every Lord is not God. It is the dominion of a spiritual Being or Lord, that constitutes GOD; true dominion, true GOD; supreme dominion, the supreme GOD; feigned dominion, the false god. He governs all things that exist, and knows all things that are to be known, He is not eternity, nor infinity: but he is eternal and infinite. He is not duration, nor space; but he endures always, is present everywhere; and by existing always and everywhere, he constitutes the very things duration and space, eternity and infinity. The nature of God is illimitable, and all the attributes of that nature infinitely glorious: they cannot be lessened by the transgressions of his creatures, nor can they be increased by the uninterrupted, eternal obedience, and increasing hallelujahs, of all the intelligent creatures that people the whole vortex of nature.

CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Adam Clarke III.—ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. This Jehovah is a Being of such infinite perfections, that no defect in him can be imagined; nor can we conceive any thing that might raise, improve, or exalt his nature. Because he is an infinite fulness, nothing can be added: and because he fills all space—the heavens and the earth, and inhabits eternity—nothing can be taken away from him. Whatever exists must necessarily be his creature, or an effect produced by him, the supreme First Cause. As he is independent and self-sufficient, he needs nothing that he has made. From eternity he existed without any other kind of being; and when he chose to create innumerable beings of endlessly varied natures, and possessing various degrees of relative perfection, he still continued to be the same independent being; all others deriving their existence and support from him. UNITY.—There is ONE GOD, who is self-existing, uncreated, infinitely wise, powerful, and good; who is present in every place; and fills the heavens, and earth, and all things. Now, as THIS ONE God is eternal, that is, without beginning or end, and is present everywhere, and fills all space, there can be only ONE such Being; for there cannot be two or more eternals, or two or more who are present everywhere, and fill all things. To suppose more than one supreme source of infinite wisdom, power, and all perfections, is to assert that there is no supreme Being in existence. A plurality of eternal beings would resemble a plurality of universes, eternities, and infinite spaces; all which would be contradictory and absurd. SPIRITUALITY.—We must not attempt to form conceptions of the supreme Being as if confined to form, to any kind of limits, to any particular space or place. As JEHOVAH, he is in every respect inconceivable;—no mind can grasp him;—he is an infinite Spirit;—equally in every place, and in all points of duration;—he cannot

Lord and God are frequently interchanged; but every Lord is not God.<br />

It is the dominion of a spiritual Being or Lord, that constitutes GOD; true<br />

dominion, true GOD; supreme dominion, the supreme GOD; feigned<br />

dominion, the false god. He governs all things that exist, and knows all<br />

things that are to be known, He is not eternity, nor infinity: but he is<br />

eternal and infinite. He is not duration, nor space; but he endures always,<br />

is present everywhere; and by existing always and everywhere, he<br />

constitutes the very things duration and space, eternity and infinity.<br />

The nature of God is illimitable, and all the attributes of that nature<br />

infinitely glorious: they cannot be lessened by the transgressions of his<br />

creatures, nor can they be increased by the uninterrupted, eternal<br />

obedience, and increasing hallelujahs, of all the intelligent creatures that<br />

people the whole vortex of nature.

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