Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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The law could not pardon; the law could not sanctify; the law could<br />

not dispense with its own requisitions; it is the rule of righteousness, and<br />

therefore must condemn unrighteousness. This is its unalterable nature.<br />

Had there been perfect obedience to its dictates, instead of condemning,<br />

it would have applauded and rewarded; but as the flesh, the carnal and<br />

rebellious principle, had prevailed, and transgression had taken place, it<br />

was rendered weak, inefficient to undo this work of the flesh, and bring<br />

the sinner into a state of pardon and acceptance with God.<br />

Where the law ends, Christ begins. The law ends with representative<br />

sacrifices; Christ begins with the real offering. The law is our<br />

schoolmaster to lead us to Christ; it cannot save, but it leaves us at his<br />

door, where alone salvation is to be found. Christ, as an arguing sacrifice<br />

for sin, was the grand object of the whole sacrificial code of Moses; his<br />

passion and death were the fulfilment of its great object and design.<br />

Separate this sacrificial death of Christ from the law, and the law has no<br />

meaning, for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take<br />

away sins.<br />

Take Jesus, his grace, Spirit, and religion out of the Bible, and it has<br />

neither scope, design, object, nor end.<br />

The gospel is God's method of saving a lost world, in a way which that<br />

world could never have imagined. There is nothing human in it; it is all<br />

truly and gloriously divine, essentially necessary to the salvation of man,<br />

and fully adequate to the purposes of its institution.<br />

Every language is confounded, less or more, but that of eternal truth.<br />

This is ever the same; in all countries, climates, and ages, the language of<br />

truth, like that God from whom it sprang, is unchangeable. It speaks in all<br />

tongues, to all nations, and in all hearts: "There is one GOD, the Fountain<br />

of goodness, justice, and truth. MAN, thou art his creature, ignorant,<br />

weak, and dependent; but he is all-sufficient—hates nothing that he has<br />

made—loves thee—is able and willing to save thee; return to and depend<br />

on him, take his revealed will for thy law, submit to his authority, and

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