Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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That this manual will be found useful for the purpose of reference, to those individuals who possess the doctor's other works; and that those who possess them not will be induced, from this specimen, to procure them as soon as possible, is, perhaps, not an unreasonable expectation. The unrivalled Commentary, which is now in course of publication in an elegant and cheap form,—with "multitudinous emendations and corrections from the author's own and last hand,"—I should like to see in every family, from the Norman to the Shetland Isles. While I indulge the hope that the short Life in this volume will be acceptable to many readers, I have great pleasure in stating that Mrs. Smith, of Stoke Newington, the amiable and accomplished "member of the family," to whom the public is so greatly indebted for the preservation of such valuable materials, is preparing a cheap edition of the life of her distinguished father. TADCASTER, April 9th, 1835. ————— SECOND EDITION. Grateful for the favourable manner in which the FIRST edition of the "CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY" has been received by the public, I have endeavoured to render the SECOND more worthy of general approval, and of the great and good man from whose works it has been compiled. SAMUEL DUNN. May 7th, 1835.

CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Adam Clarke CONTENTS TO CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Life of the Author I.—The Scriptures II.—God III.—The Attributes of God IV.—The Trinity V.—Man VI.—Christ VII.—Repentance VIII.—Faith IX.—Justification X.—Regeneration XI.—The Holy Spirit XII.—Entire Sanctification XIII.—The Moral Law XIV.—Public Worship


Adam Clarke<br />


Life of the Author<br />

I.—The Scriptures<br />

II.—God<br />

III.—The Attributes of God<br />

IV.—The Trinity<br />

V.—Man<br />

VI.—Christ<br />

VII.—Repentance<br />

VIII.—Faith<br />

IX.—Justification<br />

X.—Regeneration<br />

XI.—The Holy Spirit<br />

XII.—Entire Sanctification<br />

XIII.—The Moral Law<br />

XIV.—Public Worship

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