Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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published, the title of which is, "A Present for Female Servants: or, the<br />

Secret of their getting and keeping good Places."—S.D.<br />

[11] Dr. Clarke published two very instructive tracts, entitled, "The<br />

Rights of God and Caesar;" and The Origin and End of Civil<br />

Government."—S.D.<br />

[12] Few selections have been made from the doctor's "Letter to a<br />

Preacher." It is presumed that those who feel an interest in the contents<br />

of this chapter will purchase that interesting pamphlet. It deserves the<br />

attention of all ministers of the gospel, and to Methodist preachers is<br />

invaluable.—S.D.<br />

[13] In addition to the many other proofs in support of the great<br />

doctrine of the Godhead of Christ, which will be found in this volume,<br />

(see page 99, &c.,) I would here recommend to the notice of the critical<br />

reader an admirable essay on the Greek article, published at the end of the<br />

doctor's notes on the Epistle to the Ephesians, by that accomplished<br />

scholar, H.S. Boyd, Esq., author of "Translations from Chrysostom," &c.,<br />

who has read the Greek writers, both sacred and profane, with peculiar<br />

attention. It was carefully revised by him for the new edition of the<br />

Commentary, and was considered by Dr. Clarke the best piece ever<br />

written on the subject. The doctor's insertion of it is only one among<br />

many instances in which he showed his readiness to "sow beside all<br />

waters," and to avail himself of the talents of others to enrich his work<br />

and benefit the public.—S.D.<br />

[14] In the Minutes of Conference for the year 1827, (p. 77,) are these<br />

words: "It is the acknowledged right, and, under existing circumstances,<br />

the indispensable duty, of every chairman of a district, to ask all<br />

candidates for admission upon trial among us, if they believe the doctrine<br />

of the eternal Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ as it is stated by Mr.<br />

Wesley, especially in his notes upon the first chapter of the Epistle to the<br />

Hebrews, to be agreeable to the Ho1y Scriptures; and that it is also the<br />

acknowledged right, and, under existing circumstances, the indispensable

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