Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Adam Clarke I. THE SCRIPTURES. [5] THE NECESSITY OF REVELATION.—The absolute necessity of a divine revelation is sufficiently established. If God be the sole Fountain of light and truth, all knowledge must be derived from him. "The spirit of a man may know the things of a man; but the Spirit of God can alone know and teach the things of God." That is, the human intellect, in its ordinary power and operation, is sufficient to comprehend the various earthly things that concern man's sustenance and welfare in social life; but this intellect cannot fathom the things of God; it cannot find out the mind of the Most High; it knows not his will; it has no just idea of the end for which man was made; of that in which his best interests lie; of its own nature; of the nature of moral good and evil; how to avoid the latter, and how to attain the former, in which true happiness, or the supreme good, consists: and these things it is the province of divine revelation to teach, for they have never been taught or conceived by man. How unspeakably we are indebted to God for giving us a revelation of his WILL and of his WORKS! Is it possible to know the mind of God but from himself? It is impossible. Can those things and services which are worthy of, and pleasing to, an infinitely pure, perfect, and holy Spirit, be ever found out by reasoning and conjecture? Never; for the Spirit of God alone can know the mind of God; and by this Spirit he has revealed himself to man, and in this revelation has taught him, not only to know the glories and perfections of the Creator, but also his own origin, duty, and interest. Thus far it was essentially necessary that God should reveal his WILL; but if he had not given a revelation of his WORKS, the origin, constitution, and nature of the universe could never have been adequately known. The world by wisdom knew not God. This is demonstrated by the writings of the most learned

and intelligent heathens. They had no just, no rational notion of the origin and design of the universe. Moses alone, of all ancient writers, gives a consistent and rational account of the creation; an account which has been confirmed by the investigations of the most accurate philosophers. THE SCRIPTURES ARE REVELATIONS FROM GOD.—The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are, generally, through all Christian countries, and in almost all languages, termed, THE BIBLE, from a Greek word, , A BOOK, as being the only book that teaches the knowledge of the true God; the origin of the universe; the creation and fall of man; the commencement of the different nations of the earth; the confusion of languages; the foundation of the church of God; the abominable and destructive nature of idolatry and false worship; the divine scheme of redemption; the immortality of the soul; the doctrine of the invisible and spiritual world; a future judgment; and the final retribution of the wicked in the pains of eternal perdition, and of the good in the blessedness of an endless glory. These Scriptures we know to be revelations from heaven:— 1. By the sublimity of the doctrines they contain; all descriptions of God, of heaven, of the spiritual and eternal worlds, being in every respect worthy of their subjects; and, on this account, widely differing from the childish conceits, absurd representations, and ridiculous accounts given of such subjects in the writings of idolaters and superstitious religionists, in all nations of the earth. 2. By the reasonableness and holiness of its precepts; all its commands, exhortations, and promises, having the most direct tendency to make men wise, holy, and happy in themselves, and useful to one another. 3. By the miracles which they record; miracles of the most astonishing nature, which could be performed only by the almighty power of God; miracles which were wrought in the sight of thousands, were denied by none, and attested through successive ages by writers of the first respectability, as well enemies as friends of the Christian religion.


Adam Clarke<br />

I. THE SCRIPTURES. [5]<br />

THE NECESSITY OF REVELATION.—The absolute necessity of a divine<br />

revelation is sufficiently established. If God be the sole Fountain of light<br />

and truth, all knowledge must be derived from him. "The spirit of a man<br />

may know the things of a man; but the Spirit of God can alone know and<br />

teach the things of God." That is, the human intellect, in its ordinary<br />

power and operation, is sufficient to comprehend the various earthly<br />

things that concern man's sustenance and welfare in social life; but this<br />

intellect cannot fathom the things of God; it cannot find out the mind of<br />

the Most High; it knows not his will; it has no just idea of the end for<br />

which man was made; of that in which his best interests lie; of its own<br />

nature; of the nature of moral good and evil; how to avoid the latter, and<br />

how to attain the former, in which true happiness, or the supreme good,<br />

consists: and these things it is the province of divine revelation to teach,<br />

for they have never been taught or conceived by man.<br />

How unspeakably we are indebted to God for giving us a revelation of<br />

his WILL and of his WORKS! Is it possible to know the mind of God but<br />

from himself? It is impossible. Can those things and services which are<br />

worthy of, and pleasing to, an infinitely pure, perfect, and holy Spirit, be<br />

ever found out by reasoning and conjecture? Never; for the Spirit of God<br />

alone can know the mind of God; and by this Spirit he has revealed<br />

himself to man, and in this revelation has taught him, not only to know<br />

the glories and perfections of the<br />

Creator, but also his own origin, duty, and interest. Thus far it was<br />

essentially necessary that God should reveal his WILL; but if he had not<br />

given a revelation of his WORKS, the origin, constitution, and nature of the<br />

universe could never have been adequately known. The world by wisdom<br />

knew not God. This is demonstrated by the writings of the most learned

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