Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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LUST OF POWER. WHAT a truly diabolic thing is the lust of power! It destroys all the charities of life, and renders those who are under its influence the truest resemblants of the arch fiend. POLITICAL PARTY SPIRIT. PARTY spirit, especially in political matters, is the great disgrace and curse of England. This spirit knows no friend; feels no obligation; is unacquainted with all dictates of honesty, charity and mercy; and leaves no stone unturned to ruin the object of its hate. We have elections by law no more than once in seven years; and the mischief that is then done to the moral character of the nation is scarcely repaired in the succeeding seven. All the charities of life are outraged and trampled under foot by it; common honesty is not heard, and lies and defamation go abroad by wholesale. The rascal many catch the evil reports which the opposed candidates and their committees spread of each other, and the characters of the best men in the land are wounded, and lie bleeding till slow-paced oblivion cancels the remembrance of the transactions which gave them birth. FRIENDSHIP. POOR friendship! it has been so kicked about in the world, that it has now become a complete cripple, and will go halting usque ad Graecas Calendas. However, in all its wanderings, it is always sure of a night's lodging with us; and seems quite at home under our roof; and declares, and I suppose with sincerity, that our house is one of the very few out of which it has never been turned, and where it can always confidently expect entertainment. It and myself have never had any misunderstanding; and having grown old together, we are resolved to keep on good terms. It has often interested itself on my behalf; and though it has frequently been unsuccessful, yet, knowing its sincerity, I have taken the good will for the successful deed, and have still kindly taken it in, with all those whom it has recommended. Some of these look

well, and speak comfortably, and are full of good resolutions and professions; but a disposition to take offence so universally prevails, that several of them take themselves off without any previous warning; and others, after going out, linger a little at the door, and talk and look as usual: but every day I find them progressively farther off, till at last the distance is such that I cannot hear them, though they seem still to speak; and in time they get entirely out of sight! Nothing remains of them in our house but the name, with a scroll, in my own handwriting, under each: "Whenever thou art disposed to return, thou wilt find here the same welcome as formerly." I can say I never formed a friendship which I broke. My list of friends has not a blot in it; some of them, it is true, have slunk away; some seem to have hurried off, and others stand at a great distance; but I have made no erasure in my list, and when they choose to return, it can never appear, by reinsertion that they have proved false to their friend, or have been careless about him. Multitudes complain of the treachery of friends, betraying their secrets, &c., never considering that they themselves have been their first betrayers, in confiding to others what they pretend to wish should be a secret to the whole world! If a man never let his secret out of his own bosom, it is impossible that he should ever be betrayed. FLATTERY. MEN who praise you to your face are ever to be suspected. The Italians have a very expressive proverb on this subject: "He who caresses thee more than he was wont to do, has either deceived thee, or is about to do it." I have never known the sentiment in this proverb to fail. SELF-INTEREST. A MAN is to be suspected when he recommends those good works most from which he receives most advantage. Self-interest is a most decisive casuist, and removes abundance of scruples in a moment. It is


WHAT a truly diabolic thing is the lust of power! It destroys all the<br />

charities of life, and renders those who are under its influence the truest<br />

resemblants of the arch fiend.<br />


PARTY spirit, especially in political matters, is the great disgrace and<br />

curse of England. This spirit knows no friend; feels no obligation; is<br />

unacquainted with all dictates of honesty, charity and mercy; and leaves<br />

no stone unturned to ruin the object of its hate. We have elections by law<br />

no more than once in seven years; and the mischief that is then done to<br />

the moral character of the nation is scarcely repaired in the succeeding<br />

seven. All the charities of life are outraged and trampled under foot by it;<br />

common honesty is not heard, and lies and defamation go abroad by<br />

wholesale. The rascal many catch the evil reports which the opposed<br />

candidates and their committees spread of each other, and the characters<br />

of the best men in the land are wounded, and lie bleeding till slow-paced<br />

oblivion cancels the remembrance of the transactions which gave them<br />

birth.<br />


POOR friendship! it has been so kicked about in the world, that it has<br />

now become a complete cripple, and will go halting usque ad Graecas<br />

Calendas. However, in all its wanderings, it is always sure of a night's<br />

lodging with us; and seems quite at home under our roof; and declares,<br />

and I suppose with sincerity, that our house is one of the very few out of<br />

which it has never been turned, and where it can always confidently<br />

expect entertainment. It and myself have never had any<br />

misunderstanding; and having grown old together, we are resolved to<br />

keep on good terms. It has often interested itself on my behalf; and<br />

though it has frequently been unsuccessful, yet, knowing its sincerity, I<br />

have taken the good will for the successful deed, and have still kindly<br />

taken it in, with all those whom it has recommended. Some of these look

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