Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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quartz—fluor—chalcedony—arragonite—barytes—or any other? and which? II.—Grain, Seeds, &c. 1. WHAT grain is cultivated? wheat, oats, barley, rye? 2. How do they cultivate their ground? What sort is their manure, and how applied to produce the different crops? 3. When do they sow their wheat, oats, rye, &c., and plant their potatoes? 4. Potatoes.—Of what kinds, colours, size, and quality? When do they plant, and when dig up? How much of each is sown or planted per acre, and what is the produce? that is, how many bushels per acre, to one sown or planted on the different soils? 5. Is there any flax or hemp sown? How are they prepared for the wheel and loom, and into what species of cloth are they manufactured? III.—Horticulture and Planting. 1. GARDENS.—What pulse, beans, peas, the sorts, their time in the ground? carrots, parsnips, turnips? &c. What remarkable herbs and flowers? 2. Orchards.—What fruit? apples, pears, plums, gooseberries, currants? &c. What size and quality? What are their various kinds, and how used? 3. Plants.—What sorts? Are there any peculiar to the isles? meadow grass, of what sorts? clover, trefoil, lucerne, florin, &c. 4. Forest trees.—Fir, ash, elm, any plantations? Of what kinds, extent, and where?

5. What underwood, hazel, furs, or whins; juniper or other berries on the moors? IV.—Fish. 1. SHELL-FISH.—Oysters, muscles, razor-fish, pearl oysters, crabs, lobsters, limpets, cockles? &c. 2. Fish in the seas.—Porpoise, whale, shark, dog-fish, cod, ling, salmon, herring, haddock, gurnet, conger, mackerel, sparling? 3. How are the fish cured for winter there, such as salmon, cod, ling, herring? 4. Shoals of fish.—Of what kinds? when do they appear, whence do they come, and whither do they go? &c. 5. Pearls from the oysters, or muscles.—Of what shape, colour, and size? How used, vended, or manufactured? V.—Fowls. 1. WILD FOWL.—Geese, ducks, barnacles, gulls, grouse, pheasants, partridges, cuckoos, wrens, snipes, curlews, woodcocks, and birds of passage in general? Of what kinds? When do they usually appear and disappear? 2. Poultry.—Geese, ducks; hens, pigeons, turkeys? Of what size, and of what advantage to the inhabitants? VI.—Beasts. 1. OF what sorts are the cattle?—Cows, what colour, size, what milk per diem, and how much butter from a given quantity of milk? Horses? size, colours, strength? &c. Shetland poney, describe.

quartz—fluor—chalcedony—arragonite—barytes—or any other? and<br />

which?<br />

II.—Grain, Seeds, &c.<br />

1. WHAT grain is cultivated? wheat, oats, barley, rye?<br />

2. How do they cultivate their ground? What sort is their manure, and<br />

how applied to produce the different crops?<br />

3. When do they sow their wheat, oats, rye, &c., and plant their potatoes?<br />

4. Potatoes.—Of what kinds, colours, size, and quality? When do they<br />

plant, and when dig up? How much of each is sown or planted per<br />

acre, and what is the produce? that is, how many bushels per acre, to<br />

one sown or planted on the different soils?<br />

5. Is there any flax or hemp sown? How are they prepared for the wheel<br />

and loom, and into what species of cloth are they manufactured?<br />

III.—Horticulture and Planting.<br />

1. GARDENS.—What pulse, beans, peas, the sorts, their time in the<br />

ground? carrots, parsnips, turnips? &c. What remarkable herbs and<br />

flowers?<br />

2. Orchards.—What fruit? apples, pears, plums, gooseberries, currants?<br />

&c. What size and quality? What are their various kinds, and how<br />

used?<br />

3. Plants.—What sorts? Are there any peculiar to the isles? meadow<br />

grass, of what sorts? clover, trefoil, lucerne, florin, &c.<br />

4. Forest trees.—Fir, ash, elm, any plantations? Of what kinds, extent,<br />

and where?

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