Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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and hence, being turned out of these, they went to the highways and<br />

hedges to compel sinners to come to the marriage feast. For as they had<br />

sufficiently learned that nothing but the gospel could be the power of God<br />

unto salvation to them that believe, they boldly and zealously proclaimed<br />

Christ crucified wherever they found a crowd of sinners; using extempore<br />

prayer, and preaching without notes. This seemed a new thing in the<br />

earth; and while many were awakened and turned to God, several, who<br />

did not think that such extraordinary exertions were necessary, ridiculed<br />

their zeal; and others, who imagined God could not give his approbation<br />

to any kind of spiritual service that was not performed within the walls<br />

of a church, became greatly offended: and it is a fact that not a few<br />

opposed and blasphemed.<br />


AN itinerant ministry established in these kingdoms for upward of<br />

fourscore years, teaching the pure unadulterated doctrines of the gospel,<br />

with the propriety and necessity of obedience to the laws, has been the<br />

principal means, in the hand of God, of preserving these lands from those<br />

convulsions and revolutions that have ruined and nearly dissolved the<br />

European continent. The itinerant ministry to which this refers, is that<br />

which was established in these lands by the late truly reverend, highly<br />

learned and cultivated, deeply pious, and loyal JOHN WESLEY, A.M.,<br />

formerly a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; whose followers are<br />

known by the name of METHODISTS; a people who are an honour to their<br />

country, and a blessing to the government of their most excellent and<br />

revered king, George III.; who, through a long reign, has been the patron<br />

of religion and learning, and the father of his people.<br />

The following declaration was inserted in an album, by Dr. Clarke,<br />

during the last conference which he attended, exactly one month before<br />

his death:—

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