Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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money, and needless self-indulgence? Have you not seen that the use of tobacco leads to drunkenness? Do you not know that habitual smokers have the drinking vessel often at hand, and frequently apply to it? Nor is it any wonder; for the great quantity of necessary moisture which is drawn off from the mouth, &c., by these means, must be supplied by some other way. You tremble at the thought. Well you may; for you are in great danger. May God look upon and save you before it be too late!" Some of the most disagreeable things relative to the practice against which I have been writing, are still behind the curtain; and designedly detained there; and it is THERE ALONE where I wish every persevering smoker to seek for a certain vessel, named the spitting dish, which, to the abuse of all good breeding, and the insult of all delicate feeling, is frequently introduced into public company. May they and their implements, while engaged in this abominable work, be ever kept OUT OF SIGHT! WESLEY. ON the return of Mr. Wesley and his brother Charles from America, being both fervent in spirit, they powerfully proclaimed repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; and strongly insisted on the necessity of being born again, and of having the witness of God's Spirit with theirs, that they were thus born of God. At first, all the churches in London were open to them; and the people flocked together to see and hear two weather-beaten missionaries, whose skin appeared as if tanned by their continual exposure to the suns and winds of summer and winter on the continent of America. God attended their preaching with the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. Multitudes were turned from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God; and many obtained that faith in Christ by which the guilt of sin was removed, and the fear of death taken away; and had the Spirit of God witnessing with theirs, that they were the sons and daughters of God Almighty. The crowds that attended the churches where they preached were so great, that the clergy thought it proper to refuse them any farther use of their pulpits;

and hence, being turned out of these, they went to the highways and hedges to compel sinners to come to the marriage feast. For as they had sufficiently learned that nothing but the gospel could be the power of God unto salvation to them that believe, they boldly and zealously proclaimed Christ crucified wherever they found a crowd of sinners; using extempore prayer, and preaching without notes. This seemed a new thing in the earth; and while many were awakened and turned to God, several, who did not think that such extraordinary exertions were necessary, ridiculed their zeal; and others, who imagined God could not give his approbation to any kind of spiritual service that was not performed within the walls of a church, became greatly offended: and it is a fact that not a few opposed and blasphemed. METHODISM. AN itinerant ministry established in these kingdoms for upward of fourscore years, teaching the pure unadulterated doctrines of the gospel, with the propriety and necessity of obedience to the laws, has been the principal means, in the hand of God, of preserving these lands from those convulsions and revolutions that have ruined and nearly dissolved the European continent. The itinerant ministry to which this refers, is that which was established in these lands by the late truly reverend, highly learned and cultivated, deeply pious, and loyal JOHN WESLEY, A.M., formerly a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; whose followers are known by the name of METHODISTS; a people who are an honour to their country, and a blessing to the government of their most excellent and revered king, George III.; who, through a long reign, has been the patron of religion and learning, and the father of his people. The following declaration was inserted in an album, by Dr. Clarke, during the last conference which he attended, exactly one month before his death:—

money, and needless self-indulgence? Have you not seen that the use of<br />

tobacco leads to drunkenness? Do you not know that habitual smokers<br />

have the drinking vessel often at hand, and frequently apply to it? Nor is<br />

it any wonder; for the great quantity of necessary moisture which is<br />

drawn off from the mouth, &c., by these means, must be supplied by<br />

some other way. You tremble at the thought. Well you may; for you are<br />

in great danger. May God look upon and save you before it be too late!"<br />

Some of the most disagreeable things relative to the practice against<br />

which I have been writing, are still behind the curtain; and designedly<br />

detained there; and it is THERE ALONE where I wish every persevering<br />

smoker to seek for a certain vessel, named the spitting dish, which, to the<br />

abuse of all good breeding, and the insult of all delicate feeling, is<br />

frequently introduced into public company. May they and their<br />

implements, while engaged in this abominable work, be ever kept OUT OF<br />

SIGHT!<br />

WESLEY.<br />

ON the return of Mr. Wesley and his brother Charles from America,<br />

being both fervent in spirit, they powerfully proclaimed repentance<br />

toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; and strongly insisted on<br />

the necessity of being born again, and of having the witness of God's<br />

Spirit with theirs, that they were thus born of God. At first, all the<br />

churches in London were open to them; and the people flocked together<br />

to see and hear two weather-beaten missionaries, whose skin appeared as<br />

if tanned by their continual exposure to the suns and winds of summer<br />

and winter on the continent of America. God attended their preaching<br />

with the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. Multitudes were<br />

turned from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God; and<br />

many obtained that faith in Christ by which the guilt of sin was removed,<br />

and the fear of death taken away; and had the Spirit of God witnessing<br />

with theirs, that they were the sons and daughters of God Almighty. The<br />

crowds that attended the churches where they preached were so great, that<br />

the clergy thought it proper to refuse them any farther use of their pulpits;

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