Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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The soul was made for God; and nothing but God can fill it, and make<br />

it happy. Angels could not be happy in glory, when they had cast off their<br />

allegiance to their master. As soon as his heart had departed from God,<br />

Adam would needs go to the forbidden fruit, to satisfy a desire which was<br />

only an indication of his having been unfaithful to his God. Solomon in<br />

his glory, possessing every thing heart could wish, found all to be vanity<br />

and vexation of spirit; because his soul had not God for its portion. Ahab,<br />

on the throne of Israel, takes to his bed, and refuses to eat bread, not<br />

merely because he cannot get the vineyard of Naboth; but because he had<br />

not God in his heart, who could alone satisfy its desires. Haman, on the<br />

same ground, though the prime favourite of the king, is wretched, because<br />

he cannot have a bow from that man whom his heart even despised. O<br />

how distressing are the inquietudes of vanity! And how wretched is the<br />

man who has not the God of Jacob for his help, and in whose heart Christ<br />

dwells not by faith!<br />

Religion is a commerce between God and man; and is intended to be<br />

the means of re-establishing him in that communion with his Maker, and<br />

the happiness consequent on it, which he has lost by the fall. All notions<br />

of religion, merely as a system of duties which we owe to God, fall, in my<br />

apprehension, infinitely short of its nature and intention. To the<br />

perfection, happiness, or gratification of the infinite mind, no creature can<br />

be necessary. Religion was not made for God, but for man. It is an<br />

institution of the divine benevolence for human happiness. Nor can God<br />

be pleased with any man's religion or faith but as far as they lead him to<br />

happiness, that is, to the enjoyment of God; without which there can be<br />

no felicity: for God is the source of intellectual happiness, and from him<br />

alone it can be derived; and in union with him alone it can be enjoyed.<br />

Animal gratifications may be acquired by means of the various matters<br />

that are suited to the senses: but gratification and happiness are widely<br />

different; the former may exist where the latter is entirely unknown.<br />

God is a spirit, the human soul is a spirit, and the happiness suitable<br />

to the nature and state of man must be spiritual. The soul has infinite

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