Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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It is only in the use of lawful means that we have any reason to expect God's blessing and help. One of the ancients has remarked, "Though God has made man without himself, he will not save him without himself;" and therefore man's own concurrence of will, and co-operation of power with God, are essentially necessary to his preservation and salvation. This co-operation is the grand condition, sine qua non, of which God will help or save. But is not this endeavouring to merit salvation by our own works? No: for this is impossible, unless we could prove that all the mental and corporeal powers which we possess come from and of ourselves, and that we hold them independently of the power and beneficence of our Creator; and that every act of these was of infinite value, to make it an equivalent for the heaven we wished to purchase. Putting forth the hand to receive the alms of a benevolent man, can never be considered a purchase price for the bounty bestowed. For ever shall that word stand true in all its parts, "Christ is the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him." It is not for want of holy resolutions and heavenly influences that men are not saved, but through their own unsteadiness; they do not persevere, they forget the necessity of continuing in prayer, and thus the Holy Spirit is grieved, departs from them, and leaves them to their own darkness and hardness of heart. When we consider the heavenly influences which many receive who draw back to perdition, and the good fruits which, for a time, they bore, it is blasphemy to say, They had no genuine, or saving grace. They had it, they showed it, they trifled with it, and sinned against it; and therefore are lost. What a comfortable thought it is to the followers of Christ, that neither men nor demons can act against them but by the permission of their heavenly Father, and that he will not suffer any of those who trust in him to be tried above what they are able to bear, and will make the trial end in their greater salvation, and in his glory! Slothfulness is natural to man; it requires much training to induce him to labour for his daily bread: if God should miraculously send it, he will

wonder and eat it; and that is the whole. "Strive to enter in at the strait gate," is an ungracious word to many; they profess to trust in God's mercy, but labour not to enter that rest. God will not reverse his purpose to meet their slothfulness: they alone who overcome shall sit with Jesus on his throne. Reader, "take unto thee the whole armour of God, that thou mayest be able to stand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand." And remember that he only who endures to the end shall be saved. If to "watch" be to employ ourselves chiefly about the business of our salvation, alas! how few of those who are called Christians are there who do watch! how many who slumber! how many who are asleep! how many seized with a lethargy! how many quite dead! You have many enemies; be continually on your guard; be always circumspect: 1. Be watchful against evil. 2. Watch for opportunities to do good. 3. Watch over each other in love. 4. Watch that none may draw you aside from the belief and unity of the gospel. He that is self-confident is already half fallen. He who professes to believe that God will absolutely keep him from falling finally, and neglects watching unto prayer, is not in a safer state. He who lives by the moment, walks in the light, and maintains his communion with God, is in no danger of apostacy. Will it avail any of us how near we get to heaven, if the door be shut before we arrive? How dreadful the thought, to have only missed being eternally saved! to aim well and yet to permit the devil, the world, or the flesh, to hinder in the few last steps! Reader, watch and be sober. For want of a little more dependance upon God, how often does an excellent beginning come to an unhappy conclusion! Many who were on the borders of the promised land, and about to cross Jordan, have, through an act of unfaithfulness, been turned back to wander many a dreary year in the wilderness. Reader, be on thy guard. Trust in Christ, and watch unto prayer.

wonder and eat it; and that is the whole. "Strive to enter in at the strait<br />

gate," is an ungracious word to many; they profess to trust in God's<br />

mercy, but labour not to enter that rest. God will not reverse his purpose<br />

to meet their slothfulness: they alone who overcome shall sit with Jesus<br />

on his throne. Reader, "take unto thee the whole armour of God, that thou<br />

mayest be able to stand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand."<br />

And remember that he only who endures to the end shall be saved.<br />

If to "watch" be to employ ourselves chiefly about the business of our<br />

salvation, alas! how few of those who are called <strong>Christian</strong>s are there who<br />

do watch! how many who slumber! how many who are asleep! how many<br />

seized with a lethargy! how many quite dead!<br />

You have many enemies; be continually on your guard; be always<br />

circumspect: 1. Be watchful against evil. 2. Watch for opportunities to do<br />

good. 3. Watch over each other in love. 4. Watch that none may draw you<br />

aside from the belief and unity of the gospel.<br />

He that is self-confident is already half fallen. He who professes to<br />

believe that God will absolutely keep him from falling finally, and<br />

neglects watching unto prayer, is not in a safer state. He who lives by the<br />

moment, walks in the light, and maintains his communion with God, is<br />

in no danger of apostacy.<br />

Will it avail any of us how near we get to heaven, if the door be shut<br />

before we arrive? How dreadful the thought, to have only missed being<br />

eternally saved! to aim well and yet to permit the devil, the world, or the<br />

flesh, to hinder in the few last steps! Reader, watch and be sober.<br />

For want of a little more dependance upon God, how often does an<br />

excellent beginning come to an unhappy conclusion! Many who were on<br />

the borders of the promised land, and about to cross Jordan, have, through<br />

an act of unfaithfulness, been turned back to wander many a dreary year<br />

in the wilderness. Reader, be on thy guard. Trust in Christ, and watch<br />

unto prayer.

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