Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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of God's eye, and none shall be able to pluck them out of his hand. They are the angels and ambassadors of the Lord; their persons are sacred; they are the messengers of the churches, and the glory of Christ. Should they lose their lives in the work, it will be only a speedier entrance into an eternal glory. "The rougher the way, the shorter their stay; The troubles that rise Shall gloriously hurry their souls to the skies." Go on in the name of God; I am your invariable friend; I labour early and late for you; I feel the people as if they were members of my own family. As to small friends, value them not. God is with you, and therefore the devil must be against you. Preach Jesus and his present and full salvation. This will carry you through, because God will infallibly bear testimony to the doctrine that puts due honour on the sacrificial blood of his Son. No other doctrine, however highly it may speak of Him who shed it, does honour to the great design of God, than that which shows that it saves from the power and guilt of sin, and cleanses from all unrighteousness; not in a future world, but in this; and in the present time. Go on; fear nothing; God is with you, and nothing can withstand the all-conquering blood and mighty Spirit of the Lord Jesus. Proclaim loudly to the poor sinners that Jesus Christ tasted death for every man; and that his blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. This is the doctrine which God will own. What has the wretched stuff of C——n done for the world? Produced a spurious Christianity, and left the people in their sins! Walk with God, and you need fear no reproach. Luther said, Evangelium predicare, est furorem mundi in te derivare. Yes, he who preaches the unadulterated doctrines of the God who bought him will be hated by the Christian world. Jesus and his apostles were persecuted, not by the heathens, but by Jews professing godliness; so spurious Christians are the prime persecutors of the genuine followers of the Lord Jesus. Fear them not; our God is mightier than their devil! Amen. Selah. Whiskey and

tobacco will also fall before the Spirit of Christ: reason mildly with those who are addicted to them; in this respect you will gain ground by degrees. Be urgent, whether the times be prosperous or adverse, whenever there is an opportunity; and when there is none, strive to make one. The Judge is at the door, and to every man eternity is at hand! Wherever thou meetest a sinner, speak to him the word of reconciliation. Do not be contented with stated times and accustomed places merely; all time and place belong to God, and are proper for his work. Wherever it can be done, there it should be done. Satan will omit neither time nor place where he can destroy. Omit thou none where thou mayest be the instrument of salvation to any. He who wishes to save souls will find few opportunities to rest. As Satan is going "about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour," the messenger of God should imitate his diligence, that he may counteract his work. Let no minister of God think he has delivered his own soul till he has made an offer of salvation to every city and village within his reach. I have taken care that your credit should ever be preserved. For I think it fatal to our missionary work in any place, to dishonour the bill of a missionary; or to trifle with his just demands so as to render his credit suspicious. Take care to be ever prudent and economic; and while God spares me in reference to your station, I shall take care that your credit shall be preserved. A scandal or heresy in the church of God is ruinous at all times, but particularly so when the cause is in its infancy; and therefore the messengers of God cannot be too careful to lay the foundation well in doctrine, to establish the strictest discipline, and to be very cautious whom they admit and accredit as members of the church of Christ. It is certain that the door should be opened wide to admit penitent sinners; but the watchman should ever stand by, to see that no improper person enter

of God's eye, and none shall be able to pluck them out of his hand. They<br />

are the angels and ambassadors of the Lord; their persons are sacred; they<br />

are the messengers of the churches, and the glory of Christ. Should they<br />

lose their lives in the work, it will be only a speedier entrance into an<br />

eternal glory.<br />

"The rougher the way, the shorter their stay;<br />

The troubles that rise<br />

Shall gloriously hurry their souls to the skies."<br />

Go on in the name of God; I am your invariable friend; I labour early<br />

and late for you; I feel the people as if they were members of my own<br />

family. As to small friends, value them not. God is with you, and<br />

therefore the devil must be against you. Preach Jesus and his present and<br />

full salvation. This will carry you through, because God will infallibly<br />

bear testimony to the doctrine that puts due honour on the sacrificial<br />

blood of his Son. No other doctrine, however highly it may speak of Him<br />

who shed it, does honour to the great design of God, than that which<br />

shows that it saves from the power and guilt of sin, and cleanses from all<br />

unrighteousness; not in a future world, but in this; and in the present time.<br />

Go on; fear nothing; God is with you, and nothing can withstand the<br />

all-conquering blood and mighty Spirit of the Lord Jesus. Proclaim loudly<br />

to the poor sinners that Jesus Christ tasted death for every man; and that<br />

his blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. This is the doctrine which<br />

God will own. What has the wretched stuff of C——n done for the<br />

world? Produced a spurious <strong>Christian</strong>ity, and left the people in their sins!<br />

Walk with God, and you need fear no reproach. Luther said, Evangelium<br />

predicare, est furorem mundi in te derivare. Yes, he who preaches the<br />

unadulterated doctrines of the God who bought him will be hated by the<br />

<strong>Christian</strong> world. Jesus and his apostles were persecuted, not by the<br />

heathens, but by Jews professing godliness; so spurious <strong>Christian</strong>s are the<br />

prime persecutors of the genuine followers of the Lord Jesus. Fear them<br />

not; our God is mightier than their devil! Amen. Selah. Whiskey and

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