Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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with their flocks about penny-farthing tithes and stipends, rather than contending for the faith once delivered to the saints? Are they heavenly moulds, into which the spirits and conduct of their flocks may be cast? I leave those who are concerned to answer these questions; but I put them, in the name of God, to all the preachers in the land. How many among them properly care for the flock? Even among those reputed evangelical teachers, are there not some who, on their first coming to a parish or congregation, make it their first business to raise the tithes and the stipends, where, in all good conscience, there was before enough to provide them and their families with not only the necessaries, but all the conveniences and comforts of life? conveniences and comforts which neither Jesus Christ nor his servant Peter ever enjoyed. And is not the great concern among ministers to seek for those places, parishes, and congregations, where the provision is the most ample, and the work the smallest? Preacher or minister, whosoever thou art who readest this, apply not the word to thy neighbour, whether he be state-appointed, congregation-appointed, or self-appointed; take all to thyself; mutato nomine de te fabula narratur. See that thy own heart, views, and conduct be right with God. The church of God has ever been troubled with such pretended pastors; men who feed themselves, not the flock; men who are too proud to beg, and too lazy to work; who have neither grace nor gifts to plant the standard of the cross on the devil's territories, and by the power of Christ make inroads upon his kingdom, and spoil him of his subjects. On the contrary, by sowing the seeds of dissension, by means of doubtful disputations, and the propagation of scandals; by glaring and insinuating speeches, (for they affect elegance and good breeding,) they rend Christian congregations, form a party for themselves, and thus live on the spoils of the church of God. How can worldly minded, hireling, fox-hunting, and card-playing priests read Ezek. xxxiv, 2, &c., without trembling to the centre of their souls? Wo to those parents who bring up their children merely for church honours and emoluments! Suppose a person have all the church's

evenues, if he have God's wo, how miserable is his portion! Let none apply this censure to any one class of preachers exclusively. How many, by their attachment to filthy lucre, have lost the honour of becoming or continuing ambassadors for the Most High! How unutterable must the punishment of those be who are chaplains to princes or great men, and who either flatter them in their vices, or wink at their sins! Were men as zealous to catch souls as they are to support their particular creeds and forms of worship, the state of Christianity would be more flourishing than it is at present. There are multitudes of scribes, Pharisees, and priests; of reverend and right reverend men; but there are few that work. Jesus wishes for labourers, not gentlemen who are either idle drones or slaves to pleasure and sin. Alas! alas! how many preachers are there who appear prophets in their pulpits; how many writers, and other evangelical workmen, the miracles of whose labour, learning, and doctrine we admire; who are nothing, and worse than nothing, before God, because they perform not his will, but their own! What an awful consideration, that a man of eminent gifts, whose talents are a source of public utility, should only be as a waymark, or fingerpost, in the way to eternal bliss, pointing out the road to others, without walking in it himself! Where is the grand difference between the teaching of scribes and Pharisees, the self-created or men-made ministers, and those whom God sends? The first may preach what is called very good and sound doctrine; but it comes with no authority from God to the souls of the people. Therefore, the unholy is unholy still; because preaching can only be effectual to the conversion of men, when the unction of the Holy Spirit

evenues, if he have God's wo, how miserable is his portion! Let none<br />

apply this censure to any one class of preachers exclusively.<br />

How many, by their attachment to filthy lucre, have lost the honour of<br />

becoming or continuing ambassadors for the Most High!<br />

How unutterable must the punishment of those be who are chaplains<br />

to princes or great men, and who either flatter them in their vices, or wink<br />

at their sins!<br />

Were men as zealous to catch souls as they are to support their<br />

particular creeds and forms of worship, the state of <strong>Christian</strong>ity would be<br />

more flourishing than it is at present.<br />

There are multitudes of scribes, Pharisees, and priests; of reverend and<br />

right reverend men; but there are few that work. Jesus wishes for<br />

labourers, not gentlemen who are either idle drones or slaves to pleasure<br />

and sin.<br />

Alas! alas! how many preachers are there who appear prophets in their<br />

pulpits; how many writers, and other evangelical workmen, the miracles<br />

of whose labour, learning, and doctrine we admire; who are nothing, and<br />

worse than nothing, before God, because they perform not his will, but<br />

their own! What an awful consideration, that a man of eminent gifts,<br />

whose talents are a source of public utility, should only be as a waymark,<br />

or fingerpost, in the way to eternal bliss, pointing out the road to others,<br />

without walking in it himself!<br />

Where is the grand difference between the teaching of scribes and<br />

Pharisees, the self-created or men-made ministers, and those whom God<br />

sends? The first may preach what is called very good and sound doctrine;<br />

but it comes with no authority from God to the souls of the people.<br />

Therefore, the unholy is unholy still; because preaching can only be<br />

effectual to the conversion of men, when the unction of the Holy Spirit

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