Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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If Christ be a priest for ever, there can be no succession of priests; and if he have all power in heaven and in earth, and if he be present wherever two or three are gathered together in his name, he can have no vicars; nor can the church need one to act in his place, when he, from the necessity of his nature, fills all places and is everywhere present. This one consideration nullifies all the pretensions of the Romish pontiff, and proves the whole to be a tissue of imposture. A man may be well taught in the things of God, and be able to teach others, who has not had the advantages of a liberal education. Teachers who preach for hire, having no motive to enter into the ministry but to get a living, as it is called ominously by some; however they may bear the garb and appearance of the innocent useful sheep, the true pastors commissioned by the Lord Jesus, or to whatever name, class, or party they may belong, are, in the sight of the heart-searching God, no other than ravenous wolves, whose design is to feed themselves with the fat, and clothe themselves with the fleece, and thus ruin, instead of save the flock. He who preaches to get a living, or to make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege. Even in our enlightened country, we find prophets who prefer hunting the hare or the fox, and pursuing the partridge and pheasant, to visiting the sick, and going after the strayed, lost sheep of the house of Israel. Poor souls! they know neither God nor themselves; and if they did visit the sick, they could not speak to them to exhortation, edification, or comfort. God never called them to his work, therefore they know nothing of it. But O what an account have these pleasure-taking false prophets to render to the Shepherd of souls! "His blood will I require at thy hand:"—I will visit thy soul for the loss of his. O how awful is this! Hear it, ye priests,—ye preachers,—ye ministers of the gospel; ye, especially, who have entered into the ministry

for a living: ye who gather a congregation to yourselves that ye may feed upon their fat, and clothe yourselves with their wool; in whose parishes and in whose congregations souls are dying unconverted from day to day, who have never been solemnly warned by you, and to whom you have never shown the way of salvation,—probably because ye know nothing of it yourselves. O, what a perdition awaits you! To have the blood of every soul that has died in your parishes or in your congregations unconverted, laid at your door! To suffer a common damnation for every soul that perishes through your neglect! How many loads of endless wo must such have to bear! Ye take your tithes, your stipends, or your rents, to the last grain, and the last penny; while the souls over whom you made yourselves watchmen have perished, and are perishing through your neglect! O worthless and hapless men! better for you had ye never been born! Vain is your boast of apostolical authority, while ye do not the work of apostles. Vain your boast of your orthodoxy, while ye neither show nor know the way of salvation;—vain your pretensions to a divine call, when ye do not the work of evangelists. The state of the most wretched of the human race is enviable to that of such ministers, pastors, teachers, and preachers. We did not seek temporal emolument; nor did we preach the gospel for a cloak to our covetousness: God is witness that we did not; we sought you, not yours. Hear this, ye that preach the gospel! Can ye call God to witness that in preaching it ye have no end in view by your ministry but his glory in the salvation of souls? Or do ye enter into the priesthood for a morsel of bread, or for what is ominously and impiously called "a living, a benefice?" In better days your place and office were called "a cure of souls;" what care have you for the souls of them by whose labours you are in general more than sufficiently supported? Is it your study, your earnest labour, to bring sinners to God, to preach among your heathen parishioners the unsearchable riches of Christ? But I should speak to the thousands who have no parishes, but who have their chapels, their congregations, pew and seat rents, &c. Is it for the sake of these that ye have entered or continue in the gospel ministry?

for a living: ye who gather a congregation to yourselves that ye may feed<br />

upon their fat, and clothe yourselves with their wool; in whose parishes<br />

and in whose congregations souls are dying unconverted from day to day,<br />

who have never been solemnly warned by you, and to whom you have<br />

never shown the way of salvation,—probably because ye know nothing<br />

of it yourselves. O, what a perdition awaits you! To have the blood of<br />

every soul that has died in your parishes or in your congregations<br />

unconverted, laid at your door! To suffer a common damnation for every<br />

soul that perishes through your neglect! How many loads of endless wo<br />

must such have to bear! Ye take your tithes, your stipends, or your rents,<br />

to the last grain, and the last penny; while the souls over whom you made<br />

yourselves watchmen have perished, and are perishing through your<br />

neglect! O worthless and hapless men! better for you had ye never been<br />

born! Vain is your boast of apostolical authority, while ye do not the work<br />

of apostles. Vain your boast of your orthodoxy, while ye neither show nor<br />

know the way of salvation;—vain your pretensions to a divine call, when<br />

ye do not the work of evangelists. The state of the most wretched of the<br />

human race is enviable to that of such ministers, pastors, teachers, and<br />

preachers.<br />

We did not seek temporal emolument; nor did we preach the gospel for<br />

a cloak to our covetousness: God is witness that we did not; we sought<br />

you, not yours. Hear this, ye that preach the gospel! Can ye call God to<br />

witness that in preaching it ye have no end in view by your ministry but<br />

his glory in the salvation of souls? Or do ye enter into the priesthood for<br />

a morsel of bread, or for what is ominously and impiously called "a<br />

living, a benefice?" In better days your place and office were called "a<br />

cure of souls;" what care have you for the souls of them by whose labours<br />

you are in general more than sufficiently supported? Is it your study, your<br />

earnest labour, to bring sinners to God, to preach among your heathen<br />

parishioners the unsearchable riches of Christ?<br />

But I should speak to the thousands who have no parishes, but who<br />

have their chapels, their congregations, pew and seat rents, &c. Is it for<br />

the sake of these that ye have entered or continue in the gospel ministry?

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