Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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grace, gifts, and fruit. If he have the grace of God, it will appear in his holy life and godly conversation. If to this he add genuine abilities he will give full proof of his ministry: and if he give full proof of his ministry he will have fruit; the souls of sinners will be converted to God through his preaching, and believers will be built up on their most holy faith. How contemptible must that man appear in the eyes of common sense who boasts of his clerical education, his sacerdotal order, his legitimate authority to preach, administer the Christian sacraments, &c., while no soul is benefited by his ministry! Such a person may have legal authority to take tithes, but as to an appointment from God, he has none; else his word would be with power, and his preaching the means of salvation to his perishing hearers. What should ministers of the gospel feel on such subjects? Is not their charge more important and more awful than that of Moses? How few consider this! It is respectable, it is honourable, to be in the gospel ministry; but who is sufficient to guide and feed the flock of God? If through the pastor's unfitness or neglect any soul should go astray, or perish through want of proper spiritual nourishment, or through not getting his portion in due season, in what a dreadful state is the pastor! That soul, says God, shall die in his iniquities, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hands! Were these things duly considered by those who are candidates for the gospel ministry, who could be found to undertake it? We should then indeed have the utmost occasion to pray the Lord of the harvest to thrust out labourers into the harvest; as no one, duly considering those things, would go, unless thrust out by God himself. O ye ministers of the sanctuary! tremble for your own souls, and the souls of those committed to your care, and go not into this work unless God go with you. Without his presence, unction, and approbation ye can do nothing. Who is capable of these things? Is it such a person as has not intellect sufficient for a common trade or calling? No; a preacher of the gospel should be a man of the soundest sense, the most cultivated mind, the most extensive experience, one who is deeply taught of God, and who has

deeply studied man; one who has prayed much, read much, and studied much; one who takes up his work as from God, does it as before God, and refers all to the glory of God; one who abides under the inspiration of the Almighty, and who has hidden the word of God in his heart, that he might not sin against him. No minister formed by man call ever be such as is required here. The school of Christ, and that alone, can ever form such a preacher. The ministers of the gospel are signets or seals of Jesus Christ; he uses them to stamp his truth, to accredit it, and give it currency. But as a seal can mark nothing of itself unless applied by a proper hand, so the ministers of Christ can do no good, seal no truth, impress no soul, unless the great Owner condescend to use them. A wicked man can neither have nor communicate authority to dispense heavenly mysteries; and a fool, or a blockhead, can never teach others the way of salvation. The highest abilities are not too great for a preacher of the gospel; nor is it possible that he can have too much human learning. But all is nothing unless he can bring the grace and Spirit of God into all his ministrations; and these will never accompany him unless he live in the spirit of prayer and humility, fearing and loving God, and hating covetousness. The word of him who has this commission from heaven shall be as a fire and as a hammer; sinners shall be convinced and converted to God by it. But the others, though they steal the word from their neighbour, borrow or pilfer a good sermon; yet they do not profit the people at all, because God did not send them; for the power of God does not in their ministry accompany the word. For my own part, I should ever feel disposed to bow with respect to that rare dispensation of providence and grace which should, in similar circumstances, with as clear and distinct a call, raise up a woman of such talents and piety to labour in the gospel, where the people were perishing for lack of knowledge, and so snatch the brands from eternal burning.

deeply studied man; one who has prayed much, read much, and studied<br />

much; one who takes up his work as from God, does it as before God, and<br />

refers all to the glory of God; one who abides under the inspiration of the<br />

Almighty, and who has hidden the word of God in his heart, that he might<br />

not sin against him. No minister formed by man call ever be such as is<br />

required here. The school of Christ, and that alone, can ever form such a<br />

preacher.<br />

The ministers of the gospel are signets or seals of Jesus Christ; he uses<br />

them to stamp his truth, to accredit it, and give it currency. But as a seal<br />

can mark nothing of itself unless applied by a proper hand, so the<br />

ministers of Christ can do no good, seal no truth, impress no soul, unless<br />

the great Owner condescend to use them.<br />

A wicked man can neither have nor communicate authority to dispense<br />

heavenly mysteries; and a fool, or a blockhead, can never teach others the<br />

way of salvation. The highest abilities are not too great for a preacher of<br />

the gospel; nor is it possible that he can have too much human learning.<br />

But all is nothing unless he can bring the grace and Spirit of God into all<br />

his ministrations; and these will never accompany him unless he live in<br />

the spirit of prayer and humility, fearing and loving God, and hating<br />

covetousness.<br />

The word of him who has this commission from heaven shall be as a<br />

fire and as a hammer; sinners shall be convinced and converted to God<br />

by it. But the others, though they steal the word from their neighbour,<br />

borrow or pilfer a good sermon; yet they do not profit the people at all,<br />

because God did not send them; for the power of God does not in their<br />

ministry accompany the word.<br />

For my own part, I should ever feel disposed to bow with respect to<br />

that rare dispensation of providence and grace which should, in similar<br />

circumstances, with as clear and distinct a call, raise up a woman of such<br />

talents and piety to labour in the gospel, where the people were perishing<br />

for lack of knowledge, and so snatch the brands from eternal burning.

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