Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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children! Mrs. Wesley never considered herself discharged from the care of her children. Into all situations she followed them with her prayers and counsels; and her sons, even when at the university, found the utility of her wise and parental instructions. They proposed to her all their doubts, and consulted her in all difficulties. I consider the time spent at boarding school in teaching girls music, drawing, painting, and dancing, as almost totally lost. Reason and the necessities of the case, if consulted, would dictate that young women should be taught such things as might fit them for social and domestic life. But this is so far from being the case, that, when married, they are generally found utterly ignorant of the several duties incumbent on them; therefore the expectations of the husband are disappointed; he finds to his sorrow that the fine, well bred young lady knows better how to play on the harpsichord, drop a courtesy, sketch a landscape, or paint a rose, than to behave herself as a wife and mother, or conduct her domestic affairs with discretion. All these things, therefore, should be considered so many useless conformities to the world, which can be of no advantage in the most important departments and relations of life. It is easier for most men to walk with a perfect heart in the church, or even in the world, than in their own families. How many are as meek as lambs among others, when at home they are wasps or tigers! The man who, in the midst of family provocations, maintains a Christian character, being meek, gentle, and long suffering, to his wife, children, and his servants, has got a perfect heart, and adorns the doctrine of God his Saviour in all things. How can that family expect the blessing of God where the worship of God is not daily performed? No wonder their servants are wicked, their children profligate, and their goods cursed. What an awful reckoning shall such heads of families have with the Judge in the great day, who have refused to petition for that mercy which they might have had for asking!

How ruinous are family distractions! A house divided against itself cannot stand. Parents should take good heed that their own conduct be not the first and most powerful cause of such dissensions, by exciting envy in some of their children through undue partiality to others: but it is in vain to speak to most parents on the subject; they will give way to foolish predilections, till, in the prevailing distractions of their families, they meet with the punishment of their imprudence, when regrets are vain, and the evil past remedy. It may not be well in general for parents to tell their children of their former failings or vices, as this might lessen their authority or respect, and the children might make a bad use of it in the extenuation of their own sins. But there are certain cases which, from the nature of their circumstances, may often occur, where a candid acknowledgment, with suitable advice, may prevent those children from repeating the evil; but this should be done with great delicacy and caution, lest even the advice itself should serve as an incentive to the evil. Sovereign of the heavens and of the earth, behold this my daughter on the anniversary of her birthday! I bring her especially before thee; fill her with thy light, life, and power; as in thee she lives, moves, and has her being, so may she ever live to thee. Strengthen her, O thou Almighty! Instruct and counsel her, O thou Omniscient! Be her prop, her stay, her shield, and her Lord. Put all her enemies under her feet; deck her with glory and honour; make her an example to her family, a pattern of piety to her friends, a solace to the poor, and a teacher of wisdom to those who are ignorant and out of the way; and on all her glory let there be a defence to preserve, and in every respect to render it efficient! By her may thy name ever be glorified; and in her may the most adorable Saviour ever see the travail of his soul and he satisfied. Amen, amen! So be it! and let her heart hear and feel thy amen, which is, So it shall be—hallelujah. Wo to those parents who strive, for filthy lucre's sake, to prevent their son from embracing a call to preach Jesus to their perishing countrymen, or to the heathen, because they see that the life of a true evangelist is a

How ruinous are family distractions! A house divided against itself<br />

cannot stand. Parents should take good heed that their own conduct be not<br />

the first and most powerful cause of such dissensions, by exciting envy<br />

in some of their children through undue partiality to others: but it is in<br />

vain to speak to most parents on the subject; they will give way to foolish<br />

predilections, till, in the prevailing distractions of their families, they<br />

meet with the punishment of their imprudence, when regrets are vain, and<br />

the evil past remedy.<br />

It may not be well in general for parents to tell their children of their<br />

former failings or vices, as this might lessen their authority or respect,<br />

and the children might make a bad use of it in the extenuation of their<br />

own sins. But there are certain cases which, from the nature of their<br />

circumstances, may often occur, where a candid acknowledgment, with<br />

suitable advice, may prevent those children from repeating the evil; but<br />

this should be done with great delicacy and caution, lest even the advice<br />

itself should serve as an incentive to the evil.<br />

Sovereign of the heavens and of the earth, behold this my daughter on<br />

the anniversary of her birthday! I bring her especially before thee; fill her<br />

with thy light, life, and power; as in thee she lives, moves, and has her<br />

being, so may she ever live to thee. Strengthen her, O thou Almighty!<br />

Instruct and counsel her, O thou Omniscient! Be her prop, her stay, her<br />

shield, and her Lord. Put all her enemies under her feet; deck her with<br />

glory and honour; make her an example to her family, a pattern of piety<br />

to her friends, a solace to the poor, and a teacher of wisdom to those who<br />

are ignorant and out of the way; and on all her glory let there be a defence<br />

to preserve, and in every respect to render it efficient! By her may thy<br />

name ever be glorified; and in her may the most adorable Saviour ever<br />

see the travail of his soul and he satisfied. Amen, amen! So be it! and let<br />

her heart hear and feel thy amen, which is, So it shall be—hallelujah.<br />

Wo to those parents who strive, for filthy lucre's sake, to prevent their<br />

son from embracing a call to preach Jesus to their perishing countrymen,<br />

or to the heathen, because they see that the life of a true evangelist is a

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